A history of the character and fate of Hillary's "associates"


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Well, can start with "marriage," but it was never that. It was always a "union of political aspiration" between Bill and Hill. There isn't any evidence of a "romance" or even intercourse, as Webster Hubbell is obviously the bio daddy of Chelsea, and Bill has a zillion "illegitimate" kids with umpteen different women.

The Clintons’ Greatest Shame: Chelsea Clinton is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell

In business, we have the Whitewater business partners, all of whom went to the can, and on the way shilled "Bill and Hillary knew nothing" in court...

Washingtonpost.com: Whitewater Time Line

one of the ones not convicted of Whitewater crimes because he was not a "partner" was this fellow...

June 1993

Deputy White House Counsel Vincent Foster files three years of delinquent Whitewater corporate tax returns.

July 1993

Foster is found dead in a Washington area park. Police rule the death a suicide. Federal investigators are not allowed access to Foster's office immediately after the discovery, but White House aides - (Hillary and Maggie Williams) enter Foster's office shortly after his death, giving rise to speculation that files were removed from his office.

Chelsea's bio daddy was knee deep in it...

March 1994

Webster L. Hubbell abruptly resigns as associate attorney general after allegations are raised about his conduct at the Rose Law Firm. Two of Clinton's top political advisers call business friends and line up more than $500,000 for Hubbell, including $100,000 from the Lippo Group. Hubbell is later convicted of fraud and serves 18 months in jail.

In a separate scandal called Castle Grande, Hubbell told the court HE did the work Hillary billed for, and did another two years...

Castle Grande - Wikipedia

Then there was Hillary's extraordinary cattle futures investments, complete with the corrupt trading firm involved getting shut down...

Herd Instincts

In their rise to power, the Clinton's left more than Vince Foster's corpse in their wake...

‘Clinton death list’: 33 spine-tingling cases

Now, with trusted associate Huma turning out to be a bit sour, the list is pretty comprehensive.

The associates of Hillary Clinton fall into the following categories...

1. they are convicted felons
2. they are dead
3. they went to court and testified the Clintons "knew nothing"
4. in Huma's case, we'll see...
The Clintons are a political crime family, and Hillary has been the 'Teflon Don' for over 3 decades.
It really is amazing, especially after the Court accepted Hubbell's claim that he did the work for Castle Grande. That was a functional confession of billing fraud, and drew neither a grand jury nor a disbarment hearing...

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