A Few Ways Trump's Policies Made the Coronavirus Epidemic Worse

Will Trump bring the country together by denying reality?

It hasn't worked the last 4 years for TDS-suffering Trump-haters....
You didn't answer my question: Will Trump bring the country together by denying reality?

What reality are you speaking of?
The whacked out lefts reality or the common Americans reality?
The reality that the coronavirus is highly contagious, and in some cases, fatal.

Then you should be really pissed at barry who let so many Americans die before acting.
Trump actually said he did not want to bring the cruise ship passengers here because the 21 positive cases would raise the number of coronavirus cases in the US!

Like a DA who doesn't want to try a difficult murder case because it would ruin his conviction rate.

"Just let them die!"

That's 3500 votes he won't be getting in November. Those folks are PISSED.

Only MORE SPENDING, MORE STEALING BY DEMS does anything good... for Dems.... according to Dems.

Meanwhile, in the 1990s, we cut taxes and spending, and things were much better then than they are now....
Well, we had a competent President in the '90s who staffed his administration with reliable competent people.

"reliable competent people" include

1. Webster Hubbell - this two time jailbird felon was #3 at Clinton's DOJ and told the FBI to "fuck off" when they arrived at Ft Marcy Park to look into Vince Foster's "death." Hubbell of course is the bio daddy of Chelsea Clinton and a partner at the crooked Rose Law Firm
2. Henry Cisneros - this affirmative action pick as Housing Secretary was quickly busted for stealing and lying and booted
3. Jocelyn Elders - another affirmative action pick as Surgeon General was fired for teaching kids about masturbating
4. Jerry Parks - the chief of Clinton campaign security 1992 was found dead on the side of the highway in Arkansas, clearly murdered by an Arkansas State Trooper, for insisting the Clinton campaign pay him the final $80k of what he was due

When Democrats use the words "integrity, competence, corruption" and try to use people like Bill Clinton and Low IQ Joe as their "solutions" to those issues, it is as funny as it is sick....
What does any of this have to do with Trump's handling of the coronavirus?
Hey Bruce you have really struck a nerve. This should be the poster thread of Trumpers gone wild. No defense of Trump, just nothing but insults, invectives and inanities hurled your way. You are right on the money. The Trump Administration's policies as well as its response and Trump's own words have created greater chaos in the war against this virus. Trumpers can run from Trump's incompetence , but they can't hide.
So if ANYTHING bad that happens in the USA is all Trump's fault, then anything GOOD that happens in the USA is to his credit! GOT IT!

Doesn't work that way, according to Dems / snowflakes.

All good things go towards Barry's credit.
All bad things are Trump's fault...even acts of God.
You didn't answer my question: Will Trump bring the country together by denying reality?
I did answer your question. Democrats have spent the last 4 years denying reality, making up lies / false narratives, and attempting to drag this President out of office through non-stop coup attempts...while this President had been the most successfulPreside3nt in 50 years or more....despite the historic effort by Democrats and snowflakes to divide this nation and undermine the President.....

Denying reality and doing nothing? That's an Obama/ Democrat / snowflake thing.

Back in 2008, while plotting the forced / surprise take-over of the US health Care system, Barry waited until thousands of US citizens were infected / hospitalized and until 1,000 Americans were dead from H1N1 to take any action / declare it an emergency. President Trump sprung into action 30 days (30 DAYS) after China reported this illness to the WHO.

As I said, I hate TDS-suffering, butt-hurt Democrats / snowflakes - especially who prove they have no idea of the facts / what they are talking about - who ignorantly seek to politically weaponize events like COVID-19 for their own partisan BS ...but you keep right on trying to do it, lil' snowflake.
Speaking of denying reality... You take the cake!

Only MORE SPENDING, MORE STEALING BY DEMS does anything good... for Dems.... according to Dems.

Meanwhile, in the 1990s, we cut taxes and spending, and things were much better then than they are now....
Well, we had a competent President in the '90s who staffed his administration with reliable competent people.

"reliable competent people" include

1. Webster Hubbell - this two time jailbird felon was #3 at Clinton's DOJ and told the FBI to "fuck off" when they arrived at Ft Marcy Park to look into Vince Foster's "death." Hubbell of course is the bio daddy of Chelsea Clinton and a partner at the crooked Rose Law Firm
2. Henry Cisneros - this affirmative action pick as Housing Secretary was quickly busted for stealing and lying and booted
3. Jocelyn Elders - another affirmative action pick as Surgeon General was fired for teaching kids about masturbating
4. Jerry Parks - the chief of Clinton campaign security 1992 was found dead on the side of the highway in Arkansas, clearly murdered by an Arkansas State Trooper, for insisting the Clinton campaign pay him the final $80k of what he was due

When Democrats use the words "integrity, competence, corruption" and try to use people like Bill Clinton and Low IQ Joe as their "solutions" to those issues, it is as funny as it is sick....
What does any of this have to do with Trump's handling of the coronavirus?
Hey Bruce you have really struck a nerve. This should be the poster thread of Trumpers gone wild. No defense of Trump, just nothing but insults, invectives and inanities hurled your way. You are right on the money. The Trump Administration's policies and response and Trump's own words have created a greater chaos in the war against this virus. Trumpers can run from Trump's incompetence , but they can't hide.
Hey, thanks! And you're right -- I haven't seen any defense of Trump, just a lot of insults. Oh, and blaming Obama. For some reason, nobody has blamed Hillary Clinton yet.
And the number of cases worldwide is over 118,000. That's an epidemic, period.
Started in China. Ran rampant in China. Spread around the globe from China.

Trump shuts down travel from China...........Dimsocialist claim he is overreacting and racist.

TRUMP'S FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happens in China is not Trump's fault. What happens in the USA IS his fault.
It is?

So Obama is at fault for 12,000 deaths from H1N1, right?

Once again...Trump > Barry Hussein.

Where did Bruth go?
Speaking of denying reality... You take the cake!
No, that would be anyone who thinks Trump jumping into action after 30 days is doing a worse job than Barry did by waiting with H1N1 until 1,000 Americans had died before doing anything.....
You realize these claims have been debunked, right? Even by the AP.

And shall we compare Obama's response to the Swine Flu to Trump's response to the Corona virus, and the numbers of people killed by each?
You realize these claims have been debunked, right? Even by the AP.

And shall we compare Obama's response to the Swine Flu to Trump's response to the Corona virus, and the numbers of people killed by each?
I made 5 basic claims, all based in facts. Which ones have been debunked? And by whom? What's your evidence?

And the final death toll from the coronavirus isn't known yet.
Trump shut down the office that was preparing for just such a pandemic in a reorganization in 2018. For Trump, Coronavirus Proves to Be an Enemy He Can’t Tweet Away

As the highly infectious coronavirus jumped from country after country in January and February, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lost valuable weeks that could have been used to track its possible spread in the United States because it insisted upon devising its own test. The federal agency (which Trump is ultimately in charge of) shunned the World Health Organization test guidelines used by other countries and set out to create a more complicated test of its own. But when it was sent to labs across the country in the first week of February, it didn’t work. Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential Spread of Coronavirus — ProPublica

Trump's immigration and health care policies have made immigrants afraid to seek health care when they're sick, thereby helping spread the virus. Trump's immigration policies may put people at risk of coronavirus – experts

Trump rewards underlings who tell him what he wants to hear, while he shuns those who deliver bad news. When the news is all bad, this is a problem. Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis

Trump has constantly minimized the threat of the coronavirus. Trump Says ‘People Have to Remain Calm’ Amid Coronavirus Outbreak Trump’s denialist tweets are the coronavirus reaction we feared

What I want to know is: When is Trump going to give the coronavirus a disparaging nickname? That should finish it off!
Deaths so far from the good old-fashioned, run-of-the-mill, seasonal flu, this season: 8,000.
Deaths so far from the dreaded absolutely horrible COVID-19: 27.
I'd say, with regard to the COVID-19, he's doing just fine.
Perhaps you can figure a way to blame him for the next earthquake when one occurs.
Trump shut down the office that was preparing for just such a pandemic in a reorganization in 2018. For Trump, Coronavirus Proves to Be an Enemy He Can’t Tweet Away

As the highly infectious coronavirus jumped from country after country in January and February, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lost valuable weeks that could have been used to track its possible spread in the United States because it insisted upon devising its own test. The federal agency (which Trump is ultimately in charge of) shunned the World Health Organization test guidelines used by other countries and set out to create a more complicated test of its own. But when it was sent to labs across the country in the first week of February, it didn’t work. Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential Spread of Coronavirus — ProPublica

Trump's immigration and health care policies have made immigrants afraid to seek health care when they're sick, thereby helping spread the virus. Trump's immigration policies may put people at risk of coronavirus – experts

Trump rewards underlings who tell him what he wants to hear, while he shuns those who deliver bad news. When the news is all bad, this is a problem. Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis

Trump has constantly minimized the threat of the coronavirus. Trump Says ‘People Have to Remain Calm’ Amid Coronavirus Outbreak Trump’s denialist tweets are the coronavirus reaction we feared

What I want to know is: When is Trump going to give the coronavirus a disparaging nickname? That should finish it off!
Deaths so far from the good old-fashioned, run-of-the-mill, seasonal flu, this season: 8,000.
Deaths so far from the dreaded absolutely horrible COVID-19: 27.
I'd say, with regard to the COVID-19, he's doing just fine.
Perhaps you can figure a way to blame him for the next earthquake when one occurs.
If you read the title of this thread, you would understand that I'm not blaming Trump for the coronavirus. I'm blaming him for his policies that have made it worse.
You realize these claims have been debunked, right? Even by the AP.

And shall we compare Obama's response to the Swine Flu to Trump's response to the Corona virus, and the numbers of people killed by each?
I made 5 basic claims, all based in facts. Which ones have been debunked? And by whom? What's your evidence?

And the final death toll from the coronavirus isn't known yet.
Still waiting for that evidence, MikeGriffith1! Or don't you have any? Trump never has any evidence for his ridiculous claims, so why should you?

Only MORE SPENDING, MORE STEALING BY DEMS does anything good... for Dems.... according to Dems.

Meanwhile, in the 1990s, we cut taxes and spending, and things were much better then than they are now....
Well, we had a competent President in the '90s who staffed his administration with reliable competent people.

Yet the Swine flu killed 4,000 Americans and the death toll on this outbreak was 28 by this morning? Reliable and competent? Not so much...
I was responding to the poster who said the 1990s were much better than they are now, and by the way, swine flu was in 2009, not the 1990s.

I know exactly when the Swine flu was. My question remains the same! What measures did Barack Obama take that you feel Trump hasn't? When you look at one outbreak that kills 4,000 and another that's killed 28 as of this morning it's REALLY hard to find fault with the guy who's been in charge for the 28 and say he should have done what the guy who was in charge when the 4,000 died did!

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