A chance for the Russian Federation to become a right-wing country.


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
This is a repetition of the Reagan and Bush policies to encourage the influx of migrants from Mexico. For the Russian Federation, this is Central Asia. These are conservative patriarchal peoples who, if they influence politics in the Russian Federation, will shift it to the right. At the moment, this is impossible, because Russians treat Central Asians badly and the authorities are not doing enough to protect them from the Nazis and unscrupulous politicians.

This is exactly what leftist Trump, the communist Agent of Europe, systematically destroyed.
Women from Central Asian families still honor men as heads of families and do not raise their voices to them. They have very feminine bodies and characters. America could also support the Central Asians if it is for Freedom. But America left the Central Asians of Afghanistan in trouble, this is a sin against freedom and against the Great Reagan
Russia is already the model for single party right wing rule.
Left, absolutely left.
RF is left even by constitution
Since 14 there is revival of stalinism
The last amendments to the Constitution of 20 have extremely strengthened the feds
In the Russian Constitution, socialism was predetermined from the beginning, it was the machinations of Clinton. Article 7 of the Constitution says: RF is a welfare state

It was 1993
This is a repetition of the Reagan and Bush policies to encourage the influx of migrants from Mexico. For the Russian Federation, this is Central Asia. These are conservative patriarchal peoples who, if they influence politics in the Russian Federation, will shift it to the right. At the moment, this is impossible, because Russians treat Central Asians badly and the authorities are not doing enough to protect them from the Nazis and unscrupulous politicians.

This is exactly what leftist Trump, the communist Agent of Europe, systematically destroyed.

Not hardly. Right-wingers abhor Marxism. Russia is still a Marxist country.
Not hardly. Right-wingers abhor Marxism. Russia is still a Marxist country.
America, too, once followed the Marxist path, under Roosevelt-Stalinism. Russia from 85 to 92 was strongly shifted to the right. In Russia, especially in the east, there is a potential for a shift to the right. Traditionally, the Golden Horde and Steppe Russia were patriarchal, this influence has not died yet.
Save that shit for idiots who don't know any better.
You're just a stupid fucking European, you're not even an American, it's obvious from your rhetoric
It is Europe that thinks that the left liberties of slaves and faggots are related to Freedom in US GOP sense
Save that shit for idiots who don't know any better.
Those who fought for freedom in the USA and wrote the American Anthem, killed such left-wing European whores as you

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the Star-Spangled Banner, in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Don't you dare contradict the Fathers of America in the interpretation of Freedom, you shameful Eurocentric fraudulent whore
America, too, once followed the Marxist path, under Roosevelt-Stalinism. Russia from 85 to 92 was strongly shifted to the right. In Russia, especially in the east, there is a potential for a shift to the right. Traditionally, the Golden Horde and Steppe Russia were patriarchal, this influence has not died yet.

Not even close. FDR was a socialist, which is a watered-down version of a communist, which is a watered-down version of a full-blown Marxist.

The closest President we've had to a Marxist, was Barack Obama. He was raised and mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a dyed in the wool Marxist. Obama also invited Marxist domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers to the White House.

Biden is not a Marxist, but his administration is overflowing with them. They also inhabit Congress: Alexandria Cortez and Ilhan Omar, to name a couple.

And China? China took one look and Marxism and said "Hold my beer and watch this..."
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Not even close. FDR was a socialist, which is a watered-down version of a communist, which is a watered-down version of a full-blown Marxist.

The closest President we've had to a Marxist, was Barack Obama. He was raised and mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a dyed in the wool Marxist. Obama also invited Marxist domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers to the White House.

Biden is not a Marxist, but his administration is overflowing with them. They also inhabit Congress: Alexandria Cortez and Ilhan Omar, to name a couple.
All leftists are prone to Marxism and slavery, they simply cannot fully realize Marxism, due to the rejection of it by American society. Roosevelt was on the British leash with Stalin, and he is closer to Stalin than anyone else. He took away America's freedoms, and his reforms provided for a complete transition to a planned economy. His initiatives were partially rejected by Congress, and then McCarthy came and destroyed the leftist mafia
Methinks that rupol2000 is a paid Russian troll.......................

Putin should ask for his money back, as his Troll Fu is decidedly weak.
In the USSR, too, there was no complete Marxism, it operated only during Stalinism, in 30-53
Not hardly. Right-wingers abhor Marxism. Russia is still a Marxist country.
In this sense, the United States are also Marxist. The Dems and Trumpsters are promoting left-wing Keynesianism, the same thing in the Russian Federation. Due to historical traditions, the USA is still freer, but the trend there is the same. On the issue of left-wing homosexuality and debauchery, the United States is even more "progresive" than the Russian Federation now. On the issue of regional independence and individual freedoms, for now, still more right
In this sense, the United States are also Marxist. The Dems and Trumpsters are promoting left-wing Keynesianism, the same thing in the Russian Federation. Due to historical traditions, the USA is still freer, but the trend there is the same. On the issue of left-wing homosexuality and debauchery, the United States is even more "progresive" than the Russian Federation now. On the issue of regional independence and individual freedoms, for now, still more right

Please stop pretending you know more about my country's policies than I do. You've never even set foot in this country.

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