A disturbing tidbit from Stormy's interview on 60 Minutes

In the same way it is alleged Trump did?

"He was like, 'Wow, you — you are special. You remind me of my daughter.' You know — he was like, 'You're smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you,'"

Sure, not sure why you would think calling a women strong, smart and someone to be reckoned with" insulting? Maybe cuz she's heterosexual? is that your problem Joe?

And, if my daughter was not related to me, and similar in age, I can not see a reason why I wouldn't? After all, she is strong, smart, and a women to be reckoned with, plus heterosexual, which is a down point to you, but that's neither here nor there, is it Joe?

Ew, so you're OK with Trump imaging having sex with his own daughter? And somehow you have a problem with homosexuality but totally fine with incest.

Now Joe, where did I say that? Are you making shit up again lil fella?

Yeah, that last paragraph of yours. You're literally defending an old fart imagining dating his own daughter if it just weren't for the fact that they are related.

If you think it's OK that Trump is attracted to his own daughter then please, get a vasectomy.

You do see he's from the bar stool down yonder?
someone actually watched that?....

Everyone I know was watching it - because they were at my place for a Stormy Party! :D

UPDATED: Stormy Daniels60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper drove the CBS newsmag to 21.3 million viewers, up +111% from last week and its most watched episode since Steve Kroft’s interview with Barack and Michelle Obama in November 2008, shortly after he was elected president.​

The Stormy Daniels Interview Gave '60 Minutes' Its Highest Ratings in Years
Dirty laundry will do that.
Aww, but the rub is he IS related and he's thinking about his daughter in a sexual manner.

Did you ever think to yourself "If my mom just weren't my mom I'd take her to pound town"? Now, I'm not claiming you've had those thoughts, I'm claiming you'd be OK with it if you did.

Awww, but the double rub is, he said "If I wasn't".........

you're kinda dumb, aintcha

It's kind of really fucked up that you don't see how wrong that is. You are literally defending sexual fantasies of those one is related to.

OMG, could you run any faster from your own argument??????

Good lord

Who is running? You are OK with someone sexually fantasizing about a family member as long as they preface that fantasy with "if they weren't a direct relative". You think it's normal for people to have these thoughts?

Context Joe, it's always about context.

If he were not (and there is the context Joe) related to her, answer this, why would he be any different than any other non related heterosexual male ON THE FACE OF THIS PLANET?

You accuse others of word salad........

Funny shit Joe!

You're an idiot. HE is and always will be Ivanka's father. Fantasizing about her and pretending not to be her father doesn't make it better. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Awww, but the double rub is, he said "If I wasn't".........

you're kinda dumb, aintcha

It's kind of really fucked up that you don't see how wrong that is. You are literally defending sexual fantasies of those one is related to.

OMG, could you run any faster from your own argument??????

Good lord

Who is running? You are OK with someone sexually fantasizing about a family member as long as they preface that fantasy with "if they weren't a direct relative". You think it's normal for people to have these thoughts?

Context Joe, it's always about context.

If he were not (and there is the context Joe) related to her, answer this, why would he be any different than any other non related heterosexual male ON THE FACE OF THIS PLANET?

You accuse others of word salad........

Funny shit Joe!

You're an idiot. HE is and always will be Ivanka's father. Fantasizing about her and pretending not to be her father doesn't make it better. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Except, once again Mr. Fish for brains, that was not the question, now was it.

"If I were not.........."

Got it shit for brains.
In the same way it is alleged Trump did?

"He was like, 'Wow, you — you are special. You remind me of my daughter.' You know — he was like, 'You're smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you,'"

Sure, not sure why you would think calling a women strong, smart and someone to be reckoned with" insulting? Maybe cuz she's heterosexual? is that your problem Joe?

And, if my daughter was not related to me, and similar in age, I can not see a reason why I wouldn't? After all, she is strong, smart, and a women to be reckoned with, plus heterosexual, which is a down point to you, but that's neither here nor there, is it Joe?

Ew, so you're OK with Trump imaging having sex with his own daughter? And somehow you have a problem with homosexuality but totally fine with incest.

Now Joe, where did I say that? Are you making shit up again lil fella?

Yeah, that last paragraph of yours. You're literally defending an old fart imagining dating his own daughter if it just weren't for the fact that they are related.

If you think it's OK that Trump is attracted to his own daughter then please, get a vasectomy.

You do see he's from the bar stool down yonder?

Yep, and at closing time, you've still got a couple hours before looking good.
It's kind of really fucked up that you don't see how wrong that is. You are literally defending sexual fantasies of those one is related to.

OMG, could you run any faster from your own argument??????

Good lord

Who is running? You are OK with someone sexually fantasizing about a family member as long as they preface that fantasy with "if they weren't a direct relative". You think it's normal for people to have these thoughts?

Context Joe, it's always about context.

If he were not (and there is the context Joe) related to her, answer this, why would he be any different than any other non related heterosexual male ON THE FACE OF THIS PLANET?

You accuse others of word salad........

Funny shit Joe!

You're an idiot. HE is and always will be Ivanka's father. Fantasizing about her and pretending not to be her father doesn't make it better. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Except, once again Mr. Fish for brains, that was not the question, now was it.

"If I were not.........."

Got it shit for brains.

Yes, that is the premise I laid out and you responded to it.
In the same way it is alleged Trump did?

"He was like, 'Wow, you — you are special. You remind me of my daughter.' You know — he was like, 'You're smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you,'"

Sure, not sure why you would think calling a women strong, smart and someone to be reckoned with" insulting? Maybe cuz she's heterosexual? is that your problem Joe?

And, if my daughter was not related to me, and similar in age, I can not see a reason why I wouldn't? After all, she is strong, smart, and a women to be reckoned with, plus heterosexual, which is a down point to you, but that's neither here nor there, is it Joe?

Ew, so you're OK with Trump imaging having sex with his own daughter? And somehow you have a problem with homosexuality but totally fine with incest.

Now Joe, where did I say that? Are you making shit up again lil fella?

Yeah, that last paragraph of yours. You're literally defending an old fart imagining dating his own daughter if it just weren't for the fact that they are related.

If you think it's OK that Trump is attracted to his own daughter then please, get a vasectomy.

You do see he's from the bar stool down yonder?

The only question is which end of the bar stool he's sitting on.
First, let me state that Stormy's interview was.......well, disappointing and the much more valuable expose was from the expert on election laws who mentioned that the payoff by Michael Cohen could be proven worse than what happened to John Edwards.

But, what I found a bit revolting was the revelation (true or not, I can't tell) when Stormy talked about first meeting Trump and that he stated that she, Stormy, reminded him of his daughter.....Just think for a second, that Trump, upon meeting a porn star whom he wanted to have sex with (and probably did) reminded this creep of his daughter???....Yuck !!! .
That sounds exactly like what her Democrat handlers told her to say.
First, let me state that Stormy's interview was.......well, disappointing and the much more valuable expose was from the expert on election laws who mentioned that the payoff by Michael Cohen could be proven worse than what happened to John Edwards.

But, what I found a bit revolting was the revelation (true or not, I can't tell) when Stormy talked about first meeting Trump and that he stated that she, Stormy, reminded him of his daughter.....Just think for a second, that Trump, upon meeting a porn star whom he wanted to have sex with (and probably did) reminded this creep of his daughter???....Yuck !!! .
That sounds exactly like what her Democrat handlers told her to say.

Actually it sounds just like something Trump would say.
Donald hasn’t had a good piece of ass since Ivanka reached her check out age

You sure you want to go there?
Trump fucked his daughter and was likely picturing her face when he fucked Stormy. Since incest and whore fucking are rampant among Trump’s base, the 60 Minutes interview should make them happy.

Simply put, you're a degenerate piece of shit and so is anybody who associates with you.
You know that your image was fake --- right Tommy?


I know the image I posted was deleted and yet you posted it again and there it is....BTW, the image wasn't photoshopped as you can tell from his shoulder being lower like his hand was. I don't believe he was touching her in a sexual way but the piece of garbage I addressed that post to, made a similar claim the President has had sex with his daughter and you agreed, making you a worthless pervert also, "Lovey".
You know that your image was fake --- right Tommy?


I know the image I posted was deleted and yet you posted it again and there it is....BTW, the image wasn't photoshopped as you can tell from his shoulder being lower like his hand was. I don't believe he was touching her in a sexual way but the piece of garbage I addressed that post to, made a similar claim the President has had sex with his daughter and you agreed, making you a worthless pervert also, "Lovey".

Yo FUKNUT - It's FAKE & you should be ashamed for posting it.


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