A Glimpse Into A Leftist Future...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
This woman proves that you don’t need to be packing heat to defend yourself. Nor is it necessary for some random “good guy with a gun”, to show up, and play hero.
In a leftist future this is how things play out. Clearly this woman is brave. One can also surmise that she has a gigantic penis; by the way she handled this aggressor.

If this looks like the future you desire; join the left today. Maybe you could prove yourself as valiant as the heroine in this video.
Not to mention the poise, and dignity she retains throughout the encounter. Truly impressive. It really has me rethinking America’s fascination with “clinging to God, and guns”.
i'd wonder what her thoughts on carrying a gun are now?
i'd wonder what her thoughts on carrying a gun are now?
Well at least things didn’t escalate to where someone got shot. That’s what’s important here. The husband could have been easily injured, or worse had some Dudley-Do-Right, butted in, and tried to act macho.
Gilrie men like we have here, there and everywhere. One of my inlaws worked for me for while and got a cut on the back of his hand that was little more than a scratch. He was blubbering like a baby and demanded I take him to the hospital. Pussy.
i'd wonder what her thoughts on carrying a gun are now?

Wow, there was three on one, and the three ran. Just wow.
You have to remember, they are Muslim. We learned from the Gulf War, Muzzles are cowards.
But three, wow that wouldn't happen in my generation. I will say during the attack a gun wouldn't of helped. Unless you jerked him off her, then shot him. But then more than likely you would be going to jail.
Some serious self defense shown on her part!!!
Did you see how she blocked every punch with her face!!
Not funny.

Just pointing out liberal absurdity when it comes to women protecting themselves.
Personally I wish she would have pulled a 1911 .45 ACP and made him leak like a screen door submarine.
But thats just me.
Maybe pissing her pants or blowing a whistle would have stopped him?
Wow, there was three on one, and the three ran. Just wow.
You have to remember, they are Muslim. We learned from the Gulf War, Muzzles are cowards.
But three, wow that wouldn't happen in my generation. I will say during the attack a gun wouldn't of helped. Unless you jerked him off her, then shot him. But then more than likely you would be going to jail.
I don't know how far those guys ran away. But anyone within the vicinity had to hear her screaming as he was stabbing her. The attacker had his sole focus on stabbing the shit out of her. Anyone could have come up behind him and stopped this. Fucking shameful...
I don't know how far those guys ran away. But anyone within the vicinity had to hear her screaming as he was stabbing her. The attacker had his sole focus on stabbing the shit out of her. Anyone could have come up behind him and stopped this. Fucking shameful
I think a lot of it is Muzzy culture. His wife, his PROPERTY.

Still, if an AMERICAN saw someone beating (or STABBING) his dog, most would stop him, I hope.
So, the fact that even a .22 pistol would have helped this woman is reason to sell assault weapons to underage mentally deranged young men. You people get more ludicrous every day. Nobody is suggesting taking away the guns like I have, handguns or long guns. What is being suggested is that there be requirements for owning or having in public weapons of war. And this is what is driving the realization that there are far too many murders in this nation by firearms;


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