A bridge too far. Trump equates Putin to American killers

Putin indiscriminately kills in Syria & Ukraine. Putin has CLEARLY assassinated people in the past that opposed him.

There is NO comparison to modern day America.

A comparison to modern day America was never made. This is silly. Again, the media played this up, rallied its programmed zombies and the semantics and hair splitting began.
I heard this:
"There's lots of killers, we've got a lot of killers....What, do you think our county is so innocent?"
I can't believe I'm engaging in this waste of cyber space but where did he say we're exactly like Russia or that we kill like Putin or Russia?
The implication is clear to a sane mind. 'WE'RE NOT INNOCENT AND WE HAVE KILLERS HERE'....which is perfectly on point.
The mass schizophrenia caused by the Trump administration's choice of words has to stop and people have to de-pussify and learn to appreciate a leader who is direct and usually blunt. The sensitivity level among schizo's is quite entertaining and all but get a hold of yourselves people....DAMN!
Putin indiscriminately kills in Syria & Ukraine. Putin has CLEARLY assassinated people in the past that opposed him.

There is NO comparison to modern day America.

A comparison to modern day America was never made. This is silly. Again, the media played this up, rallied its programmed zombies and the semantics and hair splitting began.
I heard this:
"There's lots of killers, we've got a lot of killers....What, do you think our county is so innocent?"
I can't believe I'm engaging in this waste of cyber space but where did he say we're exactly like Russia or that we kill like Putin or Russia?
The implication is clear to a sane mind. 'WE'RE NOT INNOCENT AND WE HAVE KILLERS HERE'....which is perfectly on point.
The mass schizophrenia caused by the Trump administration's choice of words has to stop and people have to de-pussify and learn to appreciate a leader who is direct and usually blunt. The sensitivity level among schizo's is quite entertaining and all but get a hold of yourselves people....DAMN!
Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.

I think I'll reserve judgment until I see the complete interview.

Oh, yes....I'm sure the full interview will negate his ridiculous, inflammatory remarks and his obvious ass-kissing Putin. Grow the fuck up.
Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.

I think I'll reserve judgment until I see the complete interview.

Oh, yes....I'm sure the full interview will negate his ridiculous, inflammatory remarks and his obvious ass-kissing Putin. Grow the fuck up.

Hey asshole, one of your dear leaders best buds advocated killing 25% of the US population and reeducating scores more. Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dorhn ring any bells? The unrepentant domestic terrorist who owned the home where your dear leader launched his political career.
Putin indiscriminately kills in Syria & Ukraine. Putin has CLEARLY assassinated people in the past that opposed him.

There is NO comparison to modern day America.
Never heard of Obama's indiscriminate drone strikes, huh?

Never heard of the Clinton list of questionable and "convenient" deaths, have you?

You're comparing killing Muslim terrorists with murdering scores of citizens, members of the media, and political opponents.
I see this as more overplayed bullshit and nothing more.
Consider this:
Have people lost lives at the hands of our nations leaders directly or indirectly? Think early release of criminals who re-offend, think the open border policy and illegals who murder, think district leaders of dangerous shithole cities who refuse to get aggressive with criminals, think Hillary and Benghazi
Whether or not these so called leaders could be called "killers" is subjective. I'm not willing to engage in the semantics of that but don't be stupid....Trump was right on point with what he said and it's consistent with his hold nothing back style.
Putin IS A MURDERER of individual Russian opponents....he poisons them or irradiates them.

THAT is not the same as collateral damage in a warring situation.

President Trump's comment deserves admonishing....and was demeaning to our Nation....and his own Presidential position.
Putin indiscriminately kills in Syria & Ukraine. Putin has CLEARLY assassinated people in the past that opposed him.

There is NO comparison to modern day America.

Where the hell do you come up with the Ukraine and Syria? He's not in the Ukraine and he has been freeing Syrians in Syria from terrorists for crying out loud.

The bullshit here over Aleppo wa a complete lie. The United Nations even admitted that the citizens of Aleppo were being held hostage by Jabhat al Nusra who are fucking al Qaeda in Syria.

Assad and Putin freed them . Yes there were civilian deaths but they had to free the citizens.

Stop believing the propaganda shit our media throws out there.
Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.

You've elected John Kerry in disguise.


I know you've been on this board forever, but you should also know that these newbee's on here are not going to read anything that doesn't have the Reich wing stamp of approval on it, much less believe it. Especially coming from CNN.

But Trump really never said that much good about our military, including stating he knows more than our Generals do, and he is trying to prove that now. In fact, he attacked several of our hero's, like John McCain. So it really should be no surprise to you that he is making these type of comments now, as he has done it quite frequently in the past.

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I see this as more overplayed bullshit and nothing more.
Consider this:
Have people lost lives at the hands of our nations leaders directly or indirectly? Think early release of criminals who re-offend, think the open border policy and illegals who murder, think district leaders of dangerous shithole cities who refuse to get aggressive with criminals, think Hillary and Benghazi
Whether or not these so called leaders could be called "killers" is subjective. I'm not willing to engage in the semantics of that but don't be stupid....Trump was right on point with what he said and it's consistent with his hold nothing back style.
Putin IS A MURDERER of individual Russian opponents....he poisons them or irradiates them.

THAT is not the same as collateral damage in a warring situation.

President Trump's comment deserves admonishing....and was demeaning to our Nation....and his own Presidential position.

Three people died in less than one month that were tied to the DNC/Clinton campaign last summer. Coincidence?

Look there has never been any proof whatsoever about Putin knocking off opponents. Stop with the anti Russian propaganda bullshit.

It's as phoney as the "golden showers" dossier.
I see this as more overplayed bullshit and nothing more.
Consider this:
Have people lost lives at the hands of our nations leaders directly or indirectly? Think early release of criminals who re-offend, think the open border policy and illegals who murder, think district leaders of dangerous shithole cities who refuse to get aggressive with criminals, think Hillary and Benghazi
Whether or not these so called leaders could be called "killers" is subjective. I'm not willing to engage in the semantics of that but don't be stupid....Trump was right on point with what he said and it's consistent with his hold nothing back style.
Putin IS A MURDERER of individual Russian opponents....he poisons them or irradiates them.

THAT is not the same as collateral damage in a warring situation.

President Trump's comment deserves admonishing....and was demeaning to our Nation....and his own Presidential position.

Three people died in less than one month that were tied to the DNC/Clinton campaign last summer. Coincidence?

Look there has never been any proof whatsoever about Putin knocking off opponents. Stop with the anti Russian propaganda bullshit.

It's as phoney as the "golden showers" dossier.

What comes out of Trump's mouth will always come out on the news. I believe it, because they normally have video's with his lips moving in sync to what he is saying.
Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.

I think I'll reserve judgment until I see the complete interview.

Oh, yes....I'm sure the full interview will negate his ridiculous, inflammatory remarks and his obvious ass-kissing Putin. Grow the fuck up.

Hey asshole, one of your dear leaders best buds advocated killing 25% of the US population and reeducating scores more. Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dorhn ring any bells? The unrepentant domestic terrorist who owned the home where your dear leader launched his political career.

We are talking about Trump acting as a puppet again. This is the making of America the Russian Puppet.
You may want to listen to some of GOP Senators that went public blasting Trump mentality. Just imagine how many of them that didn't say anything to the public. Best one is from R Senator Ben Sasse.

GOP senators blanch at Trump’s latest defense of Putin

And on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) lambasted Trump’s remarks and called on him to “show moral leadership about this issue.”

“Let’s be clear: Has the U.S. ever made any mistakes? Of course,” Sasse said. “Is the U.S. at all like Putin’s regime? Not at all. The U.S. affirms freedom of speech. Putin is no friend of freedom of speech. Putin an enemy of freedom of religion. The U.S. celebrates freedom of religion. Putin is an enemy of the free press. The U.S. celebrates free press. Putin is an enemy of political dissent. The U.S. celebrates political dissent and the right for people to argue free from violence about places where our ideas are in conflict.

“There is no equivalency between the United States of America, the greatest freedom-loving nation in the history of the world, and the murderous thugs that are in Putin’s defense of his cronyism. There’s no moral equivalency there.”

Sasse continued: “I don’t understand what the president’s position is on Russia. But I can tell you what my position is on Russia: Russia is a great danger to a lot of its neighbors, and Putin has as one of his core objectives fracturing NATO, which is one of the greatest military alliances in the history of the world. And so Putin is a mess. He’s committed all sort of murderous thuggery, and I am opposed to the way Putin conducts himself in world affairs, and I hope that the president also wants to show moral leadership about this issue.”
Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.

I think I'll reserve judgment until I see the complete interview.

Oh, yes....I'm sure the full interview will negate his ridiculous, inflammatory remarks and his obvious ass-kissing Putin. Grow the fuck up.

Hey asshole, one of your dear leaders best buds advocated killing 25% of the US population and reeducating scores more. Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dorhn ring any bells? The unrepentant domestic terrorist who owned the home where your dear leader launched his political career.

We are talking about Trump acting as a puppet again. This is the making of America the Russian Puppet.
You may want to listen to some of GOP Senators that went public blasting Trump mentality. Just imagine how many of them that didn't say anything to the public. Best one is from R Senator Ben Sasse.

GOP senators blanch at Trump’s latest defense of Putin

And on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) lambasted Trump’s remarks and called on him to “show moral leadership about this issue.”

“Let’s be clear: Has the U.S. ever made any mistakes? Of course,” Sasse said. “Is the U.S. at all like Putin’s regime? Not at all. The U.S. affirms freedom of speech. Putin is no friend of freedom of speech. Putin an enemy of freedom of religion. The U.S. celebrates freedom of religion. Putin is an enemy of the free press. The U.S. celebrates free press. Putin is an enemy of political dissent. The U.S. celebrates political dissent and the right for people to argue free from violence about places where our ideas are in conflict.

“There is no equivalency between the United States of America, the greatest freedom-loving nation in the history of the world, and the murderous thugs that are in Putin’s defense of his cronyism. There’s no moral equivalency there.”

Sasse continued: “I don’t understand what the president’s position is on Russia. But I can tell you what my position is on Russia: Russia is a great danger to a lot of its neighbors, and Putin has as one of his core objectives fracturing NATO, which is one of the greatest military alliances in the history of the world. And so Putin is a mess. He’s committed all sort of murderous thuggery, and I am opposed to the way Putin conducts himself in world affairs, and I hope that the president also wants to show moral leadership about this issue.”

Trump & his supporters have made a lot of Republican enemies on the hill. So while people believe they have a Republican majority in the Senate, it's really 52 minus 6 or 7--LOL
I see this as more overplayed bullshit and nothing more.
Consider this:
Have people lost lives at the hands of our nations leaders directly or indirectly? Think early release of criminals who re-offend, think the open border policy and illegals who murder, think district leaders of dangerous shithole cities who refuse to get aggressive with criminals, think Hillary and Benghazi
Whether or not these so called leaders could be called "killers" is subjective. I'm not willing to engage in the semantics of that but don't be stupid....Trump was right on point with what he said and it's consistent with his hold nothing back style.
Putin IS A MURDERER of individual Russian opponents....he poisons them or irradiates them.

THAT is not the same as collateral damage in a warring situation.

President Trump's comment deserves admonishing....and was demeaning to our Nation....and his own Presidential position.
When did Trump say we did all that?

It's you who needs admonishing.
Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.
He's right. Get your panties out of a wad. The us is in no way innocent and yes its committed MANY war crimes
O'Reilly was referring to Putin's murdering political opponents, not his military actions. Please tell me what American leaders have had their political opponents or loud mouthed newspaper editors murdered. I'm waiting.
“Let’s be clear: Has the U.S. ever made any mistakes? Of course,” Sasse said. “Is the U.S. at all like Putin’s regime? Not at all.
When did Trump say we were? Libs can't even hear straight anymore. You dipsticks are just so desperate you'll jump on anything.
Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.
He's right. Get your panties out of a wad. The us is in no way innocent and yes its committed MANY war crimes
O'Reilly was referring to Putin's murdering political opponents, not his military actions. Please tell me what American leaders have had their political opponents or loud mouthed newspaper editors murdered. I'm waiting.
You're a liar. Bill said Putin was a killer, that's what was responded to. You're just a propagandizer.
I see this as more overplayed bullshit and nothing more.
Consider this:
Have people lost lives at the hands of our nations leaders directly or indirectly? Think early release of criminals who re-offend, think the open border policy and illegals who murder, think district leaders of dangerous shithole cities who refuse to get aggressive with criminals, think Hillary and Benghazi
Whether or not these so called leaders could be called "killers" is subjective. I'm not willing to engage in the semantics of that but don't be stupid....Trump was right on point with what he said and it's consistent with his hold nothing back style.
Putin IS A MURDERER of individual Russian opponents....he poisons them or irradiates them.

THAT is not the same as collateral damage in a warring situation.

President Trump's comment deserves admonishing....and was demeaning to our Nation....and his own Presidential position.

Three people died in less than one month that were tied to the DNC/Clinton campaign last summer. Coincidence?

Look there has never been any proof whatsoever about Putin knocking off opponents. Stop with the anti Russian propaganda bullshit.

It's as phoney as the "golden showers" dossier.
ASK Trump or Putin, the only people needing those others helping them steal the emails, DEAD.

Clintons didn't need them dead, she just needed to have them arrested for the theft....

but the Russians and the Roger Stones etc involved in the theft and leaking the emails, needed them DEAD, so they would not rat them out.
Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.
He's right. Get your panties out of a wad. The us is in no way innocent and yes its committed MANY war crimes
O'Reilly was referring to Putin's murdering political opponents, not his military actions. Please tell me what American leaders have had their political opponents or loud mouthed newspaper editors murdered. I'm waiting.
You're a liar. Bill said Putin was a killer, that's what was responded to. You're just a propagandizer.
she's not a liar, you are just ignorant, and lack any kind of knowledge on Putin and how he kills off his political opponents.
You're comparing killing Muslim terrorists with murdering scores of citizens, members of the media, and political opponents.
I'm making no such comparison.

Even so, the fact remains that Dear Leader's drone strikes have killed hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent civilians.

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