A gift to the haters from Tiggerred!!

Thanks. Our gift to you -

LOVE Whitney Houston. Thanks.

Whitney was good till she hooked up with the thug Bobby Brown.

Bobby didn't turn her up, sadly Whitney's brother turned her on to drugs to help her over her shyness on stage and she got hooked on the shit. Bobby was never a serious drug user, else he'd be dead today.

really?......you ever hear of Keith Richards,Steven Tyler and Joe Perry?.....all heavy users and still alive today....
What's to hate. Even though its not my kind of music I had a crush on Whitney when she came out with her first album. One of the reasons I was attracted to my ex-wife when we met is because I thought she looked like a young Whitney.
What's to hate. Even though its not my kind of music I had a crush on Whitney when she came out with her first album. One of the reasons I was attracted to my ex-wife when we met is because I thought she looked like a young Whitney.
I didn't offer this video to hate on, I offered it to those that be hatin on me, duh?

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