A disturbing tidbit from Stormy's interview on 60 Minutes

Donald hasn’t had a good piece of ass since Ivanka reached her check out age

You sure you want to go there?

image deleted

You know that your image was fake --- right Tommy?

Your a porn addict?

Stormy ain't my thing (don't like monster fake boobs) but sure, I'll admit to having enjoyed porn on occasion.

You one of those family values pussy grabbers? :wink:

Here's the truly disturbing part of the alleged "get together":

She had diner in his room, then asked to use his bathroom. When she came out she claims he was sitting on the bed, then said, at that point she knew she had put herself into a position that she felt obligated to have sex with the man.

Now, ask yourself this, does someone you trust claim that:

1. I had dinner with a Man


2. Used his bathroom


3. I feel obligated to have sex with this man because I had dinner AND used his bathroom?

LOL, you can't make this shit up folks, you really can't
Your a porn addict?

Stormy ain't my thing (don't like monster fake boobs) but sure, I'll admit to having enjoyed porn on occasion.

You one of those family values pussy grabbers? :wink:

Here's the truly disturbing part of the alleged "get together":

She had diner in his room, then asked to use his bathroom. When she came out she claims he was sitting on the bed, then said, at that point she knew she had put herself into a position that she felt obligated to have sex with the man.

Now, ask yourself this, does someone you trust claim that:

1. I had dinner with a Man


2. Used his bathroom


3. I feel obligated to have sex with this man because I had dinner AND used his bathroom?

LOL, you can't make this shit up folks, you really can't

hey, moron, Stormy screws for a living.....Why would she pass up the chance to lay down for a rich, famous [albeit, disgusting] millionaire??
Your a porn addict?

Stormy ain't my thing (don't like monster fake boobs) but sure, I'll admit to having enjoyed porn on occasion.

You one of those family values pussy grabbers? :wink:

Here's the truly disturbing part of the alleged "get together":

She had diner in his room, then asked to use his bathroom. When she came out she claims he was sitting on the bed, then said, at that point she knew she had put herself into a position that she felt obligated to have sex with the man.

Now, ask yourself this, does someone you trust claim that:

1. I had dinner with a Man


2. Used his bathroom


3. I feel obligated to have sex with this man because I had dinner AND used his bathroom?

LOL, you can't make this shit up folks, you really can't

Not all what she said. She was put in that position by agreeing to enter his apartment .. not because she used his bathroom.

Not even creative on your part - back to the drawing board. :wink:
First, let me state that Stormy's interview was.......well, disappointing and the much more valuable expose was from the expert on election laws who mentioned that the payoff by Michael Cohen could be proven worse than what happened to John Edwards.

But, what I found a bit revolting was the revelation (true or not, I can't tell) when Stormy talked about first meeting Trump and that he stated that she, Stormy, reminded him of his daughter.....Just think for a second, that Trump, upon meeting a porn star whom he wanted to have sex with (and probably did) reminded this creep of his daughter???....Yuck !!! .

The connection may or not be what you say it is.

But you can't do anything except assume the worst.

The fact that you bring this up at all says you are somewhat sick.

Ooops....did I say somewhat ?
Poor lili fella.......

If he wasn't related, then he and roughly 95% of all males in (and prolly out of ) her age range would want to date her.

Is that odd to you? Of course it is......... YOUR ONE OF THE 5%

Aww, but the rub is he IS related and he's thinking about his daughter in a sexual manner.

Did you ever think to yourself "If my mom just weren't my mom I'd take her to pound town"? Now, I'm not claiming you've had those thoughts, I'm claiming you'd be OK with it if you did.

Awww, but the double rub is, he said "If I wasn't".........

you're kinda dumb, aintcha

It's kind of really fucked up that you don't see how wrong that is. You are literally defending sexual fantasies of those one is related to.

OMG, could you run any faster from your own argument??????

Good lord

Who is running? You are OK with someone sexually fantasizing about a family member as long as they preface that fantasy with "if they weren't a direct relative". You think it's normal for people to have these thoughts?

Context Joe, it's always about context.

If he were not (and there is the context Joe) related to her, answer this, why would he be any different than any other non related heterosexual male ON THE FACE OF THIS PLANET?

You accuse others of word salad........

Funny shit Joe!
Your a porn addict?

Stormy ain't my thing (don't like monster fake boobs) but sure, I'll admit to having enjoyed porn on occasion.

You one of those family values pussy grabbers? :wink:

Here's the truly disturbing part of the alleged "get together":

She had diner in his room, then asked to use his bathroom. When she came out she claims he was sitting on the bed, then said, at that point she knew she had put herself into a position that she felt obligated to have sex with the man.

Now, ask yourself this, does someone you trust claim that:

1. I had dinner with a Man


2. Used his bathroom


3. I feel obligated to have sex with this man because I had dinner AND used his bathroom?

LOL, you can't make this shit up folks, you really can't

Not all what she said. She was put in that position by agreeing to enter his apartment .. not because she used his bathroom.

Not even creative on your part - back to the drawing board. :wink:

Oh my god, you are serious! Good God I must be an asshole, I taught all my kids that just because they are alone (inside or outside of their homes) with members of the opposite sex, that doesn't mean they get anything the other doesn't want.

Do you not see how incredible moronic your argument is? AND THIS IS THE PERSON THAT YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE?

Damn dude
Your a porn addict?

Stormy ain't my thing (don't like monster fake boobs) but sure, I'll admit to having enjoyed porn on occasion.

You one of those family values pussy grabbers? :wink:

Here's the truly disturbing part of the alleged "get together":

She had diner in his room, then asked to use his bathroom. When she came out she claims he was sitting on the bed, then said, at that point she knew she had put herself into a position that she felt obligated to have sex with the man.

Now, ask yourself this, does someone you trust claim that:

1. I had dinner with a Man


2. Used his bathroom


3. I feel obligated to have sex with this man because I had dinner AND used his bathroom?

LOL, you can't make this shit up folks, you really can't

hey, moron, Stormy screws for a living.....Why would she pass up the chance to lay down for a rich, famous [albeit, disgusting] millionaire??


I gotta tell ya, you should quit while you're behind!

Who the fuck is siding with Stormy?..........It is idiots like you who side with the orange pervert who screw porn stars and pays them off with $130K hush money......

See the difference? Probably not, you're too far gone into the cult......lol
Oh my god, you are serious! Good God I must be an asshole, I taught all my kids that just because they are alone (inside or outside of their homes) with members of the opposite sex, that doesn't mean they get anything the other doesn't want.

Do you not see how incredible moronic your argument is? AND THIS IS THE PERSON THAT YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE?

Damn dude

Damn dude indeed. She accepted an invitation to have dinner at his apartment when she knew that Melania wasn't there.

Clearly she was interested in his money. Pretending she was saying that she put herself in that position by using his bathroom is pretty funny though.

Do continue - I come here for entertainment! :)

Who the fuck is siding with Stormy?..........It is idiots like you who side with the orange pervert who screw porn stars and pays them off with $130K hush money......

See the difference? Probably not, you're too far gone into the cult......lol

Um, your siding with Stormy cuz you are trying to convince everyone she is truthful. You can hide from yourself, but others see exactly what you are doing.

You believe someone who's excuse for feeling obligated to sleep with someone she said she did not want to sleep with was:

A. She came to his room (thank you Dr. Love)

B. She had dinner with him


C. She used his bathroom

And this chick has credibility?

Again, you simply can't make this shit up folks, you really can't
Oh my god, you are serious! Good God I must be an asshole, I taught all my kids that just because they are alone (inside or outside of their homes) with members of the opposite sex, that doesn't mean they get anything the other doesn't want.

Do you not see how incredible moronic your argument is? AND THIS IS THE PERSON THAT YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE?

Damn dude

Damn dude indeed. She accepted an invitation to have dinner at his apartment when she knew that Melania wasn't there.

Clearly she was interested in his money. Pretending she was saying that she put herself in that position by using his bathroom is pretty funny though.

Do continue - I come here for entertainment! :)

Clearly, every time I have a business diner I expect I'm going to have to put out..........

What planet exactly are you from?
Oh my god, you are serious! Good God I must be an asshole, I taught all my kids that just because they are alone (inside or outside of their homes) with members of the opposite sex, that doesn't mean they get anything the other doesn't want.

Do you not see how incredible moronic your argument is? AND THIS IS THE PERSON THAT YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE?

Damn dude

Damn dude indeed. She accepted an invitation to have dinner at his apartment when she knew that Melania wasn't there.

Clearly she was interested in his money. Pretending she was saying that she put herself in that position by using his bathroom is pretty funny though.

Do continue - I come here for entertainment! :)

Clearly, every time I have a business diner I expect I'm going to have to put out..........

What planet exactly are you from?

Ohhhhhhh, she was clearly going to sleep with the dude for Money?

hmmmmmm, what else would someone with such low moral standards do for money?

Please, for Gods sakes, pray her Attorneys don't use that in court!
Clearly, every time I have a business diner I expect I'm going to have to put out..........

What planet exactly are you from?

Do you get invited to business dinners at the home of female associates when their husbands aren't home a lot?

My very attractive insurance agent is coming to my place next week. But she's happily married, I've known her for years, it's at 9:30 in the morning and I won't be making her dinner or lighting any candles.

This isn't going to end well for Trump - largely due to what is very likely to be a campaign finance violation, not to mention additional evidence that is likely to trigger most Trumplings. Let's just all pray that it isn't stuff that we'll never be able to "unsee" :eusa_doh:

The Trump name is soiled forever.

"Trump" is a gold-plated turd.


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