A fair question based on the facts about the left and Ukraine

Out money? I have yet to pay taxes since 1975 after I learned how to read tax law.
Interesting. I wonder what you said about Trump or others utilizing tax law....

You should probably stop talking at this point unless you want me to lend you a ladder to get out of the hole you're digging.
1. Who was the Russian military force the Warner Group named after?

2. Is an election even possible?

3. Yes, russian orthodox ones.

4. Why do you support the pootin? When did you turn your back on Democracy?
Ukraine isn't a democracy. I don't support Putin. In fact if him and Zalinski both nuked each other the world would be a better place for it.

Dodging my questions with questions isn't a legit response
Interesting. I wonder what you said about Trump or others utilizing tax law....

You should probably stop talking at this point unless you want me to lend you a ladder to get out of the hole you're digging.
I said nothing why should I care what tax laws he used they are there to use if you don't it is no one's fault but yer own.
I said nothing why should I care what tax laws he used they are there to use if you don't it is no one's fault but yer own.
I will take you at your word as I have ZERO interest in digging in hopes to troll you. I leave that to others who have time to blow if they so choose.
You'll get no argument out of me on that but that isn't the point.
Oh yes it is, Einstein. The CIA's operations in Ukraine for the last 70 years dig into your credibility, for when the CIA goes to church, it's certainly not to pray. We already have one of their puppet absurdities in the White House, and its Catholic mafia connections are assisting the invasion of our southern border. Please try to keep up.
Fake propaganda?


And no it wasn't serious. It was you TRYING & FAILING to discredit my points.

Your points have all been shot down years ago. Just parroting them for the 3,000,000th time this week didn't make them serious points, just another BDS post from the GOP Hive,
The fact that you found post 9 funny means you're not a serious person. You'll get not further interaction from me.

You rOP made sure there would be nothing 'serious' here, just another Biden Sucks post form the Hive Mind. When you get around to trying to hav a serious foreign policy question let us know; sniveling about the $2 a year you pay that goes overseas doesn't make my leg tingle.
Including the Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yes, you really hated it when all those terrorists died and you had no one to cheer on. Now you have the Taliban back and you can send them care packages now, maybe sell you some bloodyouvenir stones they used on some little girl for knowing how to read and write or something after they gang raped her; your kind of people.
Yes, you really hated it when all those terrrorists died and you had no one to cheer on. Now you have the TAliban back and you can send them care packages now, maybe sell you some souvenir stones they used on some little girl for knowing hpw to read and write or something after they gang raped her; your kind of people.
There you go thinking you are a non-fiction writer.
Quit being a Russian puppet and nobody will call you one.
I hope you can comprehend that.
Ukraine isn't a democracy. I don't support Putin. In fact if him and Zalinski both nuked each other the world would be a better place for it.

Dodging my questions with questions isn't a legit response
The Ukraine just started being a democracy in 2014. You want to set that progress back.

The rest of you post is just idiotic maga whining.
Quit being a Russian puppet and nobody will call you one.
I hope you can comprehend that.
If you consider me a Russian asset I consider you a stupid motherfucker.
It's that simple. Now go buy your neighbor a new refrigerator, they NEED it.
If you consider me a Russian asset I consider you a stupid motherfucker.
It's that simple. Now go buy your neighbor a new refrigerator, they NEED it.
When you drink you get mad and stupid.

I said puppet. Comprehension is your fail.
If you consider me a Russian asset I consider you a stupid motherfucker.
It's that simple. Now go buy your neighbor a new refrigerator, they NEED it.
Yes, you’re a Russian asset. You activity want to defund the defense of Ukraine. You want to give away parts of the country to pootin.

You probably (like the former 1-term fuckup) believe Russian intelligence over our intelligence agencies.
Yes, you’re a Russian asset. You activity want to defund the defense of Ukraine. You want to give away parts of the country to pootin.

You probably (like the former 1-term fuckup) believe Russian intelligence over our intelligence agencies.
I don't believe anyone. I SIMPLY DONT GIVE A FUCK about either country. Let them kill each other WITHOUT my money. How many innocent have died because of your monetary contribution?
If I & others like me are considered a Russian puppet/asset/sympathizer for not wanting my tax dollars blown in that country what does that make YOU?
1. Considering the fact that Ukraine has Nazis fighting on their behalf and even considered part of Ukrainian armed forces by extention. Then they just honored an actual Nazi from WW2.
2. Then there's the fact that Zalinski won't allow elections during the war and even jails his opposition.
3. Some religions are now BANNED.

So I'll ask again, WHAT ARE YOU SUPPORTING by willingly giving your taxes & support to this iron fisted regime in Ukraine?




So you call me a Russian puppet for wanting NOTHING to do with this disaster but look what YOU ARE SUPPORTING. You can not seriously call Trump or his supporters tyrannical when you are currently supporting that very type of regime.

Lastly the worst part of all this is that we could have PERMANENTLY solved our border disaster with that money.

The presence of Nazis both historically and currently in Ukraine is a feature for the left, not a defect. They think alike.

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