A.C.L.U. Files Lawsuit Seeking to Stop the Collection of Domestic Phone Logs


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
By CHARLIE SAVAGE, Published: June 11, 2013

WASHINGTON — The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Obama administration on Tuesday over its “dragnet” collection of logs of domestic phone calls, contending that the once-secret program — whose existence was exposed last week by a former National Security Agency contractor — is illegal and asking a judge to stop it and order the records purged.

When the A.C.L.U. goes against the current administration, it's clear Obama's in trouble. Read more @ http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/12/u...llance-program.html?emc=edit_na_20130611&_r=0
By CHARLIE SAVAGE, Published: June 11, 2013

WASHINGTON — The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Obama administration on Tuesday over its “dragnet” collection of logs of domestic phone calls, contending that the once-secret program — whose existence was exposed last week by a former National Security Agency contractor — is illegal and asking a judge to stop it and order the records purged.

When the A.C.L.U. goes against the current administration, it's clear Obama's in trouble. Read more @ http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/12/u...llance-program.html?emc=edit_na_20130611&_r=0

F_in' Commies!
About time the ACLU did something FOR America freedom instead of American oppression.

This collection of metadata, etc. is like a foot in the door. The story right now is that it's for America's safety and security from terrorism. We're all upset about it now because it does invade privacy. But there won't be any future uses for it. Really? Perhaps it's a precursor for things to come that Americans should not know about now. What is the goal of the progressives? If we don't do something right now to stop this creeping socialization of America we're not going to be a free country anymore. The government, by collecting this metadata now, will have a great repository of names, numbers, etc. by which they can monitor for any future dissent as to government control over our lives. All our medical information is going into one big pot now - so why not our thoughts and speech as well?
By robbing us of our freedom, the government is protecting our freedom? Am I missing something? I'm thinking this overreach transcends the progressive/conservative schism.

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