A Diabetes Discovery

I was a diabetic but diet change corrected that. I avoid sugar and starches. Raw potatoes? I hadn’t heard of that but I’m in no big hurry to try them
It might help a few of you.

I did an experiment today.

At 1 pm I took my blood sugar. It was 119.

I ate a medium/large raw potato with the experiment in mind. I ate nothing else.

An hour later, just a few minutes ago, I took my blood sugar again. It was 102!

As a diabetic I wasn't expecting these results! But I had heard that "cold" starches are processed differently by the body.

I think I'll start adding slices of potato to my diet.

The closer we eat to the natural, God given diet, the better off we'd all be
/----/ For crying out loud - stop playing, doctor. Ask your physician before experimenting.
When you eat them (potatoes) , your body breaks down the carbs into simple sugars that move into your bloodstream. This is what’s often called a spike in blood sugar levels (1Trusted Source).

The hormone insulin is then released into your blood to help transport the sugars into your cells so that they can be used for energy (1Trusted Source).

In people with diabetes, this process is not as effective. Instead of sugar moving out of the blood and into your cells, it remains in circulation, keeping blood sugar levels higher for longer.

Therefore, eating high-carb foods and/or large portions can be detrimental to people with diabetes.
/----/ For crying out loud - stop playing, doctor. Ask your physician before experimenting.
When you eat them (potatoes) , your body breaks down the carbs into simple sugars that move into your bloodstream. This is what’s often called a spike in blood sugar levels (1Trusted Source).

The hormone insulin is then released into your blood to help transport the sugars into your cells so that they can be used for energy (1Trusted Source).

In people with diabetes, this process is not as effective. Instead of sugar moving out of the blood and into your cells, it remains in circulation, keeping blood sugar levels higher for longer.

Therefore, eating high-carb foods and/or large portions can be detrimental to people with diabetes.
thats why sweet potatoes are better for you...they are low on the glycemic scale.....and have better nutrients than the other potatoes...
/----/ For crying out loud - stop playing, doctor. Ask your physician before experimenting.
When you eat them (potatoes) , your body breaks down the carbs into simple sugars that move into your bloodstream. This is what’s often called a spike in blood sugar levels (1Trusted Source).

The hormone insulin is then released into your blood to help transport the sugars into your cells so that they can be used for energy (1Trusted Source).

In people with diabetes, this process is not as effective. Instead of sugar moving out of the blood and into your cells, it remains in circulation, keeping blood sugar levels higher for longer.

Therefore, eating high-carb foods and/or large portions can be detrimental to people with diabetes.
I'm better than my doctor.

I already know that he things you posted. It is irrelevant to my "experiment."

BTW, my baked fries also didn't spike my sugar much past 200. It was normal within 2 hours
I'm better than my doctor.

I already know that he things you posted. It is irrelevant to my "experiment."

BTW, my baked fries also didn't spike my sugar much past 200. It was normal within 2 hours
Raw potatoes can be poisonous.
The green sprouts on a potato express the phytochemistry of the Solanaceae, though you'll have to get more specific with what you are calling "poisonous." What compound(s) precisely are poisonous? Without the green sprouts, they are poisonous to some parasitic helminths.
I'm prediabetic and the only thing that seems to help my glucose is walking. It doesn't even have to be a long walk. 10 minutes and there's a significant reduction.
Badger2 reversed pre-diabetes, the A1C number decreased. Exercise of all muscle groups (weight lifting, resistance bands, ect.) coupled with daily jogging (short distances no longer than a football field, once or twice per day). Hypertension also decreased, blood pressure was lowered.

For pre-diabetics such as yourself, suggested is to sprinkle thyme onto the raw potato. If the OP tries this, it should be documented that Badger2 is atheist and is not taking the bait of a "god-given diet.".
Badger2 reversed pre-diabetes, the A1C number decreased. Exercise of all muscle groups (weight lifting, resistance bands, ect.) coupled with daily jogging (short distances no longer than a football field, once or twice per day). Hypertension also decreased, blood pressure was lowered.

For pre-diabetics such as yourself, suggested is to sprinkle thyme onto the raw potato. If the OP tries this, it should be documented that Badger2 is atheist and is not taking the bait of a "god-given diet.".
I've started a new regime of walking 10 minutes before going to bed and another 10 minutes after I wake up. So far it seems to be working pretty well. I avoid potatoes because of the carbs.
yery much so
Neither of you have mentioned what the poison is you are mouthing off about. Until that happens, readers should be tongue-in-cheek.
I've started a new regime of walking 10 minutes before going to bed and another 10 minutes after I wake up. So far it seems to be working pretty well. I avoid potatoes because of the carbs.
So we suggest thyme, which has no carbs. The phytochemistry of thyme assists in the reversal of pre-diabetes and the lowering of glycated A1C. That trajectory includes this Japanese report:

Protein Glycation Inhibitors from Thyme

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