A FOURTH New York Times Editor Revealed to be a Racist Anti-Semite

I have no obligation to validate your warped view of the world. You wanna believe that stupid shit, you'll have to believe it without my help.

Your denial doesn't invalidate that it occurred.

The GOP has been playing on racism since 1968 to get White Folks to vote against their own economic interests.

And you keep falling for it, that's the funny thing.
I have no obligation to validate your warped view of the world. You wanna believe that stupid shit, you'll have to believe it without my help.

Your denial doesn't invalidate that it occurred.

The GOP has been playing on racism since 1968 to get White Folks to vote against their own economic interests.

And you keep falling for it, that's the funny thing.
What's funny is when proto-Communists tell me what my own economic interest is.

Hint: It ain't waiting in bread lines and rooting through garbage for something to eat, dumbass.
What's funny is when proto-Communists tell me what my own economic interest is.

Hint: It ain't waiting in bread lines and rooting through garbage for something to eat, dumbass.

Well, yeah, if the world waged economic war on us for 20 years, you probably would be.
What's funny is when proto-Communists tell me what my own economic interest is.

Hint: It ain't waiting in bread lines and rooting through garbage for something to eat, dumbass.

Well, yeah, if the world waged economic war on us for 20 years, you probably would be.
Yes, that's always the excuse with you retards, isn't it?


Then fucking leave, if you hate America so much. Grow a set and get the fuck out.
Yes, that's always the excuse with you retards, isn't it?


Then fucking leave, if you hate America so much. Grow a set and get the fuck out.

Or we could just stop doing stupid things to other countries... that would work, too.

Really, why are we making economic war on Venezuela again? We've supported multiple coups and imposed economic systems on them they don't like, and they are the bad guys.

Here's Joe's Plan for Peace. We have an elite airborne unit made up of the children of the Rich and Politicians, which would be the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our Time.
Yes, that's always the excuse with you retards, isn't it?


Then fucking leave, if you hate America so much. Grow a set and get the fuck out.

Or we could just stop doing stupid things to other countries... that would work, too.

Really, why are we making economic war on Venezuela again? We've supported multiple coups and imposed economic systems on them they don't like, and they are the bad guys.

Here's Joe's Plan for Peace. We have an elite airborne unit made up of the children of the Rich and Politicians, which would be the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our Time.
Socialism is doing far more economic damage to Venezuela than the United States ever could. This is inarguable, though you'll pathetically try to argue anyway. Commies are stupid.

Your "plan for peace" is a typical authoritarian pile of horseshit. The US has an all-volunteer military. No one has to serve if they don't want to. But then, all you socialists are quick to volunteer other people to do your dirty work. Not a damn one of you willing to step up and kick-start your revolution.

Not only are you stupid, you're lazy.
Socialism is doing far more economic damage to Venezuela than the United States ever could. This is inarguable, though you'll pathetically try to argue anyway. Commies are stupid.

Yes, I know that's your story, and the Coup Attempts, sanctions and economic blockades has nothing to do with it.

Your "plan for peace" is a typical authoritarian pile of horseshit. The US has an all-volunteer military. No one has to serve if they don't want to. But then, all you socialists are quick to volunteer other people to do your dirty work. Not a damn one of you willing to step up and kick-start your revolution.

But that's the problem... "All Volunteer" has come to mean, "Working class kids fighting for the rich people's interests."

I was in during the Gulf War. Thankfully, my unit wasn't deployed, unlike so many other servicemen of my generation who are suffering from Gulf War Syndrome. I suspect that if Rich Kids got sent, we wouldn't have really cared who got to pump the Rumalia Oil fields...
Socialism is doing far more economic damage to Venezuela than the United States ever could. This is inarguable, though you'll pathetically try to argue anyway. Commies are stupid.

Yes, I know that's your story, and the Coup Attempts, sanctions and economic blockades has nothing to do with it.

Your "plan for peace" is a typical authoritarian pile of horseshit. The US has an all-volunteer military. No one has to serve if they don't want to. But then, all you socialists are quick to volunteer other people to do your dirty work. Not a damn one of you willing to step up and kick-start your revolution.

But that's the problem... "All Volunteer" has come to mean, "Working class kids fighting for the rich people's interests."

I was in during the Gulf War. Thankfully, my unit wasn't deployed, unlike so many other servicemen of my generation who are suffering from Gulf War Syndrome. I suspect that if Rich Kids got sent, we wouldn't have really cared who got to pump the Rumalia Oil fields...
You're a Communist. Everything you say is insanely wrong.
You're a Communist. Everything you say is insanely wrong.

Venezuela elected a Socialist President. Our response was to impose sanctions, cut off credit to them and support at least two attempted coups.

That's fucked up,man. We should mind out own fucking business.
You're a Communist. Everything you say is insanely wrong.

Venezuela elected a Socialist President. Our response was to impose sanctions, cut off credit to them and support at least two attempted coups.

That's fucked up,man. We should mind out own fucking business.
Yeah, yeah. America sucks and is responsible for every bad thing that ever happened.

Yeah, yeah. America sucks and is responsible for every bad thing that ever happened.


Naw, we are only responsible for the things we DO.

We did support military dictatorships in Latin America for most of the last century. We have staged coups against leaders we don't like.

Maybe we need to stop doing that.

That the Family Research Council is lumped in with neo-Nazis says more about the SafeHome.org than you can imagine.

Yeah, yeah. America sucks and is responsible for every bad thing that ever happened.


Naw, we are only responsible for the things we DO.

We did support military dictatorships in Latin America for most of the last century. We have staged coups against leaders we don't like.

Maybe we need to stop doing that.
It's basic history. Common knowledge at this point. Like so many now, these idiots have clearly grown up with nothing but Faux Noise on in the background 24/7. Read a fucking book? Listen to multiple, genuinely independent sources? Sorry, no time man, fuck it, USA, USA, USA!!
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Yeah, yeah. America sucks and is responsible for every bad thing that ever happened.


Naw, we are only responsible for the things we DO.

We did support military dictatorships in Latin America for most of the last century. We have staged coups against leaders we don't like.

Maybe we need to stop doing that.
Yes, because it's IMPOSSIBLE that socialism is utterly failing the people of Venezuela.
Yeah, yeah. America sucks and is responsible for every bad thing that ever happened.


Naw, we are only responsible for the things we DO.

We did support military dictatorships in Latin America for most of the last century. We have staged coups against leaders we don't like.

Maybe we need to stop doing that.
It's basic history. Common knowledge at this point. Like so many now, these idiots have clearly grown up with nothing but Faux Noise on in the background 24/7. Read a fucking book? Listen to multiple, genuinely independent sources? Sorry, no time man, fuck it, USA, USA, USA!!
Citing Klein as proof proves only that you're an idiot.

The United States is the worst country in the world -- except for all the others.

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