A democrat governor undermines police in Ferguson...

By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.

That thought has run through my mind also.

I would have thought they would look at the vid and say hmmmm maybe this guy is a thug and we shouldnt be defending him...but thats just me.

Irrelevant. The law cannot convict you for simply being a thuggish individual, why should the police be able to kill just because they do not like your looks or manner of behavior? The police killed an unarmed man and they had better have good story and present it quickly. Police get away with murder all of the time can't just let them have a free pass just because they murdered someone scary to you.
There has been total mishandling of this.
First, on the first night of rioting the mayor should have called in the National Guard. They should have arrived in overwhelming force. They should have had the authority to shoot looters on sight. They should have disbursed bands and imposed a curfew. None of thsoe things happened.
By relieving the police the political authorities have given the rioters (I nearly wrote protestors. They are not) the message that the police are wrong. That undermines respect for the department. The whole thing, along with the media misreporting and stupidity, have made a bad situation much worse.
That thought has run through my mind also.

I would have thought they would look at the vid and say hmmmm maybe this guy is a thug and we shouldnt be defending him...but thats just me.

Irrelevant. The law cannot convict you for simply being a thuggish individual, why should the police be able to kill just because they do not like your looks or manner of behavior? The police killed an unarmed man and they had better have good story and present it quickly. Police get away with murder all of the time can't just let them have a free pass just because they murdered someone scary to you.

Proof that police get away with murder all the time?

The guy was going for the officer's gun. He had a history, that day as a matter of fact, of heedless violence. He was a big bruiser and could easily inflict death just by physical contact. So far the facts support the police.
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) said the local police "attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting" by releasing a video of Michael Brown allegedly engaging in a "strong-arm" convenience store robbery.
"I think it had an incendiary effect," Nixon said. "I mean, when you release picture and you clearly are attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting, shot down in his own street, a young man and at the same time you’re releasing information to try to make it, to tarnish him, then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about that, and I do think it flamed it back up and has caused us to have to deal with some of that."

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.

Nah, I did not see it that way. I saw it as releasing facts pertinent to the case.

The whole premise of this has been it was a racial shooting ( while cop, black kid, vigilante justice) and this has caused more violence with riots before the video was released. Everyone was and is saying it was racist.

If people look at the facts they may, if they open their mind, see there is more to this than some cop driving down the road and just shooting because he saw black kids in the middle of the road. EXACTLY how it has been presented to the public.
Again, the meme fueling the initial rioting was that this kid was an angel and the cop was a mad dog racist who killed the kid simply because he was black...

Now, because of the video, we have an idea that this kid may have very well been a violent thug...and the new video of the witnesses that say the kid charged the police officer may explain the shooting...

But let's not let the truth of the situation get clouded by exposing actual video of the situation...
What Brown did or did not do previously is irrevalent. If we stick to the facts as presented they are as follows:
The officier DID NOT stop Brown because he was a suspect in any crime other than walking down the middle of the street. (Confirmed by the Chief of Police)
According to witnesses the Officier appeared to be trying to pull Brown into the police car.
A shot was fired while the officier was still in the car. (Confirmed by witnesses).
Brown turned and ran and the officier climbed out of the car and started shooting (Again confirmed by witnesses).
Brown apparently was hit. He stopped running and held his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. THE VIOLENCE SHOULD HAVE BEEN OVER AT THIS TIME.
With no threat to the officier and with Brown being unarmed and surrendering the officier proceeded to fire shots into Brown (Again confirmed by witnesses).
According to one of the witnesses the officier even shot Brown while he was helpless and lying on the ground.
An ambulance was never on scene and Brown was allowed to bleed out in the streets.
Brown's body was removed from the scene by being placed into the back of a police SUV which I find highly unusual. I cannot remember ever hearing anything like this. Usually paramedics arrive on scene and remove the body to either taken to the morgue or to the hospital.
What you will probably say next is that we cannot trust the witnesses to be honest. And the reason why you cannot trust the witnesses is because they are black and everyone knows Blacks always lie. Whereas, the officier who is white would never lie to try to avoid being charged with murder. Whites always tell the truth. Right? Am I right??
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CaféAuLait;9643786 said:
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.

Nah, I did not see it that way. I saw it as releasing facts pertinent to the case.

The whole premise of this has been it was a racial shooting ( while cop, black kid, vigilante justice) and this has caused more violence with riots before the video was released. Everyone was and is saying it was racist.

If people look at the facts they may, if they open their mind, see there is more to this than some cop driving down the road and just shooting because he saw black kids in the middle of the road. EXACTLY how it has been presented to the public.
Nah, I did not see it that way. I saw it as releasing facts pertinent to the case.
"Spoken by someone who DOES NOT want this to be considered a case of racial murder. What Brown did or did not do prior to the shooting is irrevalent. Even the Chief of Police stated the officier did not know about the convenience store. In other words, the video was released for the sole purpose of throwing mud at Brown and for no other reason. I would not be a bit surprised if they pulled out Brown's discipline records from high school which also are not pertinent to what occurred.
Again, the meme fueling the initial rioting was that this kid was an angel and the cop was a mad dog racist who killed the kid simply because he was black...

Now, because of the video, we have an idea that this kid may have very well been a violent thug...and the new video of the witnesses that say the kid charged the police officer may explain the shooting...

But let's not let the truth of the situation get clouded by exposing actual video of the situation...
What Brown did or did not do previously is irrevalent. If we stick to the facts as presented they are as follows:
The officier DID NOT stop Brown because he was a suspect in any crime other than walking down the middle of the street. (Confirmed by the Chief of Police)
According to witnesses the Officier appeared to be trying to pull Brown into the police car.
A shot was fired while the officier was still in the car. (Confirmed by witnesses).
Brown turned and ran and the officier climbed out of the car and started shooting (Again confirmed by witnesses).
Brown apparently was hit. He stopped running and held his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. THE VIOLENCE SHOULD HAVE BEEN OVER AT THIS TIME.
With no threat to the officier and with Brown being unarmed and surrendering the officier proceeded to fire shots into Brown (Again confirmed by witnesses).
According to one of the witnesses the officier even shot Brown while he was helpless and lying on the ground.
An ambulance was never on scene and Brown was allowed to bleed out in the streets.
Brown's body was removed from the scene by being placed into the back of a police SUV which I find highly unusual. I cannot remember ever hearing anything like this. Usually paramedics arrive on scene and remove the body to either taken to the morgue or to the hospital.
What you will probably say next is that we cannot trust the witnesses to be honest. And the reason why you cannot trust the witnesses is because they are black and everyone knows Blacks always lie. Whereas, the officier who is white would never lie to try to avoid being charged with murder. Whites always tell the truth. Right? Am I right??

The witnesses are lying pieces of shit with an ulterior motive. They arent credible. The video is germane because it speaks to Brown's character. He was a big bruiser of a guy who felt entitled to other people's stuff and was disdainful of authority. Neither of those is a shooting offense, of course. So the germane thing is what caused the officer to shoot him. For no reason doesnt seem like a reasonable answer. So why was it?
I don't think releasing a video that shows prior crime committed by brown has any relevance to the current acts.
CaféAuLait;9643786 said:
By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.

Nah, I did not see it that way. I saw it as releasing facts pertinent to the case.

The whole premise of this has been it was a racial shooting ( while cop, black kid, vigilante justice) and this has caused more violence with riots before the video was released. Everyone was and is saying it was racist.

If people look at the facts they may, if they open their mind, see there is more to this than some cop driving down the road and just shooting because he saw black kids in the middle of the road. EXACTLY how it has been presented to the public.
Nah, I did not see it that way. I saw it as releasing facts pertinent to the case.
"Spoken by someone who DOES NOT want this to be considered a case of racial murder. What Brown did or did not do prior to the shooting is irrevalent. Even the Chief of Police stated the officier did not know about the convenience store. In other words, the video was released for the sole purpose of throwing mud at Brown and for no other reason. I would not be a bit surprised if they pulled out Brown's discipline records from high school which also are not pertinent to what occurred.

The assumptions this is a racial case is causing horrible unrest.

The video says a lot. It shows there was a reason for Brown to have reacted as the cop told them to get out of the middle of the street- it shows Brown may have assumed the cop knew about the robbery and an altercation ensued. Brown had just treated another human being ( who looked to be a minority as well) in a awful manner. Why don't you think he made have done the same to the cop?

If it ends up being some cop driving down the road and shooting two innocent kids I will damn him just as quickly, the issue is the ASSUMPTIONS it was racially motivated. Why is it you want the case to be racially motivated?

Why not wait for all the FACTS instead of jumping to conclusions? Hummmm?
I don't think releasing a video that shows prior crime committed by brown has any relevance to the current acts.

It does if Brown thought the cop was stopping them for the robbery and assault. It may go to prove Brown's state of mind and he may have indeed attacked the cop. Lets see what the autopsy shows.

How far away was brown when shot? IS the reason for many autopsies because it corroborates the cops story? He was shot at close range or not in the back as claimed while running away? Was he charging the cop?
The video also shows what kind of guy he was. Angry, entitled, disdainful. He just walked into a store and took something like it was his and walked out. He slammed the clerk away like he was a fly. That is the man the officer saw and confronted.
CaféAuLait;9644456 said:
I don't think releasing a video that shows prior crime committed by brown has any relevance to the current acts.

It does if Brown thought the cop was stopping them for the robbery and assault. It may go to prove Brown's state of mind and he may have indeed attacked the cop. Lets see what the autopsy shows.

How far away was brown when shot? IS the reason for many autopsies because it corroborates the cops story? He was shot at close range or not in the back as claimed while running away? Was he charging the cop?

Good questions. Obviously, he committed a crime. If brown was attacking the officer then the officer acted accordingly.
Well how about that. Johnson lied, Brown was NEVER SHOT In the back. and 4 of 5 shots hit him in the arm,


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This is why the family is demanding so many autopsies, the facts seem to match the officers for now. Unless there is no trace GSR on his clothes.

Either way, Brown's friend, Johnson is full of it and look at the destruction because these two decided to rob a store and maybe attack the officer as the cop stated. It sure does not match up to Johnson saying he was running away while being shot.
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) said the local police "attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting" by releasing a video of Michael Brown allegedly engaging in a "strong-arm" convenience store robbery.
"I think it had an incendiary effect," Nixon said. "I mean, when you release picture and you clearly are attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting, shot down in his own street, a young man and at the same time you’re releasing information to try to make it, to tarnish him, then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about that, and I do think it flamed it back up and has caused us to have to deal with some of that."

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

There is nothing more to the situation. The situation was simple. This cop chose to execute this kid after the kid had given himself up. The cop shot him six times, twice in the head. I will still give the cop an out if all the shots were fired within five feet. If they were more than ten to fifteen feet away, then this cop should go to prison for the rest of his natural life.
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) said the local police "attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting" by releasing a video of Michael Brown allegedly engaging in a "strong-arm" convenience store robbery.
"I think it had an incendiary effect," Nixon said. "I mean, when you release picture and you clearly are attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting, shot down in his own street, a young man and at the same time you’re releasing information to try to make it, to tarnish him, then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about that, and I do think it flamed it back up and has caused us to have to deal with some of that."

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

There is nothing more to the situation. The situation was simple. This cop chose to execute this kid after the kid had given himself up. The cop shot him six times, twice in the head. I will still give the cop an out if all the shots were fired within five feet. If they were more than ten to fifteen feet away, then this cop should go to prison for the rest of his natural life.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. That much is clear.
CaféAuLait;9643786 said:
Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

What the police did by releasing the video...is bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the video...you let people know there is more to the situation...so you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the bus...as they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.

Nah, I did not see it that way. I saw it as releasing facts pertinent to the case.

The whole premise of this has been it was a racial shooting ( while cop, black kid, vigilante justice) and this has caused more violence with riots before the video was released. Everyone was and is saying it was racist.

If people look at the facts they may, if they open their mind, see there is more to this than some cop driving down the road and just shooting because he saw black kids in the middle of the road. EXACTLY how it has been presented to the public.

Since the cop that shot Michael Brown (six fucking times) did not know of the robbery, it has no bearing at all on the shooting. The cop didn't know he had stolen cigars.
CaféAuLait;9643786 said:
By releasing the video they were saying the kid deserved it and that they were in the right to kill him. The police department did everything in a way that almost made it seem they wanted an escalation.

Nah, I did not see it that way. I saw it as releasing facts pertinent to the case.

The whole premise of this has been it was a racial shooting ( while cop, black kid, vigilante justice) and this has caused more violence with riots before the video was released. Everyone was and is saying it was racist.

If people look at the facts they may, if they open their mind, see there is more to this than some cop driving down the road and just shooting because he saw black kids in the middle of the road. EXACTLY how it has been presented to the public.

Since the cop that shot Michael Brown (six fucking times) did not know of the robbery, it has no bearing at all on the shooting. The cop didn't know he had stolen cigars.

Of course it does. This is the guy the cop saw. He didnt see some skinny short kid but a big bruiser who tosses people out of his way like crumpled newspaper.
You throw out a lot of unsupported statements and then drift off. Are you sure you are not a sock for JakeStarkey?
No, the rioters share all the blame...not the police...there are people killed by police each year and riots are not the go to answer in any of those incidents...so let's blame the people doing the rioting...

so let's blame the APES doing the rioting (my apologies to real Apes) if these apes had half the brains of an amoeba everything after the shooting would have been handled lawfully and legally. :up:
CaféAuLait;9643786 said:
Nah, I did not see it that way. I saw it as releasing facts pertinent to the case.

The whole premise of this has been it was a racial shooting ( while cop, black kid, vigilante justice) and this has caused more violence with riots before the video was released. Everyone was and is saying it was racist.

If people look at the facts they may, if they open their mind, see there is more to this than some cop driving down the road and just shooting because he saw black kids in the middle of the road. EXACTLY how it has been presented to the public.

Since the cop that shot Michael Brown (six fucking times) did not know of the robbery, it has no bearing at all on the shooting. The cop didn't know he had stolen cigars.

Of course it does. This is the guy the cop saw. He didnt see some skinny short kid but a big bruiser who tosses people out of his way like crumpled newspaper.
You throw out a lot of unsupported statements and then drift off. Are you sure you are not a sock for JakeStarkey?

Of course it does not. If a woman is raped, it doesn't matter that she is a prostitute, rape is still rape.

The cop that shot Michael Brown knew him only as a jaywalker. Apparently the punishment for jaywalking while black is severe.

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