A Cardiologist Speaks

This guy is a great speaker, but more so than that, he excels at telling the truth in a way that anyone can understand. There is so much valuable information in his presentation, I won't even cherry pick, as there is just too much.

I know, it's long, so I have included a primer, so you won't have to listen to all of it (even though I highly recommend you do)

24:00-28:00 - I'll call this 4 minute segment an "intro", you can watch this if you want to see what it's all about
30:00 - 'Autophagy' - Never heard of it? Well, you should. Keep watching.
47:00 - 'SIRT-1'
52:00 - 'Fruits'
57:00 - 'Protein'
1:15:00 - 'Metabolic Syndrome' -
(HBP-High Blood Sugar-High Triglycerides-Low HDL)

Pro Tip: It's hard to remember all of this, so have a pen and notepad, and write down key points.

Try a seven day DRY fast to really get the benefits of autophagy.

You are absolutely right on the 7 day fast! I didn't mention this on the thread, but he says that you have a 70% less chance of getting cancer if you do a 7 day water fast. Completely recycles and expels free radicals. I don't know what a DRY fast is, and have you done one?
You are absolutely right on the 7 day fast! I didn't mention this on the thread, but he says that you have a 70% less chance of getting cancer if you do a 7 day water fast. Completely recycles and expels free radicals. I don't know what a DRY fast is, and have you done one?
It’s just what it’s name implies. No water or food for seven days. This is rather extreme and not for the weak or sick. No execration and daily short walks with skin exposed to moist air and daily cool baths. Your skin will absorb water.

Ive done a lot of water fasts over years and found them easy to do and very beneficial. I’ve found dry fasts very difficult. I’ve done 2-3 day dry fasts.

My thread of a few years ago just received ridicule.
Thread 'Dry Fasting'
Dry Fasting
Dry fasting sounds a little risky. I wasn't aware you could even make it 7 days without water. I'm totally fine with a 7 day water fast. I doubt you could find a reputable doctor who would sign off on a 7 day dry fast. I'll check out your thread though.
Dry fasting sounds a little risky. I wasn't aware you could even make it 7 days without water. I'm totally fine with a 7 day water fast. I doubt you could find a reputable doctor who would sign off on a 7 day dry fast. I'll check out your thread though.
No. Russian doctors have used multiple day dry fasts for decades. Healing all sorts of different illnesses.

Most doctors are unfamiliar and will immediately denigrate it, which only means they’re ignorant. The author of the book I posted above is a scientist Ph D. He does one seven day dry fast annually. He’s in his seventies and doing well.

Dry fasting will result in a much higher level of autophagy than water fasts. It may also greatly reduce aging and cure the body of multiple ailments.
No. Russian doctors have used multiple day dry fasts for decades. Healing all sorts of different illnesses.

Most doctors are unfamiliar and will immediately denigrate it, which only means they’re ignorant. The author of the book I posted above is a scientist Ph D. He does one seven day dry fast annually. He’s in his seventies and doing well.

Dry fasting will result in a much higher level of autophagy than water fasts. It may also greatly reduce aging and cure the body of multiple ailments.
Ok, that's more specific information that you never mentioned. I don't doubt doing without anything for medical benefits, but this is the first I've heard of water fasts. It does sound interesting.
This thread is not about Covid 19 or the vaccines.
It damn well is .
If you are not a fat Oinker and have no co-morbidities, taking C, D and Zinc will almost guarantee that you will never catch Covid in the first place = Health and Style, your OP.

If you allowed them to Killer Shoot you , high dose C, D , Zinc plus anti Oxidants will remove much of the poisons = Health and Life Style , your OP.

It's effectively all that Jamnad talks about .
Inflammation as the general symptom of disease .
So what treatments are there ?
Anti virals, anti inflammatories , anti oxidants , intermittent fasting and other specific measures to intensify autophagy - see post 8.
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Ok, that's more specific information that you never mentioned. I don't doubt doing without anything for medical benefits, but this is the first I've heard of water fasts. It does sound interesting.
I can’t mention everything in short posts. I’ve done much research, which I can’t relay in this format nor do I intend to. You'll have to do your own research if you want to make an adequate conclusion.

You've admitted to knowing little about this topic and knowing nothing of autophagy. Why would you make a conclusion when you aren’t informed?
I can’t mention everything in short posts. I’ve done much research, which I can’t relay in this format nor do I intend to. You'll have to do your own research if you want to make an adequate conclusion.

You've admitted to knowing little about this topic and knowing nothing of autophagy. Why would you make a conclusion when you aren’t informed?
My comment was because I'm very much interested in trying to stay hydrated, and have zero desire to abstain from doing so. I should probably be taking in 80-100 oz. a day, and since most of coffee is actually water, at least the first number of cups, and I stay close to that, or at least try. I'm not trying to disparage this approach, but I don't think it;'s for me. If I were to do research and change my mind, I'll post it here.
Dr. Malone says that the mRNA from the jab stays in the lymph nodes for 60 days. It's doubtful that fasting will suffice for this sequestered spike mRNA nor if there is anything published, because this SARS2 "vaccine" spike is a unique spike:
My comment was because I'm very much interested in trying to stay hydrated, and have zero desire to abstain from doing so. I should probably be taking in 80-100 oz. a day, and since most of coffee is actually water, at least the first number of cups, and I stay close to that, or at least try. I'm not trying to disparage this approach, but I don't think it;'s for me. If I were to do research and change my mind, I'll post it here.

It looks as though you are saying you use coffee for hydration.

Fasting is about the only way to determine how healthy, or sick, you actually are. For example, many people don't realize how exhausted they actually are until they go on vacation and crash/sleep for a whole day once they get away from their busy working life.

It looks as though you are saying you use coffee for hydration.

Coffee is my main source of daily hydration (about 16 oz). That and milk, a little soda, beer, and oranges. I drink very little straight water. The body is very good a managing hydration without drinking lots of extra water. In fact, about 17% of need is produced by metabolism alone. And, when you fast this extra water is expelled.
Coffee is my main source of daily hydration (about 16 oz). That and milk, a little soda, beer, and oranges. I drink very little straight water. The body is very good a managing hydration without drinking lots of extra water. In fact, about 17% of need is produced by metabolism alone. And, when you fast this extra water is expelled.


What role does caffeine's property as a diuretic play in this?

Let me share my experience, or what my routine is: OMAD. One meal a day. 2 hour feed window, which is really twice as big a window as you need. I'm not concerned with shrinking the window, my only concern is to lengthen a water, coffee and tea only fast to 72 hours. Got a ways to go to get there, but this allows me a structured eating regimen which I can continue to improve over time. I am loving this eating routine and cannot believe I just discovered it.
Let me share my experience, or what my routine is: OMAD. One meal a day. 2 hour feed window, which is really twice as big a window as you need. I'm not concerned with shrinking the window, my only concern is to lengthen a water, coffee and tea only fast to 72 hours. Got a ways to go to get there, but this allows me a structured eating regimen which I can continue to improve over time. I am loving this eating routine and cannot believe I just discovered it.
I’ve done multi-day water fasts annually for about ten years. Ive found that after about 48 hours I get a feeling of near euphoria. My body feels very good and strong. In my research this tends to be a common experience with fasting.

I intend to do “dry fasts“ in the near future. The research indicates they are much more beneficial to the body as it eliminates harmful wastes and heals the body.

This guy is an expert on dry fasts.

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