A Democrat finally admits Gun Confiscation is the Goal

We will NEVER give in. I don't care how many idiots need to die.
No one denies you think other people's school kids are an acceptable price for you to pay for easy access to handguns and assault style rifles. That's what makes America great.
Look at you, completely ignorant of the fact that over the last 37 years, an average of less than 2 kids are killed per year by an 'assault weapon' in a school shooting.
Put in perspective, a child is...
> 64x more likely to die on a school bus
> 10x more likely to die playing HS football
> 2.5x more likely to die as a cheerleader

Your response: BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS!!!!!!
And again, rightard gun nuts ignore the level of casualties assault style rifles inflict in any one incident...
Nothing here changes the fact more poeple are murdered in mass shootings with a handguns.
You know you have to rely on statistical outlines to make your point, which means you know your point is hopeless.

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