A Democrat finally admits Gun Confiscation is the Goal

And again, rightard gun nuts ignore the level of casualties assault style rifles inflict in any one incident, compared to handguns. To address that issue would make their position untenable, so it is easy to understand why they avoid that uncomfortable fact. Gun nuts, eh? Note how none have addressed that point. Note how all have deflected to some other point.

Land of the free fer shure. Free to ignore reality.

And you ignore the actual truth, knives kill more people every single year than all rifle types combined........so, according to your logic, we need to ban all knives...right? Since there are over 8 million AR-15 rifles in this country, and millions more semi-automatic rifles along the same line....while we have had 102 deaths from these rifles....in mass public shootings...

1,591 killed with knives in 2017, 58 killed in Vegas by an AR-15

Which is deadlier...doofus?

By the way, a muslim terrorist in Nice, France, used a rental truck to kill 86 people and injure 435 in 5 minutes of driving.....so now you want to ban all rental trucks? Right? Since they can be used to kill more people than an AR-15 rifle....right?


Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696

US rightard gun nuts play the semantic game unceasingly to avoid confronting the point that semi rifles with detachable large magazines, based on military models, are usually the rifle of choice for mass shooters. They pretend not to know all/any of the instances where they were used, or pretend a detachable 20 round magazine has exactly the same functionality as a fixed 5 round magazine.

They will pick on this word or that word in a post, all in order to avoid having to confront reality.

Gun nuts are always with us.

Wrong...the weapon of choice of mass public shooters is the handgun. The weapon of choice for almost all of the 10,982 gun murders in 2017 was the handgun......

You are wrong on all counts, you pull this fake information out of your ass and just post it......
We will NEVER give in. I don't care how many idiots need to die.
No one denies you think other people's school kids are an acceptable price for you to pay for easy access to handguns and assault style rifles. That's what makes America great.

More kids die in cars than in any mass public shooting....so you are advocating to make a law that says kids can't ride in cars?
More kids die in swimming pools and bath tubs than from PEOPLE using guns ILLEGALLY.
More kids die in swimming pools and bath tubs than from PEOPLE using guns ILLEGALLY.

Bathtubs should be banned.....just hose kids down outside........if it saves just one life....
And again, rightard gun nuts ignore the level of casualties assault style rifles inflict in any one incident, compared to handguns. To address that issue would make their position untenable, so it is easy to understand why they avoid that uncomfortable fact. Gun nuts, eh? Note how none have addressed that point. Note how all have deflected to some other point.
"Deaths per incident" is a ridiculous benchmark for legislation. Using that criteria all airplanes should be banned.
And again, rightard gun nuts ignore the level of casualties assault style rifles inflict in any one incident, compared to handguns. To address that issue would make their position untenable, so it is easy to understand why they avoid that uncomfortable fact. Gun nuts, eh? Note how none have addressed that point. Note how all have deflected to some other point.
"Deaths per incident" is a ridiculous benchmark for legislation. Using that criteria all airplanes should be banned.

A muslim terrorist in France used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injure 435...in 5 minutes of driving....using his benchmark, this attack killed more people in one attack than each mass public shooting in the U.S....even more than in Vegas...so obviously, according to his standard....we need to ban rental trucks.
The point is, anti-gunners KNOW that "assault weapons" are not the culprit, and that eliminating them won't eliminate mass shootings.

Scary black rifles are a "soft target" anti-gunners use to drum up fervor, and banning them is an incremental approach to universal gun bans.
You are more likely to die buying a bedframe raised off the floor and falling out of bed than a bad guy with a rifle.

But one is "scarier"???
US rightard gun nuts play the semantic game unceasingly to avoid confronting the point that semi rifles with detachable large magazines, based on military models, are usually the rifle of choice for mass shooters.
This is a lie.
Most mass shootings are committed with handguns; most people who die in a mass shooting are murdered with a handgun.

When you have to lie to make a point, your point is immediately negated
We're talking about major mass shootings like 68 or 30 and those are done with military style assault rifles. Cut the spin.
The point is, anti-gunners KNOW that "assault weapons" are not the culprit, and that eliminating them won't eliminate mass shootings.

Scary black rifles are a "soft target" anti-gunners use to drum up fervor, and banning them is an incremental approach to universal gun bans.
The point is, you and others on the right are liars and utterly dishonest.

No one is ‘anti-gun.’

No one wants to ‘take your guns.’

No one wants to ‘confiscate’ your guns.

Conservatives have been propagating these lies for more than 50 years with no guns ‘confiscated.’

It’s all lies and rightwing demagoguery.
The point is, anti-gunners KNOW that "assault weapons" are not the culprit, and that eliminating them won't eliminate mass shootings.

Scary black rifles are a "soft target" anti-gunners use to drum up fervor, and banning them is an incremental approach to universal gun bans.
The point is, you and others on the right are liars and utterly dishonest.

No one is ‘anti-gun.’

No one wants to ‘take your guns.’

No one wants to ‘confiscate’ your guns.

Conservatives have been propagating these lies for more than 50 years with no guns ‘confiscated.’

It’s all lies and rightwing demagoguery.

Evidently you decided to not read the link. You can read, right?
Nut job killers love the military style. You want a diagram?
Your opinion runs contrary to established fact.
Sure if you say so LOL.. show me a nut job killer who didn't have military style equipment.

That creepy white dude who walked into that black church and shot up the congregation. His name slips my mind but I hate him anyway so fuck him.
I guess it's time to talk about military style pistols LOL...
The point is, anti-gunners KNOW that "assault weapons" are not the culprit, and that eliminating them won't eliminate mass shootings.

Scary black rifles are a "soft target" anti-gunners use to drum up fervor, and banning them is an incremental approach to universal gun bans.
The point is, you and others on the right are liars and utterly dishonest.

No one is ‘anti-gun.’

No one wants to ‘take your guns.’

No one wants to ‘confiscate’ your guns.

Conservatives have been propagating these lies for more than 50 years with no guns ‘confiscated.’

It’s all lies and rightwing demagoguery.

Evidently you decided to not read the link. You can read, right?
That guy and anyone who says confiscation is going nowhere.
The point is, anti-gunners KNOW that "assault weapons" are not the culprit, and that eliminating them won't eliminate mass shootings.

Scary black rifles are a "soft target" anti-gunners use to drum up fervor, and banning them is an incremental approach to universal gun bans.
The point is, you and others on the right are liars and utterly dishonest.

No one is ‘anti-gun.’

No one wants to ‘take your guns.’

No one wants to ‘confiscate’ your guns.

Conservatives have been propagating these lies for more than 50 years with no guns ‘confiscated.’

It’s all lies and rightwing demagoguery.

Evidently you decided to not read the link. You can read, right?
That guy and anyone who says confiscation is going nowhere.

Not sure "that guy" feels the same way. Shouldn't take long for the other idiot liberals running to jump on the wagon though.
The point is, you and others on the right are liars and utterly dishonest.
No one is ‘anti-gun.’
No one wants to ‘take your guns.’
No one wants to ‘confiscate’ your guns.
Conservatives have been propagating these lies for more than 50 years with no guns ‘confiscated.’
It’s all lies and rightwing demagoguery.
More than 450 people in Florida ordered to give up guns under new law
California gun confiscations increase sharply under restraining-order law
Law-abiding gun Owner Killed During Red Flag Confiscation Raid
NJ Cops came to confiscate guns after son discussed school safety

Now, who is dishonest?

That's right, it's you.

Will you admit it, or just disappear from this thread?
Swalwell Confirms Democrats Are Going To Confiscate Your Guns

California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell:
"I’m the only candidate calling for a mandatory national ban and buyback of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons."

At last, an honest Democrat! There's a problem, though: I don't think he or his Party have ever sold guns, so it's going to be damn hard for him to "buy them back".

He doesn't have the slightest possibility of success, but it's great fun to watch these Dems try to out-radical each other. At this point I would say the Democratic Party is essentially dead.

Trump is not even at 50% on the biased Rasmussen Poll. And the Dems won a gigantic, landslide victory in the last House mid-terms.

And you say the Democratic Party is 'essentially dead'.


Dang...you Trumpbots just cannot stop making incredibly, ridiculous comments, can you?
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Funny - that is how I might describe your brain activity after that comment.
Trump is not even at 50% on the biased Rasmussen Poll. And the Dems just won a gigantic, landslide victory in the House mid-terms.
And you say the Democratic Party is 'essentially dead'.
Dang...you Trumpbots just cannot stop making incredibly, stupid comments, can you?
Did your handlers approve this propaganda post? Better check, you look awful silly...
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Most mass shootings are committed with handguns;
I said 'rifle of choice', not firearm of choice. I don't expect reading comprehension from rightard gun nuts so that's ok.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
This makes your argument more irrelevant than I ever could
:lol: :lol: :lol:
The "rifle of choice " is was used to murder an average of 5 people per year over the last 37 years; 60% of these deaths come from just 4 shootings.
Your response: BAN THEM!!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol::
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