A Glimmer of Hope...


Can you explain further?


Israel is slaughtering civilians? Where, when?

Democratically elected government? When was the last elections?

Most Respectfully,

"Israel is slaughtering civilians? Where, when?"

3) Children A total of 971 children have been killed in Israeli-Palestinian conflict violence, representing 18% of the total number of conflict deaths. Children are protected, in a number of legal instruments, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, against arbitrary loss of life, even in armed conflict. Of the overall number of children killed, 88% were Palestinian and 12 % were Israeli.The trend of child deaths mirrors the total rate: the number of Israeli children killed has declined markedly while that of Palestinian children remains high. Palestinian children make up 20% of the total Palestinian deaths while Israeli children represent 12% of total Israeli deaths. In 2006, 31% of the Palestinian children killed were 12 years or younger. 8/ The vast majority of children died as a result of injuries sustained either to the head, chest or to more than one place of their body.

During 2006, Israeli Security Forces fired some 14,000 artillery shells into the Gaza Strip which were responsible for killing 59 persons, almost all of them civilians.

As shown in Graph I,the total number of Israelis,both civilians and Israeli Defence Force (IDF) combatants, killed by Palestinian armed groups and individuals, is declining.

In contrast the total number of Palestinians, both civilians and combatants killed by the Israeli security forces or Israeli individuals, remains relatively high. In 2007, for example, for every one Israeli death there were 25 Palestinian deaths compared to 2002 when the ratio was 1:2.5.

Palestinian civilian fatalities have remained high. Palestinian civilians, killed by Israeli security forces, peaked with an average of 35 deaths per month in 2002, and again in 2004. In 2007 they dropped slightly to an average of ten civilian deaths per month. - See more at: Israeli-Palestinian fatalities since 2000 - OCHA Special Focus (31 August 2007)

You are so fulla lies and propaganda it's pathetic. Palestinians shoot rockets at Israeli cities and commit terrorist attacks against Israelis, and when Israel goes in to clean things up, Israel is to blame. ha ha ha You is funny. Anti Semites don't believe Israel has a right to defend itself and it's citizens. What else is new.

Another FAIL.

1, Is everything you don't want to believe propaganda?

2, Those rockets nearly never get through Iron Dome and when they do they tend to land in unpopulated areas. Nobody is justifying them, they are unwarranted attacks but they are about as effective as Hiltler's balloon bombs he sent at the US during WWII. You are getting worked up about little more than chinese fireworks and at the same time justifying the use of the latest cutting edge ordinance that US tax dollars pay for and give to Israel. Does this not strike you as a huge double standard?

3, Not everyone who thinks that Israel should not have the right to kill whoever it wants is an anti-semite with secret swastika tattoos and an agenda against Jewish people. You just think they do cos it makes it easier for you.
Considering Manchester is from England he ought to know the Queen's English.
He shouldn't band the word slaughter around like he does.
Israel goes out of its way to avoid harming non-combatants during war, whilst even to this very day Israel's enemies advocate targeting Jews, be them military or civilians.
Manchester is a nazi who squeals a lot.

How's that limb you went out of claiming the Malaysian jet was brought down by Muslim terrorists? I think everything we need to know about you is summed up in that outright lie.
Considering Manchester is from England he ought to know the Queen's English.
He shouldn't band the word slaughter around like he does.
Israel goes out of its way to avoid harming non-combatants during war, whilst even to this very day Israel's enemies advocate targeting Jews, be them military or civilians.

My IP addy is in England as I work for a firm with a a centralized computer system somewhere near London. I am not in London.
"Israel is slaughtering civilians? Where, when?"

3) Children A total of 971 children have been killed in Israeli-Palestinian conflict violence, representing 18% of the total number of conflict deaths. Children are protected, in a number of legal instruments, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, against arbitrary loss of life, even in armed conflict. Of the overall number of children killed, 88% were Palestinian and 12 % were Israeli.The trend of child deaths mirrors the total rate: the number of Israeli children killed has declined markedly while that of Palestinian children remains high. Palestinian children make up 20% of the total Palestinian deaths while Israeli children represent 12% of total Israeli deaths. In 2006, 31% of the Palestinian children killed were 12 years or younger. 8/ The vast majority of children died as a result of injuries sustained either to the head, chest or to more than one place of their body.

During 2006, Israeli Security Forces fired some 14,000 artillery shells into the Gaza Strip which were responsible for killing 59 persons, almost all of them civilians.

As shown in Graph I,the total number of Israelis,both civilians and Israeli Defence Force (IDF) combatants, killed by Palestinian armed groups and individuals, is declining.

In contrast the total number of Palestinians, both civilians and combatants killed by the Israeli security forces or Israeli individuals, remains relatively high. In 2007, for example, for every one Israeli death there were 25 Palestinian deaths compared to 2002 when the ratio was 1:2.5.

Palestinian civilian fatalities have remained high. Palestinian civilians, killed by Israeli security forces, peaked with an average of 35 deaths per month in 2002, and again in 2004. In 2007 they dropped slightly to an average of ten civilian deaths per month. - See more at: Israeli-Palestinian fatalities since 2000 - OCHA Special Focus (31 August 2007)

You are so fulla lies and propaganda it's pathetic. Palestinians shoot rockets at Israeli cities and commit terrorist attacks against Israelis, and when Israel goes in to clean things up, Israel is to blame. ha ha ha You is funny. Anti Semites don't believe Israel has a right to defend itself and it's citizens. What else is new.

Another FAIL.

1, Is everything you don't want to believe propaganda?

2, Those rockets nearly never get through Iron Dome and when they do they tend to land in unpopulated areas. Nobody is justifying them, they are unwarranted attacks but they are about as effective as Hiltler's balloon bombs he sent at the US during WWII. You are getting worked up about little more than chinese fireworks and at the same time justifying the use of the latest cutting edge ordinance that US tax dollars pay for and give to Israel. Does this not strike you as a huge double standard?

3, Not everyone who thinks that Israel should not have the right to kill whoever it wants is an anti-semite with secret swastika tattoos and an agenda against Jewish people. You just think they do cos it makes it easier for you.
So you think Israel should just sit there and take thousands of rockets shot at its cities and civilians by Pali animals, and do nothing about it? Ya okay. :cuckoo:
Considering Manchester is from England he ought to know the Queen's English.
He shouldn't band the word slaughter around like he does.
Israel goes out of its way to avoid harming non-combatants during war, whilst even to this very day Israel's enemies advocate targeting Jews, be them military or civilians.
Manchester is a nazi who squeals a lot.

How's that limb you went out of claiming the Malaysian jet was brought down by Muslim terrorists? I think everything we need to know about you is summed up in that outright lie.
I didn't claim anything. And the jet hasn't been found yet. Nobody knows anything. Stick to the topic. Wow. LOL
Considering Manchester is from England he ought to know the Queen's English.
He shouldn't band the word slaughter around like he does.
Israel goes out of its way to avoid harming non-combatants during war, whilst even to this very day Israel's enemies advocate targeting Jews, be them military or civilians.

My IP addy is in England as I work for a firm with a a centralized computer system somewhere near London. I am not in London.

I never said you were in London as your location is Manchester.
The thought must terrify zionists, where will their moral high ground be when Israel is slaughtering civilians whose democratically elected government recognizes Israel?
Could you please list a brief summary of the slaughter of Palestinians by Israel since '48. With your permission, I will post it on Netanyahu's Facebook page and I know he will be glad to answer your claims. That way you will make your charges for the whole world to see and you can get an answer back from the horses mouth. You'll be famous, Hermann.
Now where is Manchester hiding?
The thought must terrify zionists, where will their moral high ground be when Israel is slaughtering civilians whose democratically elected government recognizes Israel?
Could you please list a brief summary of the slaughter of Palestinians by Israel since '48. With your permission, I will post it on Netanyahu's Facebook page and I know he will be glad to answer your claims. That way you will make your charges for the whole world to see and you can get an answer back from the horses mouth. You'll be famous, Hermann.
Now where is Manchester hiding?

Perhaps he has crawled back under his stone?
The thought must terrify zionists, where will their moral high ground be when Israel is slaughtering civilians whose democratically elected government recognizes Israel?
Could you please list a brief summary of the slaughter of Palestinians by Israel since '48. With your permission, I will post it on Netanyahu's Facebook page and I know he will be glad to answer your claims. That way you will make your charges for the whole world to see and you can get an answer back from the horses mouth. You'll be famous, Hermann.
Now where is Manchester hiding?

He ran out of Palestinian propaganda to spew, so he went to find some more...
Could you please list a brief summary of the slaughter of Palestinians by Israel since '48. With your permission, I will post it on Netanyahu's Facebook page and I know he will be glad to answer your claims. That way you will make your charges for the whole world to see and you can get an answer back from the horses mouth. You'll be famous, Hermann.
Now where is Manchester hiding?

Perhaps he has crawled back under his stone?
He said something about High Tea and slithered off.
Considering Manchester is from England he ought to know the Queen's English.
He shouldn't band the word slaughter around like he does.
Israel goes out of its way to avoid harming non-combatants during war, whilst even to this very day Israel's enemies advocate targeting Jews, be them military or civilians.

My IP addy is in England as I work for a firm with a a centralized computer system somewhere near London. I am not in London.

I never said you were in London as your location is Manchester.

It's a known fact that many of the Britians are falling pawns to the Muslim propaganda, taking that they're surrounded by it.

They're appalled by the cruel Israeli "occupation", forgeting that their people have more Semite blood on their hands than both our nations combined. All we do to the Palestinians never compared to what the British ones did to us.

Its easy to forget. Hypocrisy is the new mainstream
"Israel is slaughtering civilians? Where, when?"

3) Children A total of 971 children have been killed in Israeli-Palestinian conflict violence, representing 18% of the total number of conflict deaths. Children are protected, in a number of legal instruments, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, against arbitrary loss of life, even in armed conflict. Of the overall number of children killed, 88% were Palestinian and 12 % were Israeli.The trend of child deaths mirrors the total rate: the number of Israeli children killed has declined markedly while that of Palestinian children remains high. Palestinian children make up 20% of the total Palestinian deaths while Israeli children represent 12% of total Israeli deaths. In 2006, 31% of the Palestinian children killed were 12 years or younger. 8/ The vast majority of children died as a result of injuries sustained either to the head, chest or to more than one place of their body.

During 2006, Israeli Security Forces fired some 14,000 artillery shells into the Gaza Strip which were responsible for killing 59 persons, almost all of them civilians.

As shown in Graph I,the total number of Israelis,both civilians and Israeli Defence Force (IDF) combatants, killed by Palestinian armed groups and individuals, is declining.

In contrast the total number of Palestinians, both civilians and combatants killed by the Israeli security forces or Israeli individuals, remains relatively high. In 2007, for example, for every one Israeli death there were 25 Palestinian deaths compared to 2002 when the ratio was 1:2.5.

Palestinian civilian fatalities have remained high. Palestinian civilians, killed by Israeli security forces, peaked with an average of 35 deaths per month in 2002, and again in 2004. In 2007 they dropped slightly to an average of ten civilian deaths per month. - See more at: Israeli-Palestinian fatalities since 2000 - OCHA Special Focus (31 August 2007)

You are so fulla lies and propaganda it's pathetic. Palestinians shoot rockets at Israeli cities and commit terrorist attacks against Israelis, and when Israel goes in to clean things up, Israel is to blame. ha ha ha You is funny. Anti Semites don't believe Israel has a right to defend itself and it's citizens. What else is new.

Another FAIL.

1, Is everything you don't want to believe propaganda?

2, Those rockets nearly never get through Iron Dome and when they do they tend to land in unpopulated areas. Nobody is justifying them, they are unwarranted attacks but they are about as effective as Hiltler's balloon bombs he sent at the US during WWII. You are getting worked up about little more than chinese fireworks and at the same time justifying the use of the latest cutting edge ordinance that US tax dollars pay for and give to Israel. Does this not strike you as a huge double standard?

3, Not everyone who thinks that Israel should not have the right to kill whoever it wants is an anti-semite with secret swastika tattoos and an agenda against Jewish people. You just think they do cos it makes it easier for you.

One rocket fired last Monday very narrowly missed a synagogue full of worshippers.
Palestinian Arab terrorists in Gaza fired a salvo of seven rockets into southern Israel on Monday, one of which narrowly missed a synagogue packed with worshipers in the city of Sderot.

And the military aid given to Israel goes straight back into purchasing weapons from American armaments industries.
You are so fulla lies and propaganda it's pathetic. Palestinians shoot rockets at Israeli cities and commit terrorist attacks against Israelis, and when Israel goes in to clean things up, Israel is to blame. ha ha ha You is funny. Anti Semites don't believe Israel has a right to defend itself and it's citizens. What else is new.

Another FAIL.

1, Is everything you don't want to believe propaganda?

2, Those rockets nearly never get through Iron Dome and when they do they tend to land in unpopulated areas. Nobody is justifying them, they are unwarranted attacks but they are about as effective as Hiltler's balloon bombs he sent at the US during WWII. You are getting worked up about little more than chinese fireworks and at the same time justifying the use of the latest cutting edge ordinance that US tax dollars pay for and give to Israel. Does this not strike you as a huge double standard?

3, Not everyone who thinks that Israel should not have the right to kill whoever it wants is an anti-semite with secret swastika tattoos and an agenda against Jewish people. You just think they do cos it makes it easier for you.

One rocket fired last Monday very narrowly missed a synagogue full of worshippers.
Palestinian Arab terrorists in Gaza fired a salvo of seven rockets into southern Israel on Monday, one of which narrowly missed a synagogue packed with worshipers in the city of Sderot.

And the military aid given to Israel goes straight back into purchasing weapons from American armaments industries.
Animals will be animals. You can take an animal out of Gaza, but you can't take the Gaza out of an animal.

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