A crime against God and men

Extra ! Extra !

Jews allowed to return to the Temple Mount after Police closed the place to them.

Keep up with the news folks !!!
It's not hard for an observant bystander to detect just how calculated the whipping up of the current violence actually is. The larger challenge is in seeing how this is part of a much longer narrative - an effort over generations to depict the Arabs, then later the Palestinian Arabs, and the Islamic world in general, as being under attack by Israel and the Jews.

We tweeted earlier today about the importance of looking at history and understanding the deep old roots of this week's violence. It may have been triggered by three similarly-named, murder-minded clansmen - all Mohammeds from the Jabarin clan - traveling up to Jerusalem on Friday to have themselves a shooting attack. But it started a lot earlier:

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 19-Jul-17: The Al-Aqsa factor: Rats, snakes and chickens
It's not hard for an observant bystander to detect just how calculated the whipping up of the current violence actually is. The larger challenge is in seeing how this is part of a much longer narrative - an effort over generations to depict the Arabs, then later the Palestinian Arabs, and the Islamic world in general, as being under attack by Israel and the Jews.

We tweeted earlier today about the importance of looking at history and understanding the deep old roots of this week's violence. It may have been triggered by three similarly-named, murder-minded clansmen - all Mohammeds from the Jabarin clan - traveling up to Jerusalem on Friday to have themselves a shooting attack. But it started a lot earlier:

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 19-Jul-17: The Al-Aqsa factor: Rats, snakes and chickens

Well, the Palestinian Christians and Muslims were, have been and are certainly under attack by Jews today, actually for nearly a century. What other people/nations may claim is not germane.
It's not hard for an observant bystander to detect just how calculated the whipping up of the current violence actually is. The larger challenge is in seeing how this is part of a much longer narrative - an effort over generations to depict the Arabs, then later the Palestinian Arabs, and the Islamic world in general, as being under attack by Israel and the Jews.

We tweeted earlier today about the importance of looking at history and understanding the deep old roots of this week's violence. It may have been triggered by three similarly-named, murder-minded clansmen - all Mohammeds from the Jabarin clan - traveling up to Jerusalem on Friday to have themselves a shooting attack. But it started a lot earlier:

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 19-Jul-17: The Al-Aqsa factor: Rats, snakes and chickens

Well, the Palestinian Christians and Muslims were, have been and are certainly under attack by Jews today, actually for nearly a century. What other people/nations may claim is not germane.

It's a bit of a joke to claim that the Islamic terrorist franchises occupying the disputed territories are under attack.

While people like you are fact-challenged, it is your islamic terrorist heroes who are attacking. It is written out in their Death Cult charter.

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory)."

What your Islamic terrorist heroes fail to understand is that their Death Cult is met with a superior fighting force, using superior tactics supported by superior weaponry.

It's quite remarkable behavior that your heroes use women and children as human shields for the gee-had because as we see with regularity, Israel puts the had in Islamic terrorist gee-had.
The terrorists entered the Temple Mount separately and made their way to the Al Aqsa Mosque, where they prayed.

After finishing their prayers, the three terrorists left the mosque. One of the terrorists held the bag concealing the weapons.

The accomplice was seen leaving the Temple Mount without the bag after having entered the mount with it.

As they left the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the terrorists continued to walk toward the bathroom compound inside the Temple Mount area, where they changed into long clothes. They left the compound armed with their weapons.

(vide video online)

Watch: New footage of Temple Mount attack
Meanwhile, the honor/shame dynamic is played out with more terror attacks. Hamas' leader called the father of the murderer of the father and his children in Halamish explicitly in terms of honor, saying that "Your son brought pride to the nation." Abbas cannot be seen as less interested in national pride than Hamas, to do so would be politically costly, although he cannot explicitly praise the attack either or risk alienating his Western friends. So he stays quiet. But he will pay the salary of the murderer for the rest of his life.

(full article online)

Applying honor/shame to the metal detector fiasco ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Had they been French in the 1940's we'd have hailed them as heroes fighting their nazi oppressors, carrying out a legitimate act of resistance against uniformed agents of the occupying power. What happened here is no different.
Had they been French in the 1940's we'd have hailed them as heroes fighting their nazi oppressors, carrying out a legitimate act of resistance against uniformed agents of the occupying power. What happened here is no different.

The French are indigenous of France.
The Copts are indigenous of Egypt.
The Berbers are indigenous of Morocco.
The Irish are indigenous of Ireland.
The Apaches and all other 500 Nations are indigenous of North America.
The Aborigines are indigenous of Australia.
The Maori are indigenous of New Zealand.
The Hawaiians are indigenous of Hawaii
The Arabs are indigenous of Arabia, from the Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian or Iraqi Arabs to the Palestinian Arabs, they will all be forever indigenous of Arabia.

The Jewish People/Nation is indigenous of the Jewish Homeland known by the world as Israel, ancient or modern.

The Jewish people are the French battling the invaders of 1400 years ago to their homeland, who came from Arabia. Some of those invaders who have now adopted the Nationality of being Palestinians (with no intention of ever remaining known as Palestinians as their preferred identity from the end of WWI to now, continues to be that of being part of Greater Syria, as Syrians)

Say that the Moon is made of cheese all you want.

Is it?
Had they been French in the 1940's we'd have hailed them as heroes fighting their nazi oppressors, carrying out a legitimate act of resistance against uniformed agents of the occupying power. What happened here is no different.

The French are indigenous of France.
The Copts are indigenous of Egypt.
The Berbers are indigenous of Morocco.
The Irish are indigenous of Ireland.
The Apaches and all other 500 Nations are indigenous of North America.
The Aborigines are indigenous of Australia.
The Maori are indigenous of New Zealand.
The Hawaiians are indigenous of Hawaii
The Arabs are indigenous of Arabia, from the Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian or Iraqi Arabs to the Palestinian Arabs, they will all be forever indigenous of Arabia.

The Jewish People/Nation is indigenous of the Jewish Homeland known by the world as Israel, ancient or modern.

The Jewish people are the French battling the invaders of 1400 years ago to their homeland, who came from Arabia. Some of those invaders who have now adopted the Nationality of being Palestinians (with no intention of ever remaining known as Palestinians as their preferred identity from the end of WWI to now, continues to be that of being part of Greater Syria, as Syrians)

Say that the Moon is made of cheese all you want.

Is it?

They may well be, but not the European Zionist settler-colonists of the late 19th- early 20th Century. They have no links to Palestine other than maybe a religion they perverted to further their goal to colonise the land. The real indigenous Judeans and Samarians, etc. never moved, they just converted to Christianity and later Islam. So you are right, the indigenous population is indeed fighting back against foreign Zionist invaders, the ones calling themselves "Jews".

Oh, the "French" originally came from Germany in the 5th century CE.
Copts are a religious sect no different from Muslim Egyptians, so that's a non-sequitur
Berbers are indigenous to most of the southern littoral of the Mediterranean, including modern Egypt...I could go on but you're boring me now, next?
Had they been French in the 1940's we'd have hailed them as heroes fighting their nazi oppressors, carrying out a legitimate act of resistance against uniformed agents of the occupying power. What happened here is no different.

The French are indigenous of France.
The Copts are indigenous of Egypt.
The Berbers are indigenous of Morocco.
The Irish are indigenous of Ireland.
The Apaches and all other 500 Nations are indigenous of North America.
The Aborigines are indigenous of Australia.
The Maori are indigenous of New Zealand.
The Hawaiians are indigenous of Hawaii
The Arabs are indigenous of Arabia, from the Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian or Iraqi Arabs to the Palestinian Arabs, they will all be forever indigenous of Arabia.

The Jewish People/Nation is indigenous of the Jewish Homeland known by the world as Israel, ancient or modern.

The Jewish people are the French battling the invaders of 1400 years ago to their homeland, who came from Arabia. Some of those invaders who have now adopted the Nationality of being Palestinians (with no intention of ever remaining known as Palestinians as their preferred identity from the end of WWI to now, continues to be that of being part of Greater Syria, as Syrians)

Say that the Moon is made of cheese all you want.

Is it?

He's a one trick pony.
He's going to quote Sand each and every time You'll bring up the connection of Jews to Judea.

Let's play :

"Those American Palestinians as well as European Palestinians have no connection whatsoever to Palestine. They never moved but simply became Israelis. Those in Europe and America who call themselves "Palestinians" are simply those who forged their identity to get some UNRWA money and world pity.
People don't move after mass massacres, wars, forced conversions and destruction of their holiest site"

"I'm Salman al-Hol, a Palestinian and I've written a book about that" -
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[Why the Arab attacked the two officers two weeks ago, and many are continuing this week]

Official PA daily: "Jerusalem is ours"
  • Abbas: The Islamic and Christian holy sites are in need of "defense"
  • Speaker on behalf of Abbas, about Israel's actions on the Temple Mount: They are "a step on the way to establishing the alleged Temple"
  • Editorial in official PA daily: "Holy sites [are being] harmed... undergo Judaization"

"Allah, liberate our mosque from the occupation`s filth" - "Jerusalem is ours" - PMW Bulletins
[Guilty by association ]

The assassin is reported to have been identified as Mustafa Shukri Ashshu, a 21-year-old tailor in the Old City. During the Arab-Jewish war he was a member of the "dynamite squad" attached to the Arab irregular forces which were associated with the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem and became bitter enemies of Abdullah. Information was received at the Jordan Legation in London last night that several men were concerned in the crime.

Assassination of King Abdullah

So, being part of the Palestinian forces (the irregular non-national forces) makes him part of the Husseini clan? So anyone in the Irgun was part of the Begin clan?

You just don't understand the tribalism at the basis of every Arab society. A person cannot just do what they want on other tribe's territory - it's a matter of honor.

There's no 'Begin tribe' .

BUT there's the Husseini tribe - the most important clan/tribe that ruled the Temple Mount (today too) and was toppled by the Jordanian king...whom, they've murdered on the Temple Mount.
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[Guilty by association ]

The assassin is reported to have been identified as Mustafa Shukri Ashshu, a 21-year-old tailor in the Old City. During the Arab-Jewish war he was a member of the "dynamite squad" attached to the Arab irregular forces which were associated with the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem and became bitter enemies of Abdullah. Information was received at the Jordan Legation in London last night that several men were concerned in the crime.

Assassination of King Abdullah

So, being part of the Palestinian forces (the irregular non-national forces) makes him part of the Husseini clan? So anyone in the Irgun was part of the Begin clan?

You just don't understand the tribalism at the basis of every Arab society. A person cannot just do what they want on other tribe's territory - it's a matter of honor.

There's no 'Begin tribe' .

BUT there's the Husseini tribe - the most important clan/tribe that ruled the Temple Mount (today too) and was toppled by the Jordanian king...whom, they've murdered on the Temple Mount.

There is no Husseini "Tribe" just as there is no "Begin" tribe. That's the point. Do you think that you are so clever that I can't see that you are trying to fabricate propaganda to somehow claim that there are no Palestinians, just tribes. LOL

For you, there are no American Indians, just a bunch of tribes, hence it was ok for the Europeans to colonize the Americans and commit genocide. You are an idiot.
[Guilty by association ]

The assassin is reported to have been identified as Mustafa Shukri Ashshu, a 21-year-old tailor in the Old City. During the Arab-Jewish war he was a member of the "dynamite squad" attached to the Arab irregular forces which were associated with the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem and became bitter enemies of Abdullah. Information was received at the Jordan Legation in London last night that several men were concerned in the crime.

Assassination of King Abdullah

So, being part of the Palestinian forces (the irregular non-national forces) makes him part of the Husseini clan? So anyone in the Irgun was part of the Begin clan?

You just don't understand the tribalism at the basis of every Arab society. A person cannot just do what they want on other tribe's territory - it's a matter of honor.

There's no 'Begin tribe' .

BUT there's the Husseini tribe - the most important clan/tribe that ruled the Temple Mount (today too) and was toppled by the Jordanian king...whom, they've murdered on the Temple Mount.

There is no Husseini "Tribe" just as there is no "Begin" tribe. That's the point. Do you think that you are so clever that I can't see that you are trying to fabricate propaganda to somehow claim that there are no Palestinians, just tribes. LOL

For you, there are no American Indians, just a bunch of tribes, hence it was ok for the Europeans to colonize the Americans and commit genocide. You are an idiot.
That's alright, the Muslims weren't doing anything worthwhile with that land before they lost it, anyhow... phukk 'em.
[Guilty by association ]

The assassin is reported to have been identified as Mustafa Shukri Ashshu, a 21-year-old tailor in the Old City. During the Arab-Jewish war he was a member of the "dynamite squad" attached to the Arab irregular forces which were associated with the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem and became bitter enemies of Abdullah. Information was received at the Jordan Legation in London last night that several men were concerned in the crime.

Assassination of King Abdullah

So, being part of the Palestinian forces (the irregular non-national forces) makes him part of the Husseini clan? So anyone in the Irgun was part of the Begin clan?

You just don't understand the tribalism at the basis of every Arab society. A person cannot just do what they want on other tribe's territory - it's a matter of honor.

There's no 'Begin tribe' .

BUT there's the Husseini tribe - the most important clan/tribe that ruled the Temple Mount (today too) and was toppled by the Jordanian king...whom, they've murdered on the Temple Mount.

There is no Husseini "Tribe" just as there is no "Begin" tribe. That's the point. Do you think that you are so clever that I can't see that you are trying to fabricate propaganda to somehow claim that there are no Palestinians, just tribes. LOL

For you, there are no American Indians, just a bunch of tribes, hence it was ok for the Europeans to colonize the Americans and commit genocide. You are an idiot.
That's alright, the Muslims weren't doing anything worthwhile with that land before they lost it, anyhow... phukk 'em.

The Christians and Muslims were doing fine with the land before they were colonized by the Europeans. And, they will get it back, eventually.
The residents, many of whom receive their Social Security checks from the Zionist occupier, continued to shout slogans like “Um al-Fahm will not let them harm al-Aqsa,” “This is a day of celebration for the city,” “We will give our lives for al-Aqsa,” “Every Muslim should give his life for al-Aqsa,” “We won’t permit the cowardly Netanyahu and Erdan to harm Muslim honor,” and the all time favorite, “Our al-Aqsa forever,” which is also available on T-shirts and Burqas.

(full article online)

Ten Thousand Israeli Arabs Wave Palestinian Flags at Temple Mount Terrorists’ Funeral in Umm al-FahmThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 4 Av 5777 – July 27, 2017 | JewishPress.com
The residents, many of whom receive their Social Security checks from the Zionist occupier, continued to shout slogans like “Um al-Fahm will not let them harm al-Aqsa,” “This is a day of celebration for the city,” “We will give our lives for al-Aqsa,” “Every Muslim should give his life for al-Aqsa,” “We won’t permit the cowardly Netanyahu and Erdan to harm Muslim honor,” and the all time favorite, “Our al-Aqsa forever,” which is also available on T-shirts and Burqas.

(full article online)

Ten Thousand Israeli Arabs Wave Palestinian Flags at Temple Mount Terrorists’ Funeral in Umm al-FahmThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 4 Av 5777 – July 27, 2017 | JewishPress.com

This is terrifying.
[Guilty by association ]

The assassin is reported to have been identified as Mustafa Shukri Ashshu, a 21-year-old tailor in the Old City. During the Arab-Jewish war he was a member of the "dynamite squad" attached to the Arab irregular forces which were associated with the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem and became bitter enemies of Abdullah. Information was received at the Jordan Legation in London last night that several men were concerned in the crime.

Assassination of King Abdullah

So, being part of the Palestinian forces (the irregular non-national forces) makes him part of the Husseini clan? So anyone in the Irgun was part of the Begin clan?

You just don't understand the tribalism at the basis of every Arab society. A person cannot just do what they want on other tribe's territory - it's a matter of honor.

There's no 'Begin tribe' .

BUT there's the Husseini tribe - the most important clan/tribe that ruled the Temple Mount (today too) and was toppled by the Jordanian king...whom, they've murdered on the Temple Mount.

There is no Husseini "Tribe" just as there is no "Begin" tribe. That's the point. Do you think that you are so clever that I can't see that you are trying to fabricate propaganda to somehow claim that there are no Palestinians, just tribes. LOL

For you, there are no American Indians, just a bunch of tribes, hence it was ok for the Europeans to colonize the Americans and commit genocide. You are an idiot.

There's of course the Husseini tribe, it's a significant tribal clan all over the ME - they rule the al-Aqsa compound and Jordan.
As much as the al -Tammimi tribe that run Qatar and the Palestinian media.

Meanwhile the Arab tribal leaders have more authority than any formal govt.
But keep running from the obvious...
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