A brilliant move by Fox News!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Boy, somebody at Fox News has finally put a thinking cap on! They are going to conduct a "town Hall" with two of the most accomplished liars in the world and censor them beforehand. Since the "town hall" will be taped, Fox will have the opportunity to clean it up before the actual broadcast, so the participants can make whatever libelous, completely untrue remarks they want to without any repercussions.

For an outfit like Fox, it's a stroke of genius!

Boy, somebody at Fox News has finally put a thinking cap on! They are going to conduct a "town Hall" with two of the most accomplished liars in the world and censor them beforehand. Since the "town hall" will be taped, Fox will have the opportunity to clean it up before the actual broadcast, so the participants can make whatever libelous, completely untrue remarks they want to without any repercussions.

For an outfit like Fox, it's a stroke of genius!
Fox can now be sued for what Trump says?

If that were the case media wouldn't interview anyone and debates would be cancelled. Politicians lie to get the sale, that's the business they are in.

Boy, somebody at Fox News has finally put a thinking cap on! They are going to conduct a "town Hall" with two of the most accomplished liars in the world and censor them beforehand. Since the "town hall" will be taped, Fox will have the opportunity to clean it up before the actual broadcast, so the participants can make whatever libelous, completely untrue remarks they want to without any repercussions.

For an outfit like Fox, it's a stroke of genius!
two most accomplished liars in the world?

Is Hillary interviewing Schiff, or is Schiff interviewing her?

Boy, somebody at Fox News has finally put a thinking cap on! They are going to conduct a "town Hall" with two of the most accomplished liars in the world and censor them beforehand. Since the "town hall" will be taped, Fox will have the opportunity to clean it up before the actual broadcast, so the participants can make whatever libelous, completely untrue remarks they want to without any repercussions.

For an outfit like Fox, it's a stroke of genius!

Probably need to update your talking points. Fox has moved away from Team Trump which was part of the reason Tucker got taken to the curb. The Trumpsters are fleeing to Newsmax for their Orange FanFiction.
Sean Hannity??
I can see it now -
"Mr. President is Biden a bad President?"
"Mr. President, the left say you are a bad guy, are you really a good guy?"
"Mr. President, Russia was all a hoax, talk about that for 5 minutes".

Sean Hannity.... :rolleyes:
I'd love to listen to Trump on the show, but Fox has betrayed us pretty badly. There are other channels we can turn to.

Boy, somebody at Fox News has finally put a thinking cap on! They are going to conduct a "town Hall" with two of the most accomplished liars in the world and censor them beforehand. Since the "town hall" will be taped, Fox will have the opportunity to clean it up before the actual broadcast, so the participants can make whatever libelous, completely untrue remarks they want to without any repercussions.

For an outfit like Fox, it's a stroke of genius!
So when is Biden going to hold a town hall or even a debate ? The last significant public speaking appearance was his Reichstag speech.
The overwhelming fear that Democrats have of Trump's words has always perplexed and amused me.

I doubt that Foxnews shares that phobia. More likely they saw the disaster of Trump's CNN Townhall, and DeSantis' Twitter Spaces Townhall and figure that this political season is jynxed as far as airing live conversations with candidates.

Fox will edit for time, pacing and to cut out any technical glitches. They will not censor Trump as the OP hopes. Anything they cut out would be immediately leaked.

Boy, somebody at Fox News has finally put a thinking cap on! They are going to conduct a "town Hall" with two of the most accomplished liars in the world and censor them beforehand. Since the "town hall" will be taped, Fox will have the opportunity to clean it up before the actual broadcast, so the participants can make whatever libelous, completely untrue remarks they want to without any repercussions.

For an outfit like Fox, it's a stroke of genius!
It wouldn't be a Faux program without libelous, completely untrue remarks. It's their business model.

Fox has lost its nerve.

Being on the losing end of a multi-million dollar defamation suit will do that to you.

Boy, somebody at Fox News has finally put a thinking cap on! They are going to conduct a "town Hall" with two of the most accomplished liars in the world and censor them beforehand. Since the "town hall" will be taped, Fox will have the opportunity to clean it up before the actual broadcast, so the participants can make whatever libelous, completely untrue remarks they want to without any repercussions.

For an outfit like Fox, it's a stroke of genius!
If had a nickel for every time the left claimed that Trump lied about something, only to find out months or years later that what Trump said actually wound up being the truth.

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