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A Disturbing Photo of Trump's SOS favorite Rex Tillerson ....& Russia's Vlad Putin...

A disturbing what? A photo? Why didn't it disturb the left when a Canadian mining executive was awarded a contract to mine Uranium in Khakahstan while Hillary was Secy/State and the Clinton foundation received a (surprise) 31 million dollar "donation" by the mining executive? While I'm at it, how about that disturbing photo of Hilly and hubby smooching it up with terrorist Yassir Arafat?
Who is this "Hillary" you're talking about? Oh, you mean that gal that ran against the president elect? Already forgot her. I'm on to watching the president-elect and what he is doing right and doing wrong...

And to that point, he's looking like a fool, really a jackass for appointing rich cronies like Rex T. His admirers wanted him in office NOT to have rich 1%ers running the show. So simple math formula: Trump appoints richie-rich establishment bed-buddies like Rex T + what people used to admire him for = him looking like a retarded jackass and losing admiration by the bucketload.

And also doing this retarded stuff while the GOP slices its own throat for 2018 with the not-loyal middle voters that put them over the top...just... in 2016...
No, I hate it when our last underground aquifers, fostering our main economical asset on world trade (food from agriculture) becomes hopelessly polluted forever.

This is how STUPID dimocrap scum are --

Pay special attention to the words IMPERMEABLE ROCK

Ten Things to Know About Fracking

# Hydraulic fracking has been around for 60 years. Developments made by U.S. engineers around 2008-9 have simply made the process much more commercially viable.

# Since fracking was introduced in 1949, over 2 million frack treatments have been pumped without a single documented case of treatments polluting a water aquifer.

# 90 percent of all gas wells drilled in the United States since 1949 have been fracked.

# The depth of most shale gas deposits drilled is between 6,000 and 10,000 feet – water aquifers exist at an average depth of 500 feet.

# Claims of ‘migration’ between the shale gas layers and water aquifers due to fracking or for any other reason, are patently absurd as the gas would have to pass through millions of tons of impermeable rock. If the rock was that porous, neither the water nor the gas would have been there in the first place. (As the hard data in fig. 1 from a study of 15,000 frac treatments in the Barnett Shale Field reveals plainly.)

dimocraps are some stupid, dishonest scumbags
A disturbing what? A photo? Why didn't it disturb the left when a Canadian mining executive was awarded a contract to mine Uranium in Khakahstan while Hillary was Secy/State and the Clinton foundation received a (surprise) 31 million dollar "donation" by the mining executive? While I'm at it, how about that disturbing photo of Hilly and hubby smooching it up with terrorist Yassir Arafat?
Who is this "Hillary" you're talking about? Oh, you mean that gal that ran against the president elect? Already forgot her. I'm on to watching the president-elect and what he is doing right and doing wrong...

And to that point, he's looking like a fool, really a jackass for appointing rich cronies like Rex T. His admirers wanted him in office NOT to have rich 1%ers running the show. So simple math formula: Trump appoints richie-rich establishment bed-buddies like Rex T + what people used to admire him for = him looking like a retarded jackass and losing admiration by the bucketload.

And also doing this retarded stuff while the GOP slices its own throat for 2018 with the not-loyal middle voters that put them over the top...just... in 2016...

Your remember Hillary. That's the person you voted for b/c Trump was too pro-gay for your liking. :lol:
What the OP is scared of is that Trump will create an economic boom unlike anything we have seen in many years and will make Obama appear the ineffective leader he is.

Your projection of an "economic boom", doesn't jive with top experts.
From three highly respected resources. Read them and learn something.

Trump Economic Plan Would Send U.S. Economy To Most Severe Recession Since Early 1980s
Trump Economic Plan Would Send U.S. Economy To Most Severe Recession Since Early 1980s

Donald Trump's Economic Plans Would Destroy the U.S. Economy
Make America Have a Recession Again

The Macroeconomic Consequences of Mr. Trump’s Economic Policies

Well, I suppose we will simply have to wait and see since he will be the President.
Two men standing next to each other talking. Yea, for Liberals that is a pretty disturbing picture.
What the OP is scared of is that Trump will create an economic boom unlike anything we have seen in many years and will make Obama appear the ineffective leader he is.
No, I'm scared he'll create the wrong economic boom at the expense of others equally as lucrative....in green energy (don't talk about the engineered-to-fail Solydra...funded by BigOil..har har.) and other cutting edge technologies that don't give your kids cancer or start your tapwater on fire.

There are thousands upon thousands of patents out there buried forever that address technology...green technology in particular...that would make the US richer than it has ever been. But BigOil would have to suffer a decade or so of shifting over assets to develop and monopolize those markets. So, better to pollute our last fresh water resources forever than for a bunch of rich guys to get a headache for a few years...shifting their giant wads of money around...

It is even simpler than that... This is just a balance of short term vs medium term views...

The Oil companies would be secure in the future moving to green with the amount of patents they own and selved in green energy....

The issues is C -Level Corporations are judged on almost yearly basis and not on a longer term for countries.... This is why the Banks failed in 2008... The quick buck is more important...
Two men standing next to each other talking. Yea, for Liberals that is a pretty disturbing picture.
Well, shows how observant you are. It appears to be a bench-back just behind the two men whose postures suggest sitting, not standing. And, the facial expressions are those of "singular purpose" between them: ie: the plentitude of power and nonchalance in its wielding. But if you can't even determine whether they are standing or sitting, then nuances probably will escape you.

For as "liberal" as I am, you'll note I told the person at the top of this page to get over that Hillary lost. I just don't think y'all like to hear from the middle. Both sides of the insane fringes don't like hearing middle-observations and thought.

So, I keep posting. :lmao:
"Ukraine is the lynchpin in my strategy for Europe. The second-largest European country, with a population of 50 million, Ukraine is a valuable strategic prize positioned astride the major transit corridor for Russian oil and gas in Europe." - Putin

that's why Rex is SOS....OIL!
"Ukraine is the lynchpin in my strategy for Europe. The second-largest European country, with a population of 50 million, Ukraine is a valuable strategic prize positioned astride the major transit corridor for Russian oil and gas in Europe." - Putin

that's why Rex is SOS....OIL!
Ya think? I mean, even the dullest of Trump fans can figure that one out. It's gonna make Trump look stupid. I'm telling ya...just dumber than dirt.
No worries butterfly, Trump will set that Putin guy straight....he will start by showering him with complements, talking shit about NATO, appointing Russian-tied foreign policy cabinet and lifting the sanctions. THAT WILL SHOW EM' NOT TO FUCK WITH US!
...spoken truly like someone who is bitter and lashing out. I understand. No worries.

Lol wtf? I've said exactly same thing well before election
I don't mind that Tillerson has a previous relationship with foreign leaders as CEO of Exxon. It might make his job easier. I don't think the SoS is actually doing his own deals--he is speaking for the President, isn't he? Diplomats are on a short leash, are they not? So why does it matter? Tillerson will not be working for Exxon anymore if he takes the job, so what is all the flap about "deals," etc.?
Are people's fevered imaginations working overtime, as usual?
Putin is very much a KGB man, what Russians call a Chekist cunningly conspiratorial to his bones. What Trump sees is a businessman, seeking trade deals, cooperation that will lead to economic growth for both countries. Putin has vast wealth and certainly has business interest, but unlike Trump he has deep ideological beliefs. Putin's viewpoint is that of an Orthodox Jihadist, the West is an implacable foe of Holy Russia with whom there can be no lasting peace. He does not and will never see the US as alley.

The greatest danger to the US is when Putin turns on Trump as he surely will just as he did on Bush and Obama. If Trump thinks he can trust Putin, he is a fool.
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While he is f*cking you. What a fool you sound like.
Sure he is successful, like you said, hes F8cking you..

Trump's recent heart-throb for Secretary of State. Rex Tillerson (far left). It looks here like he's already cutting deals to sell us down the rivier:

Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil’s CEO, is expected to be Donald Trump’s secretary of state


I'm not sure I like the smile on Putin's face here...^^.....Or the one on Rex Tillerson's face either...

Discuss this picture's body language

Would a CEO of a huge oil corporation be representing the will of the voters across the world? Or would he not give a flying fuck about any of us in the deals he cuts? I'm betting on the latter.

The GOP would be wise to remember the exceedingly slim margin by which they won this year. 2018 will be here in the blink of an eye.. They're making the same mistake the dems did by flaunting their association with LGBT. It resulted in their biggest loss of power since..forever really..

BigOil and extreme right "screw the poor and let the rich get fat" policies are as deadly to the GOP's longevity as butt sex and deranged men in women's showers is to the left. The GOP ought not get drunk with power since it was won by such a slim and reticent margin. The two men in the photo's front look drunk with power, beyond a shadow of a doubt..

Trump picking Tillerson will make him look silly in underestimating the patience of the people who voted him into office. It will make the critics on the left look extremely accurate about their predictions of him failing to see the forest for the trees in his pick. Very immature.
I'm paying about 2.50 a gallon for gas right now. I'm not sure how I'm getting screwed. You hate successful business people, we get it.
Rex received the 'Order Of Friendship' from the Kremlin...whatever that is.

be scared liberals, be very scared!
Trump's recent heart-throb for Secretary of State. Rex Tillerson (far left). It looks here like he's already cutting deals to sell us down the rivier:

Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil’s CEO, is expected to be Donald Trump’s secretary of state


I'm not sure I like the smile on Putin's face here...^^.....Or the one on Rex Tillerson's face either...

Discuss this picture's body language

Would a CEO of a huge oil corporation be representing the will of the voters across the world? Or would he not give a flying fuck about any of us in the deals he cuts? I'm betting on the latter.

The GOP would be wise to remember the exceedingly slim margin by which they won this year. 2018 will be here in the blink of an eye.. They're making the same mistake the dems did by flaunting their association with LGBT. It resulted in their biggest loss of power since..forever really..

BigOil and extreme right "screw the poor and let the rich get fat" policies are as deadly to the GOP's longevity as butt sex and deranged men in women's showers is to the left. The GOP ought not get drunk with power since it was won by such a slim and reticent margin. The two men in the photo's front look drunk with power, beyond a shadow of a doubt..

Trump picking Tillerson will make him look silly in underestimating the patience of the people who voted him into office. It will make the critics on the left look extremely accurate about their predictions of him failing to see the forest for the trees in his pick. Very immature.
I'm paying about 2.50 a gallon for gas right now. I'm not sure how I'm getting screwed. You hate successful business people, we get it.
Wretched Rhetoric

But he comes on as realistic, concerned about the Republicans' future, and even self-critical about his own Party in order to sneak in his conclusion that we should all become Eco-Eunuch treehuggers.
Trump's recent heart-throb for Secretary of State. Rex Tillerson (far left). It looks here like he's already cutting deals to sell us down the rivier:

Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil’s CEO, is expected to be Donald Trump’s secretary of state


I'm not sure I like the smile on Putin's face here...^^.....Or the one on Rex Tillerson's face either...

Discuss this picture's body language

Would a CEO of a huge oil corporation be representing the will of the voters across the world? Or would he not give a flying fuck about any of us in the deals he cuts? I'm betting on the latter.

The GOP would be wise to remember the exceedingly slim margin by which they won this year. 2018 will be here in the blink of an eye.. They're making the same mistake the dems did by flaunting their association with LGBT. It resulted in their biggest loss of power since..forever really..

BigOil and extreme right "screw the poor and let the rich get fat" policies are as deadly to the GOP's longevity as butt sex and deranged men in women's showers is to the left. The GOP ought not get drunk with power since it was won by such a slim and reticent margin. The two men in the photo's front look drunk with power, beyond a shadow of a doubt..

Trump picking Tillerson will make him look silly in underestimating the patience of the people who voted him into office. It will make the critics on the left look extremely accurate about their predictions of him failing to see the forest for the trees in his pick. Very immature.
I'm paying about 2.50 a gallon for gas right now. I'm not sure how I'm getting screwed. You hate successful business people, we get it.
Key words: "right now". Under Obama.

There is nothing Exxon and Putin want more than higher oil prices.

Exxon, for the profits.

Putin, so he can afford to invade more countries and kill more civilians.
Rex Tillerson made his money drilling for oil. John Kerry made his money marrying Ketchup...
I don't mind that Tillerson has a previous relationship with foreign leaders as CEO of Exxon. It might make his job easier. I don't think the SoS is actually doing his own deals--he is speaking for the President, isn't he? Diplomats are on a short leash, are they not? So why does it matter? Tillerson will not be working for Exxon anymore if he takes the job, so what is all the flap about "deals," etc.?
Are people's fevered imaginations working overtime, as usual?
The CEO of 7 Eleven also has lots of experience with foreign leaders. Maybe Trump should tap him as backup.

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