A democrat governor undermines police in Ferguson...

Since the cop that shot Michael Brown (six fucking times) did not know of the robbery, it has no bearing at all on the shooting. The cop didn't know he had stolen cigars.

Of course it does. This is the guy the cop saw. He didnt see some skinny short kid but a big bruiser who tosses people out of his way like crumpled newspaper.
You throw out a lot of unsupported statements and then drift off. Are you sure you are not a sock for JakeStarkey?

Of course it does not. If a woman is raped, it doesn't matter that she is a prostitute, rape is still rape.

The cop that shot Michael Brown knew him only as a jaywalker. Apparently the punishment for jaywalking while black is severe.

First off, totally off base comparison. It's more like, Woman claimed she was raped and video showed her soliciting john.
Second, there is more to the story than he was merely jaywalking. Either you dont know that or you're lying by omission.
Since the cop that shot Michael Brown (six fucking times) did not know of the robbery, it has no bearing at all on the shooting. The cop didn't know he had stolen cigars.

Of course it does. This is the guy the cop saw. He didnt see some skinny short kid but a big bruiser who tosses people out of his way like crumpled newspaper.
You throw out a lot of unsupported statements and then drift off. Are you sure you are not a sock for JakeStarkey?

Of course it does not. If a woman is raped, it doesn't matter that she is a prostitute, rape is still rape.

The cop that shot Michael Brown knew him only as a jaywalker. Apparently the punishment for jaywalking while black is severe.

That is your biased take on the situation. You do not know if he was shot for being a jaywalker. There were a few witnesses.

One said that he had his hands in the air and was shot in the back. So far two different autopsies have yet to find a bullet that entered his back...so it disproved that witnesses story and that witnesses credibility is compromised.

Another witness said there was a "scuffle" in the patrol car, Brown first ran and then turned and charged the cop. The cop fired 2 warning shots and Brown continued to charge him and that is when the fatal shots were fired.
The autopsy does not prove this to be what happened, but it does not disprove it either, as it disproved the first witnesses recollection.

So we have a theory to work with...a theory that is exactly how the cop remembered it and a theory that makes a little more sense....seeing as Brown was shot in broad daylight....something a cop would likely NOT do if it was not warranted.

Yet you opt to say "the cop only knew him as a jaywalker"...and you imply he was shot for being a jaywalker.

I find that very irresponsible on your part. It is rhetoric like that, that incites the violence we are seeing there.
The history of the officer in question was a factor...as it should be....if he had a history of over aggressive action, investigators and those following the story should know.

SO then why is the history of the deceased not be a factor? All I keep hearing is how the fact that he was aggressive with the store owner so he can rob the cigars has no bearing.

It does. It shows that he believed that he was above the law.....and could use his size, strength, and ability to intimidate to avoid having to act in a legal manner.

It shows that he MAY BE the type that would resist an officer of the law.

It means plenty.
Nixon was a dunce and the Ferguson Police Chief was brilliant.

Releasing the video took all momentum away from the protesters.

Suddenly this wasn't a gentle giant...it was just another criminal.

Not a future college student...a future prison inmate.

Did you see the threads on this board...suddenly anything was more interesting to reply to for former Brown supporters than a Brown related thread.

Only the real hardcore idiots are still defending Brown...the tide turned 100% and suddenly every new fact undermined the bogus story the left had been fabricating from whole cloth.

I searched every few hours for a news story containing robbery or shoplifting, because that was the story circulating on social media. Not a peep from the left leaning media. They had their story...bad cop...and weren't interested in anything else. It would have been months before the truth came out, had the chief not released the video during a highly anticipated and promoted live press conference.

When the real story came out, they were incensed. They only wanted to hang the cop out to dry...HOW DARE the chief put out this video instead of just the officers name. That bastard!

So they tried their best to make the story about the release of the information, not the information itself. Trying to get that momentum back.

Thank God they failed.
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Of course it does. This is the guy the cop saw. He didnt see some skinny short kid but a big bruiser who tosses people out of his way like crumpled newspaper.
You throw out a lot of unsupported statements and then drift off. Are you sure you are not a sock for JakeStarkey?

Of course it does not. If a woman is raped, it doesn't matter that she is a prostitute, rape is still rape.

The cop that shot Michael Brown knew him only as a jaywalker. Apparently the punishment for jaywalking while black is severe.

That is your biased take on the situation. You do not know if he was shot for being a jaywalker. There were a few witnesses.

One said that he had his hands in the air and was shot in the back. So far two different autopsies have yet to find a bullet that entered his back...so it disproved that witnesses story and that witnesses credibility is compromised.

Another witness said there was a "scuffle" in the patrol car, Brown first ran and then turned and charged the cop. The cop fired 2 warning shots and Brown continued to charge him and that is when the fatal shots were fired.
The autopsy does not prove this to be what happened, but it does not disprove it either, as it disproved the first witnesses recollection.

So we have a theory to work with...a theory that is exactly how the cop remembered it and a theory that makes a little more sense....seeing as Brown was shot in broad daylight....something a cop would likely NOT do if it was not warranted.

Yet you opt to say "the cop only knew him as a jaywalker"...and you imply he was shot for being a jaywalker.

I find that very irresponsible on your part. It is rhetoric like that, that incites the violence we are seeing there.
Just as in the Trayvon Martin case the libs will lie by omission. So, "he was unarmed" is true but irrelevant. They leave out all the relevant facts that make this case a justified shooting. Because libs lie.It's what they do.
Perhaps, but no one wanted to see the entire town burned down. Did they?

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