A Completely CLUELESS President, Oblivious To What His Administration Officials Were Doing, Or Lying His A$$ Off?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Remember when Obama declared this publicly regarding the 'investigation' of Trump and his team?

New text messages between the 's peter strzok and lisa page are raising questions about ...


Was he a completely clueless idiot who had no control of his own administration and agencies, knowing absolutely nothing about what they were up to...Or was he lying his ass off to keep his failed coup attempt and his part in running it a complete secret?

If Common Sense (and honesty) is applied the answer is not that hard.....

Add in THIS:

Obama's CIA Deputy Director publicly told how he micro-managed every decision the CIA made, from what type of furniture they could purchase for their agency to who to investigate:

Former President Barack Obama's administration micromanaged intelligence matters....Trump decentralized control and gave more freedom to agencies.

If Barr and Durham don't get a few high profile indictments out soon, it will be too late.

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