A deal is at hand!!!

Of course, this will mean slow death by inflation............which all these fcukkers knew would be the epilogue anyway.
And a total scam of a deal at that. This bill is a farce and does zero on the debt limit.

Top Sen. Republican: deal very close on default - Yahoo! News

One thing thankfully.................





So much for the class warfare bullshite.............:D:funnyface::tomato:

:lol: time to compromise :lol:

It's a false deal. Yes, no new taxes. So the GOP made good on its claim. BUt I'll bet the spending cuts in two stages go something like this:
Immediately: $1M in mohair subsidies.
Sometime between now and 2020: $50Trillion mostly in waste and fraud.

This might be the best we can get before 2012. After that, with a GOP in the WH, Senate and House control, we might actually get something like real reform.
I have to say, the GOP, holding only 1/3 of the cards, had done pretty well. The Dems had substantial majorities (filibuster proof for the most part) and still couldnt get a lot of legislation through.
I don't think anyone really knows what this will look like aside form the 'commission' or panel....
Its win win for us Rabbi..........GOP look like the compromisers and we go back to the focus being on this shit economy.

Its all good............
and as if it wasnt going to get passed
get the public all riled up for absolutely nothing except for the crooked politics
Pretty funny.

After all this round and round they're likely to agree to a plan I"VE been supporting for ages.

They should have called me.

Recently the OMB evaluated BOTH the D's plan the R's plan.

Guess what?

NEITHER of them results in real decrease in the national debt.

When are you partisans going to wake up?
After weeks of both sides supposed haggling, gnashing of teeth, consternation, and crocodile tears of concern for the country, the facade comes to a close with both parties receiving their trillions. High fives are in order behind closed doors as both sides scream in ecstasy over their success in scamming us once again.

"Conductor looks back from locomotive, gives thumbs up, hear him yell something like......"everything's fine, we're still headed to the bottom"
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After weeks of both sides supposed haggling, gnashing of teeth, consternation, and crocodile tears of concern for the country, the facade comes to a close with both parties receiving their trillions. High fives are in order behind closed doors as both sides scream in ecstasy over their success in scamming us once again.

"Conductor looks back from locomotive, gives thumbs up, here him yell something like......"everything's fine, we're still headed to the bottom"

Part of this alleged deal means there will be no budget, it shall be deemed passed.

Oh Brother.

Recently the OMB evaluated BOTH the D's plan the R's plan.

Guess what?

NEITHER of them results in real decrease in the national debt.

When are you partisans going to wake up?

A political party is not a suicide pact.

The magnitude of the problem, in terms of what a real solution would require, makes it insoluble politically.

That's why a base-closing like committee that can take the heat off the politicians, at least some,
is one of the few choices that even has a ghost of a chance of working.

lol, that's why I was suggesting it over a year ago...right here...
I would feel better about the bill if it included a balanced budget ammendment to the Constitution and it was very specific on what would be cut in spending and exactly how much. More of the same. Promise to form committees to cut spending and the spending never gets cut. This bill is just more political bullshit from Washington. Also, if they cut enough spending there is no need to raise the debt ceiling. That's the problem now - too much debt. More incurred debt is not going to solve the problem. It's time for the politicians to stop spending money we do not have.
Let's hope there's a deal, we don't need to resort to drastic meansures that could really hurt a lot of people. It's all well and good to take a stand and make a point, but trying to fix everything when the Senate and the WH is controlled by the Dems is foolhardy. Everything I've heard so far suggests no tax increases and at least a vote on the BBA. That's good enough for me. It ain't where I want to end up, but it's a start inthe right direction.
Apparently conservatives are already showing some concern over this deal,

because it might put their sacred cow, defense, in jeopardy of being cut along with everything else.

Apparently conservatives are already showing some concern over this deal,

because it might put their sacred cow, defense, in jeopardy of being cut along with everything else.


I have no problem with cutting defense, if done sensibly, not Slick Willy style.
ARE WE THAT STUPID TO REALLY THINK THAT TAXES ARE NOT GONNA HAVE TO GO UP. THE TAX CODE HAS TO CHANGE. i am a republican and i understand the fact taxes will go up, inflation is already here guys. unless the american people does not start taking care of them selves and stop depending on the government to feed them and clothe them it will never change. we must break the cycle of entitlements we are NOT entitled to anything. welfare has to be regulated and simply put if you have a child and you on welfare and then you have a second we sorry your funds are not gonna go up. WE MUST BREAK THE CYCLE
Yea even the Democrats turned on the Hopey Changey One. Even they're not considering raising Taxes. So i guess that is a small victory. But all of these Plans do nothing to address our Debt problem. It's sad.

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