A Church family went to heaven together...

The media and Democrats are attacking "thoughts and prayers."

The depravity of these people knows no bounds.
God expects actions of integrity and honesty to go with thoughts and prayers.

Snap to it, Blackrook.
When most people believed in God, and went to church every Sunday, and sent their kids to Sunday school, and they prayed every night at bedtime and at every meal, things like this weren't happening.

If I had a solution, it would be for the people of America to turn back to Christ, and start living Christian lives.
Blackrook, such a time never happened. There was no such golden age in America. The hypocrisy of the far right heretics in the Pentecostal, evangelical, fundamentalist, and Catholic wings of American Christianity has finally been exposed.
Blackrook, such a time never happened. There was no such golden age in America. The hypocrisy of the far right heretics in the Pentecostal, evangelical, fundamentalist, and Catholic wings of American Christianity has finally been exposed.
There were problems, different problems, like discrimination against blacks and women.

But if you see old movies, you see that America was better in some ways. People didn't look like slobs in T-shirts and shorts and flip-flops. Men wore suits and ties, and shiny black shoes. Women dressed elegantly, even to go shopping. Men stood up when a lady entered a room. There were nightclubs with civilized music, not the loud garbage people listen to today. People went drinking and dancing, but a date did not mean an automatic toss in bed. People did do bad things, but were more discreet about it. It's all been lost, we are degenerates compared to older generations.
Blackrook, such a time never happened. There was no such golden age in America. The hypocrisy of the far right heretics in the Pentecostal, evangelical, fundamentalist, and Catholic wings of American Christianity has finally been exposed.
There were problems, different problems, like discrimination against blacks and women.

But if you see old movies, you see that America was better in some ways. People didn't look like slobs in T-shirts and shorts and flip-flops. Men wore suits and ties, and shiny black shoes. Women dressed elegantly, even to go shopping. Men stood up when a lady entered a room. There were nightclubs with civilized music, not the loud garbage people listen to today. People went drinking and dancing, but a date did not mean an automatic toss in bed. People did do bad things, but were more discreet about it. It's all been lost, we are degenerates compared to older generations.
When did you turn 100? If you get your history from movies I guess you might think America was better in the past and in some ways it was but it was not a place I would care to live in. Grinding poverty, child labor, etc. People may have been were more discreet but that just made it worse, not better.
When most people believed in God, and went to church every Sunday, and sent their kids to Sunday school, and they prayed every night at bedtime and at every meal, things like this weren't happening.

If I had a solution, it would be for the people of America to turn back to Christ, and start living Christian lives.

What about the Jews?

Should they just go fuck themselves and their beliefs or what?
Apart from religion, there are also terrible mind-altering drugs in the world, but no media will have had the courage to ask (and to answer) the Devin Kelly autopsy question. This Janus-faced logic is part of religion's profound violence that constantly rumbles just under the surface.
When most people believed in God, and went to church every Sunday, and sent their kids to Sunday school, and they prayed every night at bedtime and at every meal, things like this weren't happening.

If I had a solution, it would be for the people of America to turn back to Christ, and start living Christian lives.
yes it happened, it was a collective issue called lynching..
For Kelley’s 21st birthday Martinez flew out to New Mexico with his girlfriend, where they spent a long weekend with Devin and Tessa where they were living at the time.

‘While we were in New Mexico at one point my girlfriend saw some prescription pill bottles in their kitchen and asked Tessa what they were for,’ said Martinez.

‘Tessa said that they were Devin’s prescription pills that he needs to take them for his aggression. Tessa didn’t say anything more about it.

Read more: Texas shooter Devin Kelley's teenage best friend tells all | Daily Mail Online
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Just one of many problems I can see here is that violent offenders are not being monitored well enough. Obviously they need to serve longer sentences for their crimes instead of being medicated and let out of prison to be on their own. Was this guy even on parole for his prior crimes and being visited by a parole officer with MANDATORY psychiatric appointments so that he could be monitored while taking these medications? Either for side effects or to make sure he is actually taking them? There are some real problems in the system.

From what I've read this guy was convicted of at least ONE violent crime in his past if not multiple violent crimes. Why was he allowed to roam free among society with absolutely no monitoring or incompetent monitoring?
ChrisL makes good comments.

Those of you who know certain family members and or acquaintances or friends should not have weapons, you can report it anonymously. That certainly will not get everyone but it may stop a mass shooting.

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