A Democrat finally admits Gun Confiscation is the Goal

US rightard gun nuts play the semantic game unceasingly to avoid confronting the point that semi rifles with detachable large magazines, based on military models, are usually the rifle of choice for mass shooters. They pretend not to know all/any of the instances where they were used, or pretend a detachable 20 round magazine has exactly the same functionality as a fixed 5 round magazine.

They will pick on this word or that word in a post, all in order to avoid having to confront reality.

Gun nuts are always with us.
US rightard gun nuts play the semantic game unceasingly to avoid confronting the point that semi rifles with detachable large magazines, based on military models, are usually the rifle of choice for mass shooters.

Gun nuts are always with us.

And he is calling you out because you are either uninformed on the topic of which you speak, in which case I would suggest you educate yourself and return afterwards, or you are intentionally trying to lie, in which case just don't bother returning.

Pistols actually far and away are the most common.

Guns used in mass shootings 1982-2018 | Statista

Mass Shootings by Gun Type: What the Data Shows

So you are upset because you are lying and he's not agreeing with your lie??
US rightard gun nuts play the semantic game unceasingly to avoid confronting the point that semi rifles with detachable large magazines, based on military models, are usually the rifle of choice for mass shooters.
This is a lie.
Most mass shootings are committed with handguns; most people who die in a mass shooting are murdered with a handgun.

When you have to lie to make a point, your point is immediately negated
US rightard gun nuts play the semantic game unceasingly to avoid confronting the point that semi rifles with detachable large magazines, based on military models, are usually the rifle of choice for mass shooters. They pretend not to know all/any of the instances where they were used, or pretend a detachable 20 round magazine has exactly the same functionality as a fixed 5 round magazine.

They will pick on this word or that word in a post, all in order to avoid having to confront reality.

Gun nuts are always with us.
And you commie bitches want to disarm Americans so you can run your commie revolution here with little resistance.

We will NEVER give in. I don't care how many idiots need to die.

We are going back to pre-1934 gun laws.

You can suck on our gun barbells, and I am not talking about those attached to firearms.

We will NEVER give in. I don't care how many idiots need to die.
No one denies you think other people's school kids are an acceptable price for you to pay for easy access to handguns and assault style rifles. That's what makes America great.
Swalwell Confirms Democrats Are Going To Confiscate Your Guns

California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell:
"I’m the only candidate calling for a mandatory national ban and buyback of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons."

At last, an honest Democrat! There's a problem, though: I don't think he or his Party have ever sold guns, so it's going to be damn hard for him to "buy them back".

He doesn't have the slightest possibility of success, but it's great fun to watch these Dems try to out-radical each other. At this point I would say the Democratic Party is essentially dead.

I bet the democrats find the money to fund that while saying we can't afford to build a wall! ITMT, what then after they buy back all the guns and crime continues or gets worse? Do we get our guns back or do the Dems decide they simply need to take more from us?
And again, rightard gun nuts ignore the level of casualties assault style rifles inflict in any one incident, compared to handguns. To address that issue would make their position untenable, so it is easy to understand why they avoid that uncomfortable fact. Gun nuts, eh? Note how none have addressed that point. Note how all have deflected to some other point.

Land of the free fer shure. Free to ignore reality.
And again, rightard gun nuts ignore the level of casualties assault style rifles inflict in any one incident, compared to handguns. To address that issue would make their position untenable, so it is easy to understand why they avoid that uncomfortable fact. Gun nuts, eh? Note how none have addressed that point. Note how all have deflected to some other point.

Land of the free fer shure. Free to ignore reality.
Shotguns are much more deadly.

Kill Canada now!!!

US rightard gun nuts play the semantic game unceasingly to avoid confronting the point that semi rifles with detachable large magazines, based on military models, are usually the rifle of choice for mass shooters. They pretend not to know all/any of the instances where they were used, or pretend a detachable 20 round magazine has exactly the same functionality as a fixed 5 round magazine.

They will pick on this word or that word in a post, all in order to avoid having to confront reality.

Gun nuts are always with us.
mass shootings account for less than 1% of all murders in the US

Rifles if any kind account for less than 2% of all murders in the US

Banning rifles with detachable magazines will not lower the murder rate
And again, rightard gun nuts ignore the level of casualties assault style rifles inflict in any one incident, compared to handguns. To address that issue would make their position untenable, so it is easy to understand why they avoid that uncomfortable fact. Gun nuts, eh? Note how none have addressed that point. Note how all have deflected to some other point.

Land of the free fer shure. Free to ignore reality.

VA tech shooting committed with 2 handguns resulting in 32 dead

It doesn't matter what weapon you are using if no one is shooting back at you
And again, rightard gun nuts ignore the level of casualties assault style rifles inflict in any one incident, compared to handguns. To address that issue would make their position untenable, so it is easy to understand why they avoid that uncomfortable fact. Gun nuts, eh? Note how none have addressed that point. Note how all have deflected to some other point.

Land of the free fer shure. Free to ignore reality.

So what you're saying is it isn't about actual murder.. if the deadlier shotgun most often used is a pump action, or the deadlier blunt object most often used is a baseball bat don't worry. They don't look as scary, even though they are more often used in murders, they don't look as scary.

No wonder the ban didn't work before. Semi automatic "assault style" guns banned and murder rates rose... But hey why not keep trying the same thing even though we know it doesn't work?
So what you're saying is after you take out the deadliest weapons and are left with rifles the most popularly used one is the most popularly purchased one by far.

That's like saying most drunk drivers use Ford f-150s in drunk driving accidents that cause deaths because they're the number one selling vehicle in the US. So somehow a band on Ford pickups will reduce drunk driving deaths?

Wow you nuts have a wonderful line of logic there.

If most terrorist attacks don't use planes, but the deadliest ones do, and Boeing makes the planes most often used in those terrorist attacks , let's ban their planes.
See if your logic holds up. I'm not agreeing with this but this is your logic.

Most murders are not mass murders. Most mass murderers don't use rifles. But of those who do, semi automatics are most commonly used because they are most commonly bought and have had some of the highest deaths.

Now lets simply use this logic on something else.

Most murders are not acts of terrorism. Most acts of terrorism are not by foreign people. But of the ones by foreign people some of the deadliest are performed by Muslims.

So ban semiautomatic weapons and Muslims from entering the country?

Either you stand by your logic, and support Trump's travel ban, or you say you're a hypocrite, and only use that logic when it suits you.
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