A Guide To The Clinton Scandals

Clinton Scandals: A Guide From Whitewater To The Clinton Foundation

Whitewater was a shady investment scheme managed by the Rose Law Firm, of which Hilary was an employee.

There was also Travelgate, which involved the misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

The Clinton Foundation gets millions each year from wealthy people in the Middle East and Russia. I doubt they are just charitable gifts.
Do Trumpers really want go there?

Clinton was persecuted for a land deal that occurred years before he was President

Trump refuses to release his financial info and is arguing that a President is immune from prosecution for even FELONIES

are you kidding?
Clinton Scandals: A Guide From Whitewater To The Clinton Foundation

Whitewater was a shady investment scheme managed by the Rose Law Firm, of which Hilary was an employee.

There was also Travelgate, which involved the misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

The Clinton Foundation gets millions each year from wealthy people in the Middle East and Russia. I doubt they are just charitable gifts.

The older I get the more I recognize how much the Clinton's control. Shame our great POTUS slashed their power into pieces. That's what most of this anti-Trump business is about, the establishment is PISSED.
It isn't shocking that Trump- the king of the Birthers and head of the Trump Crime family attracts all of you conspiracy theorists.
Clinton Scandals: A Guide From Whitewater To The Clinton Foundation

Whitewater was a shady investment scheme managed by the Rose Law Firm, of which Hilary was an employee.

There was also Travelgate, which involved the misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

The Clinton Foundation gets millions each year from wealthy people in the Middle East and Russia. I doubt they are just charitable gifts.

The older I get the more I recognize how much the Clinton's control. Shame our great POTUS slashed their power into pieces. That's what most of this anti-Trump business is about, the establishment is PISSED.

Nothing funny about my statement. Who is running shit besides the elite, and what about the Clinton's?
During the hearings on the Watergate scandal in 1971, Hilary tried to prevent President Nixon from being represented by a lawyer.

And was fired for dishonesty.

Amazing how those conspiracy theories never die.

POLITICIALSASS: Fact Check: Was Hillary Clinton fired from Watergate investigation?

So? Read your own link. They acknowledge that the accusation was made. That is all.
Clinton was persecuted for a land deal


14 of 16 partners in Whitewater went to prison.... the only 2 who didn't were named Bill and Hillary....


This is part of the leftist HATRED of being INVESTIGATED for corruption/fraud/stealing...

That was the most watered-down, glaringly incomplete, misleading list of Clinton scandals I've ever seen .

It's as if the Clintons wrote it themselves, to put people off of the scandals. :laugh:

But what else is new, from mainstream or lefty sources.
So Clinton was guilty....of anything you can think of and Trump is above the law regardless of what he does...

That was the most watered-down, glaringly incomplete, misleading list of Clinton scandals I've ever seen .

It's as if the Clintons wrote it themselves, to put people off of the scandals. :laugh:

But what else is new, from mainstream or lefty sources.

Everybody remember when the Clintons were convicted of all of those crimes and went to jail for like forever?

Oh wait- not convicted.

Everybody remember when the Clintons were all charged with all of those crimes and went to court....

Oh wait- not charged.

Everybody remember the last 30 years of right wing nut jobs making unsupported smears of the Clintons?

Clinton Scandals: A Guide From Whitewater To The Clinton Foundation

Whitewater was a shady investment scheme managed by the Rose Law Firm, of which Hilary was an employee.

There was also Travelgate, which involved the misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

The Clinton Foundation gets millions each year from wealthy people in the Middle East and Russia. I doubt they are just charitable gifts.
When does this end? When Billy and Hillary are gone does the right wing start on Chelsea? Does the crazy extend to the grandchildren?
Clinton Scandals: A Guide From Whitewater To The Clinton Foundation

Whitewater was a shady investment scheme managed by the Rose Law Firm, of which Hilary was an employee.

There was also Travelgate, which involved the misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

The Clinton Foundation gets millions each year from wealthy people in the Middle East and Russia. I doubt they are just charitable gifts.
And the smear campaign never ends... She lost, get over it.

The Clintons lost money in the Whitewater scheme but that didn't stop the GOP from investigating the Clintons for 4 years. After all that digging, the only result was Bill was asked under oath about an affair.

The Cintons have been the subject of GOP witchhunts for 25 years and yet they have been charged with nothing.
She is still not running for anything and you guys keep her name on these sites and blogs that favor Trump. Anything to further Trump and his nonsense. Just keeping up with America's dirty politics going as usual.
Clinton was persecuted for real estate deals from years prior to time in the Oval Office

Civil suits from years prior

And Trumper/Republicans still stand by that while claiming that nothing of the sort should be looked at with Trump.

How can anyone take these people seriously?
After thirty years of republicans going after the clintons and spending millions....nothing but proving that bill got a blow job in the white house. Same with obama. Pure as the driven snow. Compare that with all the criminality these vicious no good republicans are always involved in. In the meantime the republicans can't show one thing they've ever done for the average American. This from an ex trump voter who thought he would be different than the average republican. He's not.

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