A collection of reasons for refusing the “Vaccine”

I am not over 75, i am not a sick, weak pajama boy, why should i take a vaccine that might compromise my immune system?
Because it can save your life
99.9% survivability rats, why should i take the vacine?
If you like your chances of survival, maybe you should care about other people.

Google “Compassion”
google? who in their right minds uses a propaganda, shit spewing, search engine like that? retarded demonRATS, thats who
WTF is the matter with Conservatives in this country?
They used to be the voice of reason and stability.

Today they embrace wild conspiracies, reject science and when faced with facts they don’t like.....they create their own facts.

COVID is a deadly disease that has killed millions. In the absence of a vaccine, the only protection was...

Social Distancing

Conservatives resisted all three

Now, thankfully, we have an effective vaccine that will make those precautions unnecessary. Conservatives resist getting vaccinated and will ensure that COVID remains a global threat.
WTF is the matter with Conservatives in this country?
They used to be the voice of reason and stability.

Today they embrace wild conspiracies, reject science and when faced with facts they don’t like.....they create their own facts.

COVID is a deadly disease that has killed millions. In the absence of a vaccine, the only protection was...

Social Distancing

Conservatives resisted all three

Now, thankfully, we have an effective vaccine that will make those precautions unnecessary. Conservatives resist getting vaccinated and will ensure that COVID remains a global threat.
You are in error. That is not how this virus works. Blaming the inability to eradicate said virus on the"resistance" of any group of people is an uneducated response.
How about "My body, my choice"?

31 reasons not to take the “vaccine”​

"1. It’s not a vaccine. A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything...."

31 reasons not to take the “vaccine”
My wife and I chose to be vaccinated despite both being COVID recovered. We knew that either work or freedom to move about the country would evetually require it. However, I strongly believe in an old concept called personal choice. And that goes both ways. People should not be harrassed for getting or NOT getting the shots. In fact, I believe this whole thing could have been handled by personal choice from the begining and I always have believed that. Now given how utterly useless our expensive , dictorial precautions have proven to have been , I know that belief was correct. The third wave should not have been this bad if the precautions worked. Period! We tore down the economy of states with large mega urban populations while damaging every state's economy and suspended the very concept of freedom for nothing. In fact worse yet some sent COVID to the one place it could kill in large numbers, nursing homes. WTF Coumo/Whitmer? Now even states that didn't panic are expected to foot the bill for those who did , talk about theft! Or those who acted statewide instead of regionally for most of the "pandemic". We are so polarized even promising treatments and the concept of outdoors is better were ridiculed because they were put forward by the wrong team.
People could have made choices of how much they were willing to sacrifice for less exposure, others could have helped those who chose to avoid people for a time especially the elderly and compromised. Grandparents could have weighed their risk vs their desire to see their grandkids all by themselves! Society threw kids under the proverbial bus becauise of our own panic and fear. Don't think the bakery shiould be open? Don't go there?
WTF is the matter with Conservatives in this country?
They used to be the voice of reason and stability.

Today they embrace wild conspiracies, reject science and when faced with facts they don’t like.....they create their own facts.

COVID is a deadly disease that has killed millions. In the absence of a vaccine, the only protection was...

Social Distancing

Conservatives resisted all three

Now, thankfully, we have an effective vaccine that will make those precautions unnecessary. Conservatives resist getting vaccinated and will ensure that COVID remains a global threat.
You are in error. That is not how this virus works. Blaming the inability to eradicate said virus on the"resistance" of any group of people is an uneducated response.
That is exactly how this virus works.

We need to “starve the beast”
Deny COVID the human hosts it needs to survive.

Conservatives are doing everything possible to ensure that COVID remains a lasting threat.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're stupid.
3. You're stupid.
4. You're stupid.
5. You're stupid.
6. You're stupid.
7. You're stupid.
8. You're stupid.
9. You're stupid.
10. You're stupid.
11. You're stupid.
12. You're stupid.
13. You're stupid.
14. You're stupid.
15. You're stupid.
16. You're stupid.
17. You're stupid.
18. You're stupid.
19. You're stupid.
20. You're stupid.
21. You're stupid.
22. You're stupid.
23. You're stupid.
24. You're stupid.
25. You're stupid.
26. You're stupid.
27. You're stupid.
29. You're stupid.
30. You're stupid.
31. You're stupid.
WTF is the matter with Conservatives in this country?
They used to be the voice of reason and stability.

Today they embrace wild conspiracies, reject science and when faced with facts they don’t like.....they create their own facts.

COVID is a deadly disease that has killed millions. In the absence of a vaccine, the only protection was...

Social Distancing

Conservatives resisted all three

Now, thankfully, we have an effective vaccine that will make those precautions unnecessary. Conservatives resist getting vaccinated and will ensure that COVID remains a global threat.
Threat to whom? Those who choose to take the risk? Why would you deny them a choice? I'm pretty much conservative and I am COVID recovered. I took the shots for my own reasons but respect the rights of others not to. This is a deadly virus, particularly to older and disabled people however it was also exaggerated and dramtized on a daily basis by media and others to include CDC. For example when months into the disease I heard intelligent adults talking about keeping schools closed or not bringing back sports for "the saftey of the children" . I'd say they are already safe , as safe as they are when the seasonal flu comes around. In fact many high schoolers worked so that other's lives could go on more readily ( to include morning McDonlad's drive thru coffeee) but their teachers ( apparently non-essential ) wouldn't! How would those teachers have felt if healthcare workers took the same stance?
WTF is the matter with Conservatives in this country?
They used to be the voice of reason and stability.

Today they embrace wild conspiracies, reject science and when faced with facts they don’t like.....they create their own facts.

COVID is a deadly disease that has killed millions. In the absence of a vaccine, the only protection was...

Social Distancing

Conservatives resisted all three

Now, thankfully, we have an effective vaccine that will make those precautions unnecessary. Conservatives resist getting vaccinated and will ensure that COVID remains a global threat.
You are in error. That is not how this virus works. Blaming the inability to eradicate said virus on the"resistance" of any group of people is an uneducated response.
That is exactly how this virus works.

We need to “starve the beast”
Deny COVID the human hosts it needs to survive.

Conservatives are doing everything possible to ensure that COVID remains a lasting threat.
No. It mutates. Your help isn't even needed. I think we are all over your bullying/intimidation tactics.
I was hesitant taking a wait and see attitude. Then my pharmacist forwarded a video made by the manufacturer of a cancer medication I am taking. It warned against the vaccine until my doctor has reviewed contraindications provided by them and discussed it with me. This is a very mild illness that I might even have had. Weighing the danger benefit says don't take it.
I got the damn cold and lived though it. No sense in getting a shot or wearing the stupid fuckin mask, which I didn't do hardly at all anyway. Only as required at work.
WTF is the matter with Conservatives in this country?
They used to be the voice of reason and stability.

Today they embrace wild conspiracies, reject science and when faced with facts they don’t like.....they create their own facts.

COVID is a deadly disease that has killed millions. In the absence of a vaccine, the only protection was...

Social Distancing

Conservatives resisted all three

Now, thankfully, we have an effective vaccine that will make those precautions unnecessary. Conservatives resist getting vaccinated and will ensure that COVID remains a global threat.
We still are..... the problem is leftwingers are complete morons .
Useful idiots gotta idiot


Here's a leftard genius with a great reset marketing slogan
I am not over 75, i am not a sick, weak pajama boy, why should i take a vaccine that might compromise my immune system?
Because it can save your life

Save it from what? I went to hundreds of garage sales, estate sales, yard sales, flea markets, auctions, gun shows, and crowded stores, both last year and this year. I never wore a mask, as were many of the people I came in contact with. I've been sneezed on, coughed on, had face to face conversations with people I didn't even know, and didn't die. I did catch the virus late last Summer, but it was like a three-day cold.

You're being played the fool.
I know a guy....

My sister in law died of COVID in January
My brother and his wife caught COVID in March and both were hospitalized. They both still need oxygen.

Get your fucking shot
Lets put an end to this thing
Oh i know why you need the vaccine, because your Prog masters told you to take it, and like a good little prog slave, you obeyed your masters...

That certainly is a requirement of their new religion, Militant Secularism.
I got the vaccine because my wife has a autoimmune problem and would be at significant risk if she gets something like the Covid. If it wasn't for that I never would have got it.

I sure as hell don't wear that stupid mask.
Everyone has a reason for how they choose. I don't want to influence anyone in either direction and I don't feel I should be shamed or vilified for how I choose. I wish only the best for all, regardless of the choice they make.
I'm pretty sure that 'cuz I said no applies here. Nope. Not doing it. I don't owe an explanation.
Excellent!! I'm going to do that.

Right now I'm practicing not telling any busybody who asks personal questions any answers. No personal questions! No datamining!
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How about "My body, my choice"?

Yeah, this IS the best answer of all.

Followed up by "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Nobody gets to ask me personal questions, especially including in doctor's offices --- the "dirty doctor office questions" where they want to know if you are a pervert, ever smoked, take street drugs, etc., etc. I don't plan ever to cooperate with this sort of illicit interrogation again.
Being difficult makes me special.

I'm pretty sure the definition of "Being Difficult" would include demanding special concessions of others or for yourself. Just choosing not to march in your parade is the opposite of being difficult.
Good thread --- I'm collecting good replies to the questioning busybodies out in the public, if I ever start going there again. Looking real mean might dissuade people who shouldn't be harassing strangers anyway.

"I'm not going to march in your parade" ought to at least confuse them for long enough for me to move off.
Why refuse a vaccine...

Because you want to ensure that COVID remains a threat and that masks become a permanent fixture in our society
You wear masks the rest of your life, 24/7. See, that'll make up for the rest of us!
How about "My body, my choice"?

31 reasons not to take the “vaccine”​

"1. It’s not a vaccine. A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything...."

31 reasons not to take the “vaccine”

You go for that. Your body, your choice. You go with that.

Friday is my birthday. I'll be getting together with my friends who have been vaxxed to celebrate. No unvaxxed allowed.

That great job you applied for? You have to be vaxxed to work for this company.

The Blue Jays are going to be playing in Buffalo starting June 1st. Fans will be in vaxxed sections with no social distancing and masks, or not, and the unvaxxed will be socially distanced. Tickets for the unvaxxed will cost twice as much as those for the vaxxed - you have a buy an extra ticket to cover the social distancing.

The province of Alberta has told residents that large events will not be allowed until 60% of Albertans are vaxxed.

Your body, your choice. Chose wisely.

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