A Complete Disaster..

He's not worse than the last two Republican Presidents. The economy sucks badly right now, but he has neither tried to overthrow democracy or lied us into a disastrous war.
Pol Pot would be a better President than Biden...
As long as Trump is sitting his fat ass in Mar a Lago, why worry?

Of course, I have disposable income and very little debt, because I invest well, and live below my means, so a recession is something that I'm prepared for.

Without watching your juvenile video, is he asking for Biden to resign?
Cry more.
I do turn off Fox news.

In fact, I refuse to believe we really have $5 a gallon gas like Fox news says we are paying

I told the guy at the gas station that the other day. I told him I was only paying $3 a gallon cuz you smear that Fox news propaganda on your sign outside that it was really $5 a gallon gas.

Then he got all huffy and puffy with me and called the police.

I just smiled and said, you mean the racist pigs that need defunded?
Yep.. DEFUND Those Racist Pigs! :)
Yes, it is all going according to plan.

This is just a part of that plan adding to the sexualization of our young children, the deterioration of our armed forces, the opening of our borders and all the other steps taken to weaken us from within.
He will be remembered as the absolute worst President in this history of this country. He makes Richard Nixon look like George Washington. Everything he has touched has turned to shit.

The American Rescue Plan is a pair of concrete shoes placed upon the feet of the American people.

He needs to go.


He's working on behalf of Globalists out to destroy America, they love Joe!
This is just a part of that plan adding to the sexualization of our young children,

You mean like this...



Take heed.... do whatever you need to do to pay off your credit cards.... if you are in an adjustable mortgage find a way to move to a fixed rate... don't hesitate its going to get ugly when rates go up....
^ A Picture is worth a Thousand words..

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