A deal is at hand!!!

I don't think the Dems have given up on raising taxes, they just realize the House simply will not pass anything with tax increases in it. I would expec it to be a major campaign issue next year.

This tax thing, is realy a distraction from the main problem, which is spending. Who knows what'll come out of the debt ceiling compromise, but as it stands now the national debt is projected to go up by about 10 trillion, and that's the conservative estimate. Some say it'll be much more if our credit rating is lowered, which seems likely sooner or later. So if you rise taxes you get maybe 700 billion - 1 trillion in new revenue, where are you going to get the other 9 trillion? Frankly, I don't think the gov't will get that much money, rich people will find ways to avoid paying more taxes, they always do. AND, you disincentivize investment from both foreign and domestic sources at a time when we don't need to be putting up any obstacles to economic growth. Later maybe, but not now.
Pretty funny.

After all this round and round they're likely to agree to a plan I"VE been supporting for ages.

They should have called me.

Would they have gotten an answer?

Your lines tied up all day as you pleasure yourself on the Internet.

PS - Harry Reid is a dumbfuck - as you are.
Its win win for us Rabbi..........GOP look like the compromisers and we go back to the focus being on this shit economy.

Its all good............

The financial mess our government is in has a direct impact on this economy.

Recently the OMB evaluated BOTH the D's plan the R's plan.

Guess what?

NEITHER of them results in real decrease in the national debt.

When are you partisans going to wake up?

Which is exactly why the Tea Party is right this time.
Apparently conservatives are already showing some concern over this deal,

because it might put their sacred cow, defense, in jeopardy of being cut along with everything else.


There are no sacred cows. When are you partisans going to realize that?
zero chance of taxes going up. Is it me or do some people who post in here have the political IQ of a marine battery terminal?

And the irony?

If tomorrow, the president put a moratorium on regulations and also pledged no new taxes through 2012, he get reelected.:funnyface:

Hey Soggy bro......what were you saying about the KY jelly?:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Yea even the Democrats turned on the Hopey Changey One. Even they're not considering raising Taxes. So i guess that is a small victory. But all of these Plans do nothing to address our Debt problem. It's sad.

And may even put our Defense budget at risk.....especially if the commission cannot come to an agreement and the trigger for an across-the-board 1.2T cut is put into action...

Also if the trigger is executed because the commission doesn't agree on cuts by Christmas the debt ceiling is raised only 1.2T (to match the cuts but probably not enough to cover the bills for long) and we will be right back to where we are now...facing another default....but hey! a silver lining...that's Obama's problem if it coincides with elections...:cool:

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