A Fantastic Moment


Educator (of liberals)
Nov 11, 2011
Portland, OR / Salem, OR
And i want to share this with theists and atheists alike.

I have been absent from these boards for nearly a month. Work got crazy, life got crazy...you know...shit happens. Tonight something happened I just have to share.

My friend Connie...she is the multi-level black belt in Krav-Maga that put her Marine boyfriend through the wall and I had to bail her out of jail. She is the one that twisted me up like a pretzel on a drunken night when I said I could beat her. She is the one that you don't want to pull punches with if you are a man fighting her because she will leave you with multiple broken bones.

That one friend we all seem to have that is so much fun, but is nearly a criminal...yeah that's Connie.

She and I had so much fun together and none of it was constructive. It was FUN but it was totally destructive.

Several years ago it all came to a head and we didn't speak for years.

Then she got sober and began to put her life in order. We made contact again. She has been sober now for three years.

Tonight she asked me to send her a Bible because she wants to learn about Jesus.
Praise God and praise Jesus. She will find redemption and if there is redemption for HER...trust me...there is redemption for anyone! LOL What a happy day
Life seems to go in a right direction when a person gets sober.
Life seems to go in a right direction when a person gets sober.

This is a miracle. if you knew Connie you would be more blown away. She has always been a good person but she has always been weak. She has always been a victim to her addiction. My wife, TrinityPower , doesn't understand and she never will. There is just a bond between Connie and I that can't be explained. It's not romantic....it;s just "when we get together all hell is going to break loose" and that;s what Connie and I have always been. My wife and her boyfriend can't stand when we get together because anything could, and probably will happen and that's just "Phantom and Connie" deal with it.

My Connie is coming to the Lord. And she asked me for guidance. Praise be to God

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