CDZ A Few Conservatives get it.

oh boy, first some blog called the American conservative and now the ATLANTIC

They are the places to get UNBIASED reporting. :lmao:

gawd, spare us your all's self righteous nonsense and then you all can shoot your high horses

you've worn them out and broken their backs


Because all conservatives think exactly alike!


How DARE he criticize conservatives for ANY reason!
Too bad these "thinking" conservatives are in the minority of the minority & getting shouted down by the education-hating base
These riots had nothing to do with race. It had to do with power and control of the elite over the rest of society. If the wealth disparity had not been so bad, if there had been a larger middle class, if more good paying jobs were available, there would be no Freddie Gray's or Micheal Brown's. Hope would be restored. As it is, this serves the overlords purpose to distract the electorate.
Wealth disparity was much greater during Depression years so your point makes no sense. Very few good paying jobs are going to be available in areas rampant with crime, drugs, violence single moms on welfare, etc. Those Korean store owners were making the best of a shitty situation and look what it got them.

The bottom line is that liberal policies don't work and all this is smoke and mirrors to try to cover it up. The puppet masters pull the strings and the lemmings follow.
Everything you wrote completely backs up what I wrote. Your only flaw was in thinking that somehow the depression era was any different.

For some reason, the following video cannot be embedded. Makes me wonder what "they" don't want you to see? lol You'll have to click the link to go to YouTube to watch.

Rioting Across America - The Great Depression

The only difference then, was that the disparity was greater, and the riots were probably more or less organic since Edward Bernays hadn't done his pioneering work yet, thus the government didn't know how to control the situation like it does today.

In all the riots that happen today, none of the middle or upper class neighborhoods, and none of the expensive infrastructure ever gets touched. This is all a controlled script folks are watching.
Purge pamphlets were made by the government. This is because the riot was pre-planned, it was staged political event. I thought the article was excellent though.

I am going to need to see some evidence for that. Can you back that up?

We must remember, that the economic conditions for the riot have existed for some time now. They exist in every poor town in every city in every State. And not just in minority communities. Focusing this problem on minorities is a convenient release valve though, and it separates and divides the electorate. This is a common ruling device used by the elites.

No. Saw an opportunity and took it.
I didn't read through all the apologies for racism, no need to as they are all the same finger pointing. But consider only the current republican effort to squash the Black vote over a non-existent problem. Funny how the problem only exists for republicans. Is there any need really to consider America today as tolerant, Christian, or just? No need the words of the right show their faces.

It is curious that the right argues there is no excuse for rioting, when our nation was founded on rioting. The rights of the military (During the Great Depression) and the rights of workers were all gained by rioting. Curious that history wears blinders for the right wing in America.

'The Clock Didn't Start With the Riots Black people in Baltimore are subjected to violence all the time.'

"When you think about the period of Jim Crow and the stripping of black people’s right to vote, this is not the mere stripping of some sort of civic ceremony. It’s the stripping of your ability to have any sort of say in how your tax dollars are used. It’s this constant stripping, this taking away of rights that allowed us to enter into a situation that I talk about in "The Case for Reparations," where—within the 20th century—you have programs being passed by which white families can accumulate masses of wealth through housing. The main group of people who are cut out of that are black people... That’s federal policy. It’s not just a matter of private evil individuals.

That’s federal policy. It’s not just a matter of private evil individuals. We get this picture of these white racists walking around with horns, you know, who use the “n-word” all the time, and I guess look like Cliven Bundy. That’s what we’re looking for, for a bunch of Cliven Bundys. But Cliven Bundy has never really been the threat; it’s the policy that’s the threat."

Ta-Nehisi Coates Discusses Everyday Violence in Baltimore - The Atlantic
Just so we are clear. You came to the clean debate forum not for a debate but because you had something that you wanted to say and you didn't want any flack for it.
In the first place the idea of rule of law instead of rule by man was not, and is not, based upon a vote count where the majority vote launches blind obedience to whoever is voted into the role of Dictator.

In the second place the liabilities of employees employed in the work commonly known as government (defensive actions in defense of innocent people from guilty criminals) have historically been required to pay into their own bond, which is an insurance policy, which is the fund used to pay damages in case the individual employee perpetrates a crime under the color of law, or the individual employee accidentally causes injury to some innocent victim while working as an employee of government.

Just recently the method of individuals being held accountable for their individual actions (having their own BONDS) was replaced with a new idea, and the new idea is to TAX everyone with the liabilities associated with criminals perpetrating crimes under the color of law, and to TAX everyone with the liabilities of accidental injuries caused by individuals who accidentally injure innocent people while working as employees of government.

Why do you think the process of suits at common law were replaced with claims by claimants who then receive benefits from a TAX FUND paid for by those who pay into that TAX FUND?

Instead of individual employees of government being held accountable for their own, individual, BOND, whereby those individuals pay into that BOND, so that those individuals are then insured individually, for possible damages, known as liabilities, instead of that BONDING CODE, there is instead a lack of accountability, and instead of accountability those who perpetrate crimes under the color of law are given paid vacations for murdering people, while the victims of the murder, if there are survivors seeking damages, are paid out of the same FUND that they pay into, in the form of TAXES.

If you do not see how free people remain free, by being individually responsible, and individually accountable, and how the criminals manage to deceive the victims with false laws, then that does not mean that your lack of vision constitutes a lack of criminal activity under the color of law.

Here is a source for information on Bonding Codes:

Bonding Code

Criminal acts may not be bonded against prosecution or litigation, or there would be people who would become bonded as a license to commit criminal acts in violation of the peace and dignity of the state.

Likewise, corporations may not be established by a person to hide the criminal acts of that person behind corporate limited liability, or there would be people who would incorporate their activities in order to secure for themselves a license to commit criminal acts behind the corporate limited liability veil in violation of the peace and dignity of the state. Corporate limited liability, as it pertains to civil commercial obligations, is a delicate enough creation without the criminal aspect, and it is only because business people accept the idea that they are gambling in commerce when they deal with a corporation that there is any honesty at all in the limited liability concept of a corporation. For if a person uses a corporation to run up a commercial debt with the intent to abscond (run away and hide) at some future time, then that corporation becomes simply an instrumentality, called an alter ego, for the commission of crime. It is for this reason that the state is a silent partner in every state incorporated artificial person, and has the liability. There is no corporate limited liability for the commission of crimes. Criminal acts committed by corporate officials, officers and clerks pierce the limited liability veil of every type corporation and artificial (purely legal) person. Also, criminal accusation always pierces the veil of corporate limited liability.

That is not news by the way. The 6th President of the Untied States in Congress Assembled, a man named Richard Henry Lee, blew the whistle on how the criminals were taking over the free people of America as far back as 1787 in the following words:

All questions, civil and criminal, arising on the laws of these places, which must be the laws of congress, must be decided in the federal courts; and also, all questions that may, by such judicial fictions as these courts may consider reasonable, be supposed to arise within this city, or any of these places, may be brought into these courts. By a very common legal fiction, any personal contract may be supposed to have been made in any place. A contract made in Georgia may be supposed to have been made in the federal city; the courts will admit the fiction. . . .

Every suit in which an inhabitant of a federal district may be a party, of course may be instituted in the federal courts; also, every suit in which it may be alleged and not denied, that a party in it is an inhabitant of such a district; also, every suit to which a foreign state or subject, the union, a state, citizens of different states in fact, or by reasonable legal fictions, may be a party or parties. And thus, by means of bankrupt laws, federal districts, etc., almost all judicial business, I apprehend may be carried into the federal courts, without essentially departing from the usual course of judicial proceedings. The courts in Great Britain have acquired their powers, and extended very greatly their jurisdictions by such :fiction and suppositions as I have mentioned.

It is very simple if you can rap your head around the simple idea of a Man of Straw argument, whereby there is a choice to create a false version of someone, and that new thing, a false thing, is constructed out of whole cloth, completely imaginary, so as to then connect the false image to an actual individual. The target of the deception is precisely what the target of the deception is, in fact, while the Man of Straw is whatever the creator of this false character becomes, and the Man of Straw is meant to discredit the actual person.

1. Creator of a false imagine, or man of straw
2. Target of the deception
3. The false image, or legal fiction, or Man of Straw

The end result, the actual reason for the choice to create the legal fiction, is for the target to suffer and the criminal to gain at the expense of the target.

It is not that hard to figure out; but it is hard enough to figure out, obviously, because there are, demonstrably, so many victims who are inspired to pay into the deception.

This is not news.

SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.

Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.

Not too long ago it was common sense among free people. Don't pay into the lie, unless you want more lies.
oh boy, first some blog called the American conservative and now the ATLANTIC

They are the places to get UNBIASED reporting. :lmao:

gawd, spare us your all's self righteous nonsense and then you all can shoot your high horses

you've worn them out and broken their backs


Because all conservatives think exactly alike!


How DARE he criticize conservatives for ANY reason!

why should they, Who is a Conservative that is on National television saying they don't give a hoot about anyone there?

They're more than likely taking stuff off of sites like this or other websites in order to DUMP on people, because they aren't swallowing their guilt they are trying to lay on all of us who has Nothing to do with Baltimore, Ferguson and their riots
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Purge pamphlets were made by the government. This is because the riot was pre-planned, it was staged political event. I thought the article was excellent though.

I am going to need to see some evidence for that. Can you back that up?

We must remember, that the economic conditions for the riot have existed for some time now. They exist in every poor town in every city in every State. And not just in minority communities. Focusing this problem on minorities is a convenient release valve though, and it separates and divides the electorate. This is a common ruling device used by the elites.

No. Saw an opportunity and took it.

Just to be clear. . . I apologize, there were no, "purge" pamphlets. It was a call on social media. This call can not be traced to either the community, or the government. That being said, the government was well organized, and FORCED the community into a situation where riots were bound to occur. The only thing necessary was an agent provocateur.

Eyewitnesses: The Baltimore Riots Didn't Start the Way You Think
Baltimore teachers and parents tell a different story from the one you've been reading in the media.
Eyewitnesses The Baltimore Riots Didn t Start the Way You Think Mother Jones
According to the Baltimore Sun, a call to "purge"—a reference to the 2013 dystopian film in which all crime is made legal for one night—circulated on social media among school-aged Baltimoreans that morning. The rumored plan—which was not traced to any specific person or group—was to assemble at the Mondawmin Mall at 3 p.m. and proceed down Pennsylvania Avenue toward downtown Baltimore. The Baltimore Police Department, which was aware of the "purge" call, prepared for the worst. Shortly before noon, the department issued a statement saying it had "received credible information that members of various gangs…have entered into a partnership to 'take-out' law enforcement officers."

When school let out that afternoon, police were in the area equipped with full riot gear. According to eyewitnesses in the Mondawmin neighborhood, the police were stopping buses and forcing riders, including many students who were trying to get home, to disembark. Cops shut down the local subway stop. They also blockaded roads near the Mondawmin Mall and Frederick Douglass High School, which is across the street from the mall, and essentially corralled young people in the area. That is, they did not allow the after-school crowd to disperse.

Everything else you need to know is at this link. . .

A government staged Riot.
A few replies are so off the topic they remind one of the conspiratorial nature of humankind. It is always a hidden plan, of course like Big Foot or Nessie never found. It must give comfort to some that this was really planned in some backroom - the piece below gives some idea of the real room.

"In Baltimore in 1910, a black Yale law school graduate purchased a home in a previously all-white neighborhood. The Baltimore city government reacted by adopting a residential segregation ordinance, restricting African Americans to designated blocks. Explaining the policy, Baltimore’s mayor proclaimed, "Blacks should be quarantined in isolated slums in order to reduce the incidence of civil disturbance, to prevent the spread of communicable disease into the nearby White neighborhoods, and to protect property values among the White majority.""

From Ferguson to Baltimore The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation Economic Policy Institute

"In 1917, the U.S. Supreme Court found ordinances like Baltimore’s 1910 segregation rule unconstitutional, not because they abridged African Americans’ rights to live where they could afford, but because they restricted the property rights of (white) homeowners to sell to whomever they wished. Baltimore’s mayor responded by instructing city building inspectors and health department investigators to cite for code violations anyone who rented or sold to blacks in predominantly white neighborhoods. Five years later, the next Baltimore mayor formalized this approach by forming an official Committee on Segregation and appointing the City Solicitor to lead it. The committee coordinated the efforts of the building and health departments with those of the real estate industry and white community organizations to apply pressure to any whites tempted to sell or rent to blacks. Members of the city’s real estate board, for example, accompanied building and health inspectors to warn property owners not to violate the city’s color line."
A few replies are so off the topic they remind one of the conspiratorial nature of humankind. It is always a hidden plan, of course like Big Foot or Nessie never found. It must give comfort to some that this was really planned in some backroom - the piece below gives some idea of the real room.

"In Baltimore in 1910, a black Yale law school graduate purchased a home in a previously all-white neighborhood. The Baltimore city government reacted by adopting a residential segregation ordinance, restricting African Americans to designated blocks. Explaining the policy, Baltimore’s mayor proclaimed, "Blacks should be quarantined in isolated slums in order to reduce the incidence of civil disturbance, to prevent the spread of communicable disease into the nearby White neighborhoods, and to protect property values among the White majority.""

From Ferguson to Baltimore The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation Economic Policy Institute

"In 1917, the U.S. Supreme Court found ordinances like Baltimore’s 1910 segregation rule unconstitutional, not because they abridged African Americans’ rights to live where they could afford, but because they restricted the property rights of (white) homeowners to sell to whomever they wished. Baltimore’s mayor responded by instructing city building inspectors and health department investigators to cite for code violations anyone who rented or sold to blacks in predominantly white neighborhoods. Five years later, the next Baltimore mayor formalized this approach by forming an official Committee on Segregation and appointing the City Solicitor to lead it. The committee coordinated the efforts of the building and health departments with those of the real estate industry and white community organizations to apply pressure to any whites tempted to sell or rent to blacks. Members of the city’s real estate board, for example, accompanied building and health inspectors to warn property owners not to violate the city’s color line."

oh ok, lets go back to 1910 to lay the blame on Everyone else( or in your case, it's only CONSERVATIVES" for not having "compassion"" for rioters and looters.
Who are the "few conservatives" that "get it".

A misleading title for a slanted commentary doesn't deserve to be in CDZ

agree and Thank you
this was so BIASED and being used to SLAM certain people in this country
'Have Conservatives Lost Their Compassion?'
"As Bonnie Kristian pointed out in an article for TAC last year, police brutality in America is systemic—and the punishments dealt out for police misconduct are minimal"
Welcome to the big-government police state.
How does any of this have anything to do with the supposed lack of compassion among conservatives?
How does any of this have anything to do with the supposed lack of compassion among conservatives?
Most cops self-identify as conservatives
Point out their compassion:

"... The Baltimore Sun reports:

"When a handcuffed Freddie Gray was placed in a Baltimore police van on April 12, he was talking and breathing. When the 25-year-old emerged, 'he could not talk and he could not breathe,' according to one police official, and he died a week later of a spinal injury.

"But Gray is not the first person to come out of a Baltimore police wagon with serious injuries.

"Relatives of Dondi Johnson Sr., who was left a paraplegic after a 2005 police van ride, won a $7.4 million verdict against police officers.

"A year earlier, Jeffrey Alston was awarded $39 million by a jury after he became paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a van ride.

"… For some, such injuries have been inflicted by what is known as a “rough ride” — an 'unsanctioned technique' in which police vans are driven to cause 'injury or pain' to unbuckled, handcuffed detainees, former city police officer Charles J. Key testified as an expert five years ago in a lawsuit over Johnson’s subsequent death.

Have Conservatives Lost Their Compassion The American Conservative
You do realize most conservatives aren't cops, right? Even then most cops don't eff up like the few cases you can hyperventilate over. Thinking is like going to the gym, the more you do it, the easier it gets.
oh brother, look at you liberals wailing over a State law in Indiana, wailing over a baker making a cake, a flower shop, homosexual marriage, threatening people and states if they don't bow down to your demands. HOW damn compassionate has that been?

When you show compassion for others, we'll TALK

Is this how you behave in the CDZ? Really?

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