A crime against God and men

Palestinian worshippers on Sunday refused to enter the holy site for midday prayers after metal detectors and cameras were added to the compound's gates.

Dozens of worshippers gathered to pray at an entrance to the compound next to the Lions' Gate entry to the Old City.

"We reject the changes imposed by the Israeli government," Sheikh Omar Kiswani, the director of al-Aqsa Mosque, told reporters outside.

"We will not enter through these metal detectors."

Some women wailed and cried, calling on worshippers not to enter.

Earlier in the day, Kiswani told Voice of Palestine radio station the additional security measures were part of a "dangerous and unprecedented move" by Israeli authorities "to impose control over al-Aqsa Mosque".

Israel reopens al-Aqsa Mosque compound
"We will not enter through these metal detectors."

Really? 600 plus of them did

Worshipers protest metal detectors as Israel reopens Temple Mount

According to police, approximately 200 Muslims entered the Temple Mount as of 1:00 p.m., an hour after it opened on Sunday, a far cry from the thousands that were expected to visit the site. By 5 p.m., the number was up to 600.
You missed the point as usual and the times of israel is not exactly the best source for this stuff, effin moron.
"We will not enter through these metal detectors."

Really? 600 plus of them did

Worshipers protest metal detectors as Israel reopens Temple Mount

According to police, approximately 200 Muslims entered the Temple Mount as of 1:00 p.m., an hour after it opened on Sunday, a far cry from the thousands that were expected to visit the site. By 5 p.m., the number was up to 600.
You missed the point as usual and the times of israel is not exactly the best source for this stuff, effin moron.
You're a loon. Your point would imply that we need to get rid of metal detectors in airports too.
[Abbas being Abbas]

Abbas: "We must all carry out Ribat [religious conflict] in the Al-Aqsa Mosque... We have to prevent them, in any way whatsoever, from entering the Sanctuary... They have no right to enter it. They have no right to defile it. We must prevent them. Let us stand before them with chests bared to protect our holy places."
[Official Fatah Facebook page, July 15, 2017,
rebroadcast of Abbas' speech on official PA TV, Oct. 17, 2014]

In his speech in 2014, which official PA TV broadcast 19 times in 3 days, Abbas called on Palestinians to defend Al-Aqsa "in any way whatsoever." It marked the beginning of a month of terror attacks in Jerusalem in which 11 Israelis were murdered in car rammings and stabbing attacks.

Rebroadcasting Abbas' speech, which in 2014 was followed by terror and violence, stands in stark contrast to Abbas' conversation with Israeli PM Netanyahu in which he "expressed his strong opposition to and his condemnations of the event that took place at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque." It also contradicts his statement that he "opposes any event of violence from any side, particularly at places of worship." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 15, 2017]

(full article online)

Fatah calls for violence and “rage” following Friday terror attack - PMW Bulletins
When the entire 13-MK delegation from the Arab Joint List party – including Yousef Jabareen, a resident of Umm el-Fahm - failed to condemn the attack, Mahamid took aim at the so-called “leaders” of the Israeli-Arab community and the three terrorists from his home town with a Facebook video that soon went viral.

"Thus far, not a single member of the Arab Joint List, our Israeli Arab 'representatives' in the Knesset - none of them expressed their condemnation,” said Mahamid. “And now I say, I condemn what happened today. As a resident of Umm al-Fahm, I condemn all acts of violence like this one.”

The condemnation of the attack, which was made in Arabic with English subtitles, included a challenge to fellow Umm el-Fahm residents and other Israeli Arabs who disagree with him, calling on them to reassess what they’ve been taught to think about Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

In an April interview with the Jerusalem Post, Mahamid described the difficulty in getting a fair and balanced view of Israel in his hometown.

“I grew up in Umm el-Fahm, the third-largest Arab city in Israel. It’s a very problematic place. The Islamic Movement runs the municipality. This means they have power over everything: schools, services, who gets hired... and they are very anti-Israel. ISIS logos and swastikas are common,” said Mahamid.

(full article online)

'Israeli Arab leaders won't condemn terror attack - so I will'
...The Christians were Romans you moron...
No, the Christians were Byzantine Greeks; mostly from Anatolia.

...The Jews stole it from the Canaanites...
And so staked-out a claim older than that of the Muzzies.

...So f-ck off asshole.
Temper, temper, Achmed... most unbecoming in a Palestinian Princess such as yourself.

The Byzantines were Romans, moron. Byzantine was a term adopted by historians long after the Eastern Roman Empire ended.

The Jews were long gone by the time the Muslims conquered Palestine.

What temper? Telling an ignoramus to f_ck off seems quite tame.
The Byzantines (Eastern Roman Empire core population) were G-R-E-E-K, fool.

By the late 5th, when the Western half of the Empire fell, the Romans had long-since gone home, leaving the "locals" to hold the line in the East.

By the early 7th, even the official lingua franca of the Eastern Imperial Court had flipped from Latin to Greek...

Hell, the Greeks called themselves 'Roman' for another thousand years or more after the Western Empire fell, and even the early Imperial Rus called themselves the Third Rome.

But that didn't make those Greeks and Anatolians Roman, any more than calling themselves "Palestinians" gives a single identity to your rag-tag diversity of Arab trash...

Nice try, my little Muzzie Princess...

You have lost...

The place is not called the Mosque Mount... it is called the Temple Mount... because the Jews were there first, and that means something to Christians, as well...

At long last, the work of the bloodthirsty Muslim conquerors of old is overturned, and Jews now hold (and will keep) what they have won-back by force of arms...

The sooner you beetle-browed Neaderthal Muzzie Pals get that through your thick skulls, and pack up and leave, the fewer of you will die trying to hold onto what you've lost forever.

It has been sixty-nine years since you had your asses kicked good and proper; a lifetime since you put your trust in feckless neighbors to do your fighting for you...

You are now sitting on two pieces of dirt, each about the size of a postage stamp, and you're standing on each others' shoulders, and nobody really cares...

Get a clue... leave... live... go be happy someplace else... 'cause you're not wanted where you are now, there is no future for you there, and you are powerless to take it back...

Go away... sixty-nine years sitting in $hit-hole refugee towns and camps is not the mark of all-around high-caliber intellectual processes... you're embarrassing yourselves...

Leave... live... or suffer the consequences of your continued idiocy.

You obviously haven't a clue as to what being a Roman citizen meant, moron. Teutons, Gauls, Etruscans, Italics, Picenes, Greeks, Iberians, Dacians and many others were Romans.

The Jews were not there first, dimwit. Canaanite and Phoenician artifacts were found many layers below any possible Jew material was found.

I am a Christian of European descent and don't give a flying f_ck about Muslims. I put them in the same category as Jews, all racist/religionist members of backward and disgusting cults. I support fellow Christians in Palestine.

The non-Jews will overwhelm the Jews in Palestine in due time and the Jews in israel just have to decide, while they might still have a choice, if they want to part of a South African solution or an Algerian/Rhodesian solution.
You tell 'em, Achmed...

Newsflash, Little One...

The Palis won't be IN Palestine long enough to overwhelm the Jews...

Their asses will be sitting on the East Bank of the Jordan, long, long before that happens...

This is an existential matter...

Your side will not be allowed to win...
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...The Christians were Romans you moron...
No, the Christians were Byzantine Greeks; mostly from Anatolia.

...The Jews stole it from the Canaanites...
And so staked-out a claim older than that of the Muzzies.

...So f-ck off asshole.
Temper, temper, Achmed... most unbecoming in a Palestinian Princess such as yourself.

The Byzantines were Romans, moron. Byzantine was a term adopted by historians long after the Eastern Roman Empire ended.

The Jews were long gone by the time the Muslims conquered Palestine.

What temper? Telling an ignoramus to f_ck off seems quite tame.
The Byzantines (Eastern Roman Empire core population) were G-R-E-E-K, fool.

By the late 5th, when the Western half of the Empire fell, the Romans had long-since gone home, leaving the "locals" to hold the line in the East.

By the early 7th, even the official lingua franca of the Eastern Imperial Court had flipped from Latin to Greek...

Hell, the Greeks called themselves 'Roman' for another thousand years or more after the Western Empire fell, and even the early Imperial Rus called themselves the Third Rome.

But that didn't make those Greeks and Anatolians Roman, any more than calling themselves "Palestinians" gives a single identity to your rag-tag diversity of Arab trash...

Nice try, my little Muzzie Princess...

You have lost...

The place is not called the Mosque Mount... it is called the Temple Mount... because the Jews were there first, and that means something to Christians, as well...

At long last, the work of the bloodthirsty Muslim conquerors of old is overturned, and Jews now hold (and will keep) what they have won-back by force of arms...

The sooner you beetle-browed Neaderthal Muzzie Pals get that through your thick skulls, and pack up and leave, the fewer of you will die trying to hold onto what you've lost forever.

It has been sixty-nine years since you had your asses kicked good and proper; a lifetime since you put your trust in feckless neighbors to do your fighting for you...

You are now sitting on two pieces of dirt, each about the size of a postage stamp, and you're standing on each others' shoulders, and nobody really cares...

Get a clue... leave... live... go be happy someplace else... 'cause you're not wanted where you are now, there is no future for you there, and you are powerless to take it back...

Go away... sixty-nine years sitting in $hit-hole refugee towns and camps is not the mark of all-around high-caliber intellectual processes... you're embarrassing yourselves...

Leave... live... or suffer the consequences of your continued idiocy.

You obviously haven't a clue as to what being a Roman citizen meant, moron. Teutons, Gauls, Etruscans, Italics, Picenes, Greeks, Iberians, Dacians and many others were Romans.

The Jews were not there first, dimwit. Canaanite and Phoenician artifacts were found many layers below any possible Jew material was found.

I am a Christian of European descent and don't give a flying f_ck about Muslims. I put them in the same category as Jews, all racist/religionist members of backward and disgusting cults. I support fellow Christians in Palestine.

The non-Jews will overwhelm the Jews in Palestine in due time and the Jews in israel just have to decide, while they might still have a choice, if they want to part of a South African solution or an Algerian/Rhodesian solution.
You tell 'em, Achmed...

Newsflash, Little One...

The Palis won't be IN Palestine long enough to overwhelm the Jews...

Their asses will be sitting on the East Bank of the Jordan, long, long before that happens...

This is an existential matter...

Your side will not be allowed to win...
I guess Palestine will be the 110th place jews have been expelled from
No, the Christians were Byzantine Greeks; mostly from Anatolia.

And so staked-out a claim older than that of the Muzzies.

Temper, temper, Achmed... most unbecoming in a Palestinian Princess such as yourself.

The Byzantines were Romans, moron. Byzantine was a term adopted by historians long after the Eastern Roman Empire ended.

The Jews were long gone by the time the Muslims conquered Palestine.

What temper? Telling an ignoramus to f_ck off seems quite tame.
The Byzantines (Eastern Roman Empire core population) were G-R-E-E-K, fool.

By the late 5th, when the Western half of the Empire fell, the Romans had long-since gone home, leaving the "locals" to hold the line in the East.

By the early 7th, even the official lingua franca of the Eastern Imperial Court had flipped from Latin to Greek...

Hell, the Greeks called themselves 'Roman' for another thousand years or more after the Western Empire fell, and even the early Imperial Rus called themselves the Third Rome.

But that didn't make those Greeks and Anatolians Roman, any more than calling themselves "Palestinians" gives a single identity to your rag-tag diversity of Arab trash...

Nice try, my little Muzzie Princess...

You have lost...

The place is not called the Mosque Mount... it is called the Temple Mount... because the Jews were there first, and that means something to Christians, as well...

At long last, the work of the bloodthirsty Muslim conquerors of old is overturned, and Jews now hold (and will keep) what they have won-back by force of arms...

The sooner you beetle-browed Neaderthal Muzzie Pals get that through your thick skulls, and pack up and leave, the fewer of you will die trying to hold onto what you've lost forever.

It has been sixty-nine years since you had your asses kicked good and proper; a lifetime since you put your trust in feckless neighbors to do your fighting for you...

You are now sitting on two pieces of dirt, each about the size of a postage stamp, and you're standing on each others' shoulders, and nobody really cares...

Get a clue... leave... live... go be happy someplace else... 'cause you're not wanted where you are now, there is no future for you there, and you are powerless to take it back...

Go away... sixty-nine years sitting in $hit-hole refugee towns and camps is not the mark of all-around high-caliber intellectual processes... you're embarrassing yourselves...

Leave... live... or suffer the consequences of your continued idiocy.

You obviously haven't a clue as to what being a Roman citizen meant, moron. Teutons, Gauls, Etruscans, Italics, Picenes, Greeks, Iberians, Dacians and many others were Romans.

The Jews were not there first, dimwit. Canaanite and Phoenician artifacts were found many layers below any possible Jew material was found.

I am a Christian of European descent and don't give a flying f_ck about Muslims. I put them in the same category as Jews, all racist/religionist members of backward and disgusting cults. I support fellow Christians in Palestine.

The non-Jews will overwhelm the Jews in Palestine in due time and the Jews in israel just have to decide, while they might still have a choice, if they want to part of a South African solution or an Algerian/Rhodesian solution.
You tell 'em, Achmed...

Newsflash, Little One...

The Palis won't be IN Palestine long enough to overwhelm the Jews...

Their asses will be sitting on the East Bank of the Jordan, long, long before that happens...

This is an existential matter...

Your side will not be allowed to win...
I guess Palestine will be the 110th place jews have been expelled from
Good luck trying...

It's been tried before...




Giving rise to the Palestinian maxim: "He who pees his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."
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Al Khaleej Online, a UK-based news service aimed at Gulf Arabs, has a backgrounder on the "Al Aqsa Mosque" in reaction to Friday's events.

Here is the autotranslated headline and photo:

The photos, of course, are of the Dome of the Rock, not the Al Aqsa Mosque.

In fact, a Google Image search on "Al Aqsa Mosque" in Arabic shows that about half of the resulting photos show the Dome of the Rock instead.

One would think that the supposedly third holiest place in Islam would be better known to Muslims.

(The words on red background say "Special Report," h/t Ibn Boutros)

Arabs still don't know what the Al Aqsa Mosque looks like ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
For example, a Palestinian activist at a JVP conference earlier this year urged the audience to become “freedom fighters” by utilizing “guerrilla disobedience,” because mere activism against the occupation was not enough.

At another panel on Zionism, JVP officials argued that Israel is an apartheid state — ignoring the equal rights and opportunities enjoyed by Israeli Arabs, while seemingly decrying the very notion of Zionism itself.

JVP also championed the case of convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh, who was responsible for a 1969 grocery store bombing that killed two Israeli students. JVP invited Odeh to speak at its conference this past April, just weeks after she pleaded guilty to US naturalization fraud and agreed to be deported. Odeh claims that her Israeli terrorism conviction resulted from weeks of torture– despite absolutely no evidence of this.

For a group that is supposedly inspired by its faith to work for justice and equality for both Israelis and Palestinians, Jewish Voice for Peace is disturbingly quiet about condemning terrorist violence targeting innocent Israelis.

(full article online)

Jewish Voice for Peace Justifies Fatal Jerusalem Terrorist Attack
[May this little "earthquake" turn into a greater and final one ]

"We're back, thank God. With more Jews on the Mountain, freedom of worship and service to God, tomorrow our smile will be even more beautiful." - Arnon Segal July 17, 2017
Proving once again that the “status quo” on the Temple Mount can and should be changed, police allowed a group of Jews up onto the Temple Mount on Monday morning, for the first time since the Islamic terror attack on Friday in which two Israeli policemen were murdered by Israeli-Arab terrorists.

What made this visit so unique is that for the first time in years, there were no Waqf officials and no paid Islamic Mourabitoun (m) and Mourabitat (f) provocateurs tracking, following and harassing the Jewish visitors to the holy site, as is normally the case.

XXXX - Mod Edit to shorten for "fair use". Do not Post the entire article.

Already a change for the better.

Jews Return to Temple Mount – Status Quo No MoreThe Jewish Press | Jewish Press News Briefs | 23 Tammuz 5777 – July 17, 2017 | JewishPress.com
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The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman of Saudi Arabia personally intervened in the Temple Mount crisis via the United States, according to a report posted Tuesday by the Arabic-language Elaph website, based in London.

Moreover, the Saudi king expressed no reservations about Israel’s decision to upgrade security by installing metal detectors at the entrances to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount in the wake of the terror attack last Friday that left two Israeli policemen dead and others wounded.

“The issue of metal detection machines, said the source, is a matter that has become routine in the holy places because of terrorism, which strikes without discrimination and in most places regardless of the sanctity of the different religions,” reported Elaph.

(full article online)

King Abdullah had occupied and annexed Jerusalem and the West bank against the wishes of the Palestinians. The Druzes are comparable to the Vichy Milizes that did the Nazi's dirty work in France.

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