A Fed Up Activist: Spoken Word

Oct 24, 2012
the youtube is here to listen -- [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMcqG-2g2o4"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMcqG-2g2o4[/ame]

This generation of apathy
Suffocating the movements impassioning me
We don’t know, don’t see, don’t care cuz
The passing day comes in this land of opportunity
No need to acknowledge those who won’t see it through with me
We’re so arrogant we think we made this life for ourselves
When our starting position leads some into riches and others to cells
You get one experience, one life to understand
but the harder part is put yourself in the plights of another man
But not even the individual but the context in which he lives
Society is about the masses and the systems in which it gives
Back to the kids who didn’t have the same experience
With the same capabilities but not the tools to use it wit
Free education is only a step on the ladder
When we see poverty’s effects and the places in which it scatters
Between health, teen pregnancy, drug abuse and social capital
Concentrated in masses to only cycle and most of all
Keep the distributions of wealth to those who influence the laws
Rags to riches stories are turned into fantasies
When the aggregate statistics turn these into systemic fallacies
But the consumerism in us all will keep us from fulfilling
The system of equality in which we all wish to be living
Year after year we’ll watch as it comes to collapse
As if the reoccurring story of recessions don’t call for an adjusted path
Each time we reach a gap as large as it was in the last
And the same elite voices say decline in the market won’t come to pass
But the real failure is our faith in the market
To assume self-interest will lead to a collective justice
We fail to see the conflicting interests just don’t judge us
Correctly on what truly our universal values can be
Its obvious to see… that outside our economic and cultural system
We wouldn't question caring for the environment, the working class and women
Like when you hear of nations with females beaten
Threatened to conform to a system that assumes their inferior existence
Or at home bashing millions not for their choices but their sexuality’s natural persistence
to love who they love, or simply desire in bed
we get stuck in our head judgments we made before the world hit us
no need for rational argument or data, just give up
take the opinion and ride to the sunset
Assume I’m wrong before we’re even done, yet
This is going on at the massive scale
Allowing dominance from the matrix of every characteristic that we currently avail
Wealth, race, gender, and all the rest
Re-installing the policies that maintain their status the best
But as the world turns the demographics will tip
And we’ll see the lies of the powerful will continue to slip
With no help from the media outlets decreasing in numbers
All to push agendas but not to educate their viewers
We rarely hear a study ever taken for what it states
But manipulated to make petty points to the politically irate
And its only to perpetuate the driving extremism in thought
Making gains from the rest of us being fed up, forgotten and bought
But what will it take to turn this country around
An investment from the people that is hard to be found
Because sometimes an illusion is easier than the reality
With all the same dissonance that those with religious texts see
When a comfort of belief overcomes the passion to change
There is really no boundary to where apathy will continue to range
We pass theocratic oppression off as reasonable multiculturalism
The gender expectations of boys and girls as the natural order of em
And when all is said and done we know this to be wrong
But our apathy and burden to care turns us to the long
Until we change the foundations.

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