A "Good" Law


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Our local newspaper, like many around the country, have a more or less constant stream of letters to the editor where one person writes in to say "ObamaCare Sucks!" for one reason or another, and a few days later someone writes in to say it's great, because it really helped ME (or someone I know).

Are people really this stupid?

Consider a hypothetical law which imposed a tax surcharge of $1,000 per year on everyone whose Social Security number ended in a even number, and sent a check for $1,000 to everyone whose SS number ended in an odd number. Make it $5,000.

Let's say that despite the grumbling of half the population the law stays in effect for five years, then some Congressperson says, "This law is really stupid, so let's repeal it."

Well, by the time the Odds have been receiving this money for five years, many of them will have come to DEPEND ON IT. Maybe they use it for FOOD, maybe they use it to pay MEDICAL BILLS, maybe they use it to put their kids in DAYCARE so that Mom can have a job and be a productive member of society.

The Odds will form lobbying and public interest organizations to protest the repeal of this law. Their lawyers will claim that repeal is UNCONSTITUTONAL! "This repeal will be TAKING FOOD OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES, PUTTING GRANNY OUT ON THE STREET, FORCING HARD-WORKING AMERICANS ONTO WELFARE!"

And so it is with ObamaCare. It benefits a lot of people, but that alone is not sufficient reason to justify it. Does it make any sense? Is it Constitutional? Are it's economic models realistic or sustainable?

This law is an example of the OPPOSITE of bi-partisanship. It passed without a single Republican vote and with essentially no Republican input. It ignores many possibly beneficial aspects that could have made it viable (e.g., interstate competition among insurers, tort reform, standardized coverages).

And so we have people whining now that WE CAN'T repeal it now because there are a lot of people who benefit by it. See above.

So what?

Let's do it over, and this time do it right.

For a REAL example of a law that mimics the hypothetical above, consider Ethanol. Stupid, stupid law, that makes innocent people all over the country pay so that a couple thousand farmers can reap an undeserved windfall. Disgraceful and ongoing.
There can be no doubt that the end-game of the Left is single-payer. In fact, it is logical to conclude that O'Bama-Care was intended to be so bad that it would eventually force the masses to demand single-payer.

But are you willing to put a million or so people who work in the health insurance industry out of work?

Are you willing to have basically all the doctors in the country become government employees? Nurses? Hospitals owned and operated by Government?
There can be no doubt that the end-game of the Left is single-payer. In fact, it is logical to conclude that O'Bama-Care was intended to be so bad that it would eventually force the masses to demand single-payer.

But are you willing to put a million or so people who work in the health insurance industry out of work?

What evidence do you have that this will happen?
There can be no doubt that the end-game of the Left is single-payer.

One could say the same about the right at this point. They've been more or less spearheading a public campaign against deductibles and cost-sharing, provider networks, and marketplaces for a few years now. That is to say, they've been trying to drum up opposition to the hallmarks of any private multi-payer system.

Assuming they succeed, they'll essentially have made (1) market-based approaches unpalatable if not impossible, and (2) single-payer type approaches the only ones left standing. I've seen more pro-single payer arguments from the right in the past two years than I saw from the left in the past ten.
That is now how my insurance does. I pay premium and full payments of medical charge

So the problem is with your insurer. You're probably still under the deductible. You might consider opting for a lower-deductible plan next time.
No before Obama are I never paid more than 20$ a visit and hardly anything for meds. But Obama law changed that. Now I pay all of mine and part of the uninsureable
That is now how my insurance does. I pay premium and full payments of medical charge

So the problem is with your insurer. You're probably still under the deductible. You might consider opting for a lower-deductible plan next time.
No before Obama are I never paid more than 20$ a visit and hardly anything for meds. But Obama law changed that. Now I pay all of mine and part of the uninsureable

So you're not still under the deductible? Then it's time to change insurers. You can go directly to one of the health exchange websites (if your state has one; if not, you can go directly to healthcare.gov), or you can go here Subsidy Calculator Widget first to ascertain approximately what your premium/deductible would be.

Good luck!
That is now how my insurance does. I pay premium and full payments of medical charge

So the problem is with your insurer. You're probably still under the deductible. You might consider opting for a lower-deductible plan next time.
No before Obama are I never paid more than 20$ a visit and hardly anything for meds. But Obama law changed that. Now I pay all of mine and part of the uninsureable

So you're not still under the deductible? Then it's time to change insurers. You can go directly to one of the health exchange websites (if your state has one; if not, you can go directly to healthcare.gov), or you can go here Subsidy Calculator Widget first to ascertain approximately what your premium/deductible would be.

Good luck!
No I wasn't under deductible before but now I am My work offers insurance so according to Obama law I have to take it
No I wasn't under deductible before but now I am My work offers insurance so according to Obama law I have to take it

So your employer only offers a high-deductible plan? You're not forced to take that; you've opted to stay with the employer's plan because your employer pays all or part of the premiums...a luxury not every American has.

Now, if you were willing to do some research (at the sites I mentioned), you might be able to find a better plan on your own and opt out of your employer's plan.

The PPACA does not force you to stay with your employer's plan.

Do you want to look for a better plan, or do you just want to pout?
No I wasn't under deductible before but now I am My work offers insurance so according to Obama law I have to take it

So your employer only offers a high-deductible plan? You're not forced to take that; you've opted to stay with the employer's plan because your employer pays all or part of the premiums...a luxury not every American has.

Now, if you were willing to do some research (at the sites I mentioned), you might be able to find a better plan on your own and opt out of your employer's plan.

The PPACA does not force you to stay with your employer's plan.

Do you want to look for a better plan, or do you just want to pout?
I'm not pouting. I would just like to know why I lost my good insurance just because Obama wanted to mess up something else

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