A Capitol Riot Suspect Could be Sent Back To Jail After He Broke Pretrial-Release Rules By Watching mike lindell's 'Cyber Symposium'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This has got to be a very stupid person. He is ordered to stay off the internet and not watch any conspiracy theory videos.

So what did he do? He got on line on his phone and watched lindell's symposium last week.

He lied to the judge about rejecting conspiracy theories and being remorseful of what he did at the capitol.

I hope the judge puts his sorry ass back in jail until trial.

It's nice to know that lower-court judged now get to decide for us what's a "conspiracy theory" and what's the truth.

Will they also be deciding what we get to eat for breakfast in the morning? We obviously don't pay them enough, seeing as how they have to make so many of our decisions for us.
This has got to be a very stupid person. He is ordered to stay off the internet and not watch any conspiracy theory videos.

So what did he do? He got on line on his phone and watched lindell's symposium last week.

He lied to the judge about rejecting conspiracy theories and being remorseful of what he did at the capitol.

I hope the judge puts his sorry ass back in jail until trial.

You are a horrible person.
Throw the book at his ass...!

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What kind of justice is that in a free nation. It's evil.

He lied to the court to get out of jail before trial.

He is ordered to not use the internet or watch conspiracy videos.

So he does exactly what he is ordered not to do.

Putting his ass back in jail until trial is what should happen. He broke the conditions of his release.
This has got to be a very stupid person. He is ordered to stay off the internet and not watch any conspiracy theory videos.

So what did he do? He got on line on his phone and watched lindell's symposium last week.

He lied to the judge about rejecting conspiracy theories and being remorseful of what he did at the capitol.

I hope the judge puts his sorry ass back in jail until trial.

The judge has a lot of leeway when ordering conditions for release, but this smacks of thought control. I wonder what a good lawyer could do with this order.
This has got to be a very stupid person. He is ordered to stay off the internet and not watch any conspiracy theory videos.

So what did he do? He got on line on his phone and watched lindell's symposium last week.

He lied to the judge about rejecting conspiracy theories and being remorseful of what he did at the capitol.

I hope the judge puts his sorry ass back in jail until trial.

3rd world dictatorship rules....
He's only facing 6 months in jail at the worst, and hasn't even been convicted yet. I'd tell that judge to go fuck himself.

Now when somebody comes up with someone who's suspected of actual "insurgency", please wake me up. This whole thing has been nothing but a combination of a bad kabuki theater, and a Tijuana donkey show.
It's either we're a nation of laws, or we're not.

So which is it?
Of course he needs to be dealt justice. If the judge ordered it he needed to abide by it. Whether the judge's order was right or not is my contention, and I would like to see a good lawyer take it on. Naturally, you hate the guy because Orange Man Bad. I dare say that if this guy was a black man released on the condition that he was forbidden to speak with his brother, you would not be quite so eager to "throw the book at him".
I need way more info here. I think Lindell is a moron, I don't support Trump, I don't watch the Q conspiracy crap but I still understand that people have a right to protest.

I didn't support the reason they protested but I supported them protesting.

We have long restricted who those still in the system can associate with so on the other hand I can see this as similar and a fair system will treat all the same.
It's either we're a nation of laws, or we're not.

oh now that is funny considering what we've watched the left do for the past 20 years. and especially the last 5.
This has got to be a very stupid person. He is ordered to stay off the internet and not watch any conspiracy theory videos.

So what did he do? He got on line on his phone and watched lindell's symposium last week.

He lied to the judge about rejecting conspiracy theories and being remorseful of what he did at the capitol.

I hope the judge puts his sorry ass back in jail until trial.

Good stuff. They need to put his ass back in jail. He broke the rules and must pay.
Surprised the judge didn't order him to attend CRT training.
Not sure if I agree with the conditions of his release. I think you would have a case against the judge on his release conditions. The big issue the guy agreed to the terms of his release, so he isn't too bright either. If he is found guilty, the time he spends in jail now will count as time served for at least part of the sentence if not all, depending on his sentence. I know that will upset lefties but it is the law.

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