A climate scientist admits researching facts takes to much time and not relevant

It never ceases to amaze me how climate cultists can get so many predictions wrong and their flock never questions it. Yet they expect us to take their word as gospel. It's mind boggling. Nor does it occur to them that a 'denier' only exists in the mind of true believers. These cultists are dangerous.
A consensus is arrived at, informed by current knowledge.
At one time, a consensus was arrived at by the current knowledge of the day, that the sun revolved around the Earth.

You really, REALLY, don't have a clue what is going on, you know that?
It never ceases to amaze me how climate cultists can get so many predictions wrong and their flock never questions it. Yet they expect us to take their word as gospel. It's mind boggling. Nor does it occur to them that a 'denier' only exists in the mind of true believers. These cultists are dangerous.

They are the same climate cultists who couldn't handle the Question I posted a few months ago;

Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?

They went to sobbing denials in this forum and in another forum, I posted this massive flypaper post that warmist/alarmists can't handle.

They deflected, pushed fallacies and insults and denials by the bushelful thus the Content of the post was never properly addressed.

That is how I KNOW they have nothing left to maintain their mentally ill delusion that CO2 is driving the climate they can't even scrape the bottom of the barrel anymore.....

The problem is that "the science" is mostly based upon fraudulent and cherry picked data. The principle climate scientists even admitted the fraud.

Then you ave the other tremendous problem of separating the natural climate data from AGW data.
At one time, a consensus was arrived at by the current knowledge of the day, that the sun revolved around the Earth.

You really, REALLY, don't have a clue what is going on, you know that?

They constantly IGNORE the many known consensus failures several of us rational members have posted solid evidence of Consensus failures over and over they ignore it because they have serious cognitive problems.
You folks need to research all the complex factors that effect climate that humans cannot effect. Distilling something as vast and complex as global climate down to CO2 is moronic on so many levels.
I don't have to do a thing.
Science has done it all for all of us. Your problem is You dont have capacity to absorb or accept it.
You can believe a lie forever but Its still a lie.
It never ceases to amaze me how climate cultists can get so many predictions wrong and their flock never questions it. Yet they expect us to take their word as gospel. It's mind boggling. Nor does it occur to them that a 'denier' only exists in the mind of true believers. These cultists are dangerous.
They predicted temperatures would rise and temperatures have risen. Just because you're butt hurt about it doesn't change either of those realities.


No, it is reproducible research that drives science not a popularity contest. Consensus is a political tool used to generate ideology for a group or party.
That may well be the case when there is a consensus among scientists the research is valid. That's why there's a consensus about AGW.
That may well be the case when there is a consensus among scientists the research is valid. That's why there's a consensus about AGW.

You go on and on with that crap, many times the Consensus held up science and medical research because of their assertion of a consensus.

There have been many consensus FAILURES which you and other warmists/alarmists continually ignore thus your consensus claims is a sign of stupidity.

Reproducible research never needs consensus for support just additional papers confirming it instead.
They predicted temperatures would rise and temperatures have risen. Just because you're butt hurt about it doesn't change either of those realities.


Now you just LIE since the warming trend started around 1700 long before CO2 started going up heck it stayed around 280 ppm until 150 years later.
A consensus is arrived at, informed by current knowledge. That endures until new knowledge is obtained. That is the way science works. The current consensus on AGW is 'settled' at the moment. Until it isn't.
Science is not based on a show hands

“all those who agree that the sun orbits the earth raise ypu hand”

“now those against”

“the ayes have it and the science is settled”

“from now on the sun orbits the earth”

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