A Christian's...Disconnect with logic :)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Yesterday was supposed to be 69 and sunny but didn't make it above 60 and cloudy until the last rays on sunlight when it set finally clearing a little bit. But I sat outside on my porch in defiance. Even if I had to don a heavy jacket to do so comfortably. :) Being outside with the great accoustics here (circular building bounding sounds back n forth over n over) little sounds like people talking in normal voices are easily discernable far away. And neighbors' boombox two doors down even more so. ;)

Was some country music about Jesus every song. Not surprising as the guy runs or ran a home church there for a while. So he's going back n forth from his place to the laundry room, music blaringly loud and thoughts of wishing I had a gun to blow my brains out playing through my head. :) But what was the last straw was when some kids came by to play with his and their usual banter back n forth came around to his telling them about an incident a few days ago involving one of the kids he doesn't like spitting inhis son's mouth during some kind of dare to do so, his son backing out, the other girl apparently didn't. :) So he relates the incident then says "...she doesn't have any respect...Everything should be "yes sir/ma'am."

That'd be fine if not for the 'noise pollution' I a good neighbor silently endured figuring his wife and their newborn were out and this was just him blasting some tunes while he could. But doing so coupled with it being religious music then saying you deserve respect and object to a little girl all of maybe 7 or 8 not giving it to you had me pulling my hair out (in my head) lest I stomp over there and dress him down for it.

Respect is earned folks. You don't get it "just because." And blasting your stereo so people a hundred yards away can hear it well enough to be annoyed to say nothing of people two doors down then whining about a little kid not giving you the respect you think you rate is one of those things neighbors store up in their heads to smack you upside the head with down the road. :)

I don't like to make trouble over stuff like this, so am venting here :)
All I hear is the din of 20,000 chickens clucking at one time....

Combination of the accoustics here and decent hearing hear people screwing around in the hottub every summer doing things they shouldn't be. :) Not a huge problem as once the windows are closed, being double-paned that's usually the end of it.

Was soothing to my soul when his wife got home, could hear her inside replying to something he was saying, "I can't hear you!" over the blaring music. :) So he got in a bit of trouble from the missus. :)
Forgot to make the point...

Just because you're religious and listening to religious music doesn't give you justification to play it unnecessarily loud. Especially if respect is a big thing to you. How about repsecting your neighbors not foricng to listen to your deplorable taste in music? :)
I can hear music playing around here from 2 miles away...Train 4 miles away...I'm on a hill..

Have train tracks and trains just a few hundred yards away. Not usually a huge problem unless it's humid. Then when they honk their horn it can make you jump if outside. :) Sound travels several times faster through water than air.
The only problems with noise here are:

The neighbor across the street shouts all instructions and commands to her sons. I was under the impression the boys suffered some hearing loss. At Halloween, I learned the American Sign Language for "Happy Halloween!" and signed them when they came to the door. They gave me a funny look and said "Trick or Treat!" without a slur or mumble. As it turns out, nobody in that household is deaf. She just shouts all the time.

Or, when some kid with a super modified car stereo comes to the stop sign in front of my house. THUMP THUMP THUMP. I don't think they realize that everyone is not in to their 'music', but might be reading a book or watching a movie or napping. The whole world is their dance club, regardless if we want to be in it with them or not.
I've got a wacko neighbor up the hill from me whose house is higher than everybody else's in the neighborhood, making their place the "stage" of a natural ampitheater. Which becomes clear every time the lady come out and starts screaming her gospel rant, endlessly pacing back and forth on her porch with the constant Holy Babble peppered with "speaking in togues" -- which means filling your own gaps with nonsense syllables so that nobody else can get a word in edgewise.

I've got video of her. Someday I'll put it up on YouTube. It's a psychiatrist's wet dream that such people are so insecure in their own ideology that they have to ram it down everybody else's throat so they won't be all alone with it and can then pretend it isn't just their idea.

Damn shame too. They could invite some of us up there to play music on the porch and serve an actual community service that would brighten everybody's day and bring the neighborhood together. Instead the selfish assholes purvey this shit.

Oh and when they're not doing that they're shooting guns.

It's the Amurrikan way. "I got mine, screw the fuck you".
We live on a beautiful lake and since we own 6 lots, we have no close neighbors. Nothing as nice as sitting on our deck, listening to the birds and watching the eagles hunt fish. In the evening, we watch the bats come out of a nearby cave and soon, we'll have fire flies.

I would go crazy if I had to live with city sounds or loud neighbors again.

Our closest neighbors fight though. During the summer months, when windows are open, we can sometimes hear them. And I wrote a few days ago about his fire to burn off leaves getting away from him. Not the first time this has happened and last time, the fire did some damage to our property.

She's ultra-religious, catholic, drives more than 50 miles round trip to mass every single morning. Reading Pogo sig ^^ describes them and their tee potty politics.

But we get along with them by keeping distance between us and never ever talking politics or religion. We watch their place and they watch ours and a few years ago, she called us in Paris to tell us our place had been hit by a tornado.
About the only thing my neighbors ever complain about is hearing this one old guy yelling at this computer over all the stupid shit he reads on internet discussion groups.

It's usually about that time I start talking about the weather.
We live on a beautiful lake and since we own 6 lots, we have no close neighbors. Nothing as nice as sitting on our deck, listening to the birds and watching the eagles hunt fish. In the evening, we watch the bats come out of a nearby cave and soon, we'll have fire flies.

I would go crazy if I had to live with city sounds or loud neighbors again.

Our closest neighbors fight though. During the summer months, when windows are open, we can sometimes hear them. And I wrote a few days ago about his fire to burn off leaves getting away from him. Not the first time this has happened and last time, the fire did some damage to our property.

She's ultra-religious, catholic, drives more than 50 miles round trip to mass every single morning. Reading Pogo sig ^^ describes them and their tee potty politics.

But we get along with them by keeping distance between us and never ever talking politics or religion. We watch their place and they watch ours and a few years ago, she called us in Paris to tell us our place had been hit by a tornado.

Have lived in every setting. LIke apartment living most because you have many neighbors instead of just a few as with suburb or even city living. And here especially it's especially good because of the nature of the building itself. Being a circle, everyone on the inside at least where the courtyard and recreational stuff is see each other all the time. Gives a real sense of an enclosed or gated community but instead of just next door or across the street you have dozens if not a hundred units all in sight of each other. Definite 'tribe' feel here.

So one member of the tribe is a little annoying, overall it's ok. :)
Lots of people play music loud.

I love the country...mostly what I love is the scenery and large animals. Not sure I could live there FT.
I like quiet vacations but generally I love noises around me. Going downtown to crowded loud areas is fun & brings me great peace. Too much mellow quiet is stressful. lol
Lots of people play music loud.

I love the country...mostly what I love is the scenery and large animals. Not sure I could live there FT.
I like quiet vacations but generally I love noises around me. Going downtown to crowded loud areas is fun & brings me great peace. Too much mellow quiet is stressful. lol

Funny bit from Calvin and Hobbes where they're outside and Hobbes says like, "It's still and peaceful out here. Why you can almost hear yourself think." to which Calvin responds, "This is making me nervous let's go in." :)
Lots of people play music loud.

I love the country...mostly what I love is the scenery and large animals. Not sure I could live there FT.
I like quiet vacations but generally I love noises around me. Going downtown to crowded loud areas is fun & brings me great peace. Too much mellow quiet is stressful. lol

Funny bit from Calvin and Hobbes where they're outside and Hobbes says like, "It's still and peaceful out here. Why you can almost hear yourself think." to which Calvin responds, "This is making me nervous let's go in." :)

Oh for pete frikin sake. Im not against thinking. lol thanks for the underhanded insult.
I just like the city.
Lots of people play music loud.

I love the country...mostly what I love is the scenery and large animals. Not sure I could live there FT.
I like quiet vacations but generally I love noises around me. Going downtown to crowded loud areas is fun & brings me great peace. Too much mellow quiet is stressful. lol

Funny bit from Calvin and Hobbes where they're outside and Hobbes says like, "It's still and peaceful out here. Why you can almost hear yourself think." to which Calvin responds, "This is making me nervous let's go in." :)

Oh for pete frikin sake. Im not against thinking. lol thanks for the underhanded insult.
I just like the city.

Didn't mean it to be an insult. Don't know you well-enough to wanna insult you. :)
Lots of people play music loud.

I love the country...mostly what I love is the scenery and large animals. Not sure I could live there FT.
I like quiet vacations but generally I love noises around me. Going downtown to crowded loud areas is fun & brings me great peace. Too much mellow quiet is stressful. lol

The City is a nice place to visit but I'm happy to have had the opportunity to escape it. I go back to some to work once in a while, then I get to go home. Best of both worlds.

There is nothing about noise, aural or visual, to recommend it. Nothing. My last place in the city, we lived at the corner where the streetcar would come screeching from its route into the trolley barn. Among everything else of course. Where I live now I can actually sit on my porch and literally hear snowflakes fall.

Can't beat that. :eusa_dance:

My favorite time in city living is when the power goes out and all that cacophony is snuffed. I go right away to see what the sky, and the neighborhood, really look like. One night during a power failure I sat on my porch playing a guitar, and I could just barely hear, vaguely through the silence, another stringed instrument also playing somewhere in the distance in the dark. It turned out to be my brother, who lived about three blocks away, playing his dulcimer. That would never carry that far in a normal city.
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Suggestion for the Noise. .
1) use white noise during sleep time or when you need to tune inconsiderate people out.
Something like a noisy fan during the summer or noisy Ionizer during the other seasons.
2) for extreme noises like rennovations or loud music try a pack of Hearos highest max 33nrr decibels ear plugs, they are soft and comfortable snd in conjunction with white noise should tune out even John Hagees loud voice. : p

For the person with the boom car music issue, some states have car noise laws which police never seem to enforce, but technically they can fine them over $2000, impound the vehicle, and confiscate the car stereo system. IF you have a common violator and can track through license you can leave them the info or choose to make online notice of the issue through local trade papers, craigslist, news editorials, town hall meetings etc.
It's not just disturbing the peace, it's downright dangerous for babies, and people with weak hearts or weak window panes.

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