A Comic Book Drawing for TrumpUSA!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's an idealistic democracy-defender comic book oriented tale I cooked up for our time.

You decide if it is idealism warranted by our arguably commerce-dystopian 'TrumpUSA.'


Steve Rogers was the American vigilante Captain America now employed by TrumpUSA to defend anti-capitalism terrorists for any threats to Wall Street and NATO. Captain America had come up from the ranks of the US military and was the terrorism-fighting partner of Bucky Barnes also known as the Winter Soldier and also known now as Captain Marvel. While Captain Marvel became the supreme-commander of the Army of the Federation (an alliance consisting of America, England, France, and China), Captain America remained a sort of 'freelance mercenary' but true defending knight of the USA.

There was a brief Civil War between those who sided with Captain America (seeking American local governance) and those who sided with Captain America (those seeking a unified 'global nation' of federated nation-states), but those differences were resolved ultimately. The primary issue during the Civil War regarded the treatment of the wily female vizier of the super-terrorist organization Hydra named Baroness. Captain America believed Baroness should be assimilated into the forces of those defending democracy (rather than martyrizing or even persecuting her as a 'terrorism-witch'), while Captain Marvel believed Baroness as a pure threat to global sanity and should be either assassinated immediately or incarcerated forever.

With the differences resolved and Baroness working as a 'part-time consultant' for the CIA, Captain America and Captain Marvel were friends again and seeking to create a more sane and holy ground for debates and competitive behaviors between politically disagreeing groups and religious sects such as Democracy defenders and Socialism idealists and Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims. Captain America relied often on the counsel of Baroness who advised him on what the US Navy Seals should do in stealth-strikes designed to create intelligent resolutions to Sunni-Shiite skirmishes in Syria, Iran, Libya, and Lebanon. Captain Marvel meanwhile was working with a Neo-Nazi group in Berlin to create a pro-European commerce-association to create an economic 'bridge' between USA and China. The bridge concerned the proliferation of Starbucks coffee shops in key sites of political troubles in Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Jerusalem, Paris, and Chechnya. The Neo-Nazi group Captain Marvel was working with was assigned to use 'pedestrian methods' to create martial containment of political street riots in 'hot-zones' (in exchange for political amnesty for 'private/peaceful religious tolerance).'

Hydra was officially dissolved, but rogue elements of a terrorist group known as the Sith Order rose to prominence and sought to drive wedges into Captain Marvel's ambitious Army of the Federation and assassinate Baroness and prevent her from providing Captain America and the CIA with valuable political advice from a fortress they secured for her. It was also rumored that Captain America and Baroness were now in a relationship (and engaged to be married), but the two denied the rumors and kept their liaison mostly private. Baroness was worried that the US government (and even Captain America whom she very much admired) simply did not have the resources to assure her safety in her fortress, so she struck a secret pact with the a special Cossack mercenary road-warrior army known as the Red Riders.

Baroness agreed to supply the Red Riders with vital insider-information regarding CIA intentions in Afghanistan in exchange for special hideaway locations and safe-haven sites in Urals. The Red Riders simply wanted any remaining Soviet influence in Russia gone which threatened they way of commerce and peace in Chechnya, so they agreed to help Baroness have an 'escape-plan' in case anything went terribly wrong with the Army of the Federation, Captain America, and/or the Sith Order. Baroness never told Captain America of this secret 'tryst' she made with the Red Riders, so Captain America continued to fight alongside Captain Marvel and his Army of the Federation in its monthly missions against the Sith Order. There was a tenable sanity now in global politics, and President Donald Trump said to himself, "The two captains (Marvel/America) are officially 'pro-Starbucks totems'!"



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