A Holiday Mystery: Why Did John Roberts Intervene in the Mueller Probe?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Since some foreign corporations are wholly owned by the their respective governments, i.e., China, litigation and subpoenas involving those ā€˜corporationsā€™ might very well be a matter of National Security, thus the need to have the court proceedings in a restricted and private manner.

The anti-Trumpers out there were greatly disappointed...............

A mysterious grand jury subpoena case has been working itself through the D.C. courts since August. Doughty reporting by Politico linked the grand jury case to special counsel Robert Mueller. Some of us, connecting the dots, wondered whether Muellerā€™s antagonist in this secret subpoena battle might be President Donald Trump himself. Speculation heightened two weeks ago when the D.C. Circuit cleared an entire floor of reporters assembled for the oral argument, in order to protect the identity of the litigants.

Four days later, the D.C. Circuit judges burst the speculative bubble with a decision that halfway revealed the identity of the party litigating against the government: not Trump, but an unnamed corporation (ā€œthe Corporationā€) owned by an unnamed foreign state (ā€œCountry Aā€). Although the case is still plenty mysterious (What foreign state? What records of what transactions? Why the hard-fought litigation?), the evident fact that Trump was not directly involved in the litigation seemingly drained further proceedings of direct suspense. Mueller watchers headed off for the holidays.

And then, last week, on the Sunday before Christmas, Chief Justice John Roberts personally intervened in this matter.

Thatā€™s right: The chief justice of the United States himself issued an order on a Sunday, in this very case. If you think thatā€™s highly unusual, youā€™re right. And the action he took was equally unusual. At least for the moment calling into question the unanimous decisions of the courts below, the chief justice blocked the District Courtā€™s order requiring the foreign corporation to comply with the grand jury subpoena, until the governmentā€™s lawyers could respond to the Corporationā€™s briefings.

So now, in abrupt fashion, Muellerā€™s investigation has suddenly reached the Supreme Court, and with the personal attention of the chief justice, no less.

What does this all mean? Letā€™s try to unpack it.

Read more at politico.com ...
Since some foreign corporations are wholly owned by the their respective governments, i.e., China, litigation and subpoenas involving those ā€˜corporationsā€™ might very well be a matter of National Security, thus the need to have the court proceedings in a restricted and private manner.

The anti-Trumpers out there were greatly disappointed...............

A mysterious grand jury subpoena case has been working itself through the D.C. courts since August. Doughty reporting by Politico linked the grand jury case to special counsel Robert Mueller. Some of us, connecting the dots, wondered whether Muellerā€™s antagonist in this secret subpoena battle might be President Donald Trump himself. Speculation heightened two weeks ago when the D.C. Circuit cleared an entire floor of reporters assembled for the oral argument, in order to protect the identity of the litigants.

Four days later, the D.C. Circuit judges burst the speculative bubble with a decision that halfway revealed the identity of the party litigating against the government: not Trump, but an unnamed corporation (ā€œthe Corporationā€) owned by an unnamed foreign state (ā€œCountry Aā€). Although the case is still plenty mysterious (What foreign state? What records of what transactions? Why the hard-fought litigation?), the evident fact that Trump was not directly involved in the litigation seemingly drained further proceedings of direct suspense. Mueller watchers headed off for the holidays.

And then, last week, on the Sunday before Christmas, Chief Justice John Roberts personally intervened in this matter.

Thatā€™s right: The chief justice of the United States himself issued an order on a Sunday, in this very case. If you think thatā€™s highly unusual, youā€™re right. And the action he took was equally unusual. At least for the moment calling into question the unanimous decisions of the courts below, the chief justice blocked the District Courtā€™s order requiring the foreign corporation to comply with the grand jury subpoena, until the governmentā€™s lawyers could respond to the Corporationā€™s briefings.

So now, in abrupt fashion, Muellerā€™s investigation has suddenly reached the Supreme Court, and with the personal attention of the chief justice, no less.

What does this all mean? Letā€™s try to unpack it.

Read more at politico.com ...
Roberts wants to make sure he stays in favor with Deep State.
All very mysterious and very unusual. This stinks like a dead rat under a floor board and John Roberts is once more intervening in the middle of a very charged case. Is there something about John Roberts we should all know?
Appointed by George Bush could Roberts be the Globalist' trouble shooter?
All very mysterious and very unusual. This stinks like a dead rat under a floor board and John Roberts is once more intervening in the middle of a very charged case. Is there something about John Roberts we should all know?
Appointed by George Bush could Roberts be the Globalist' trouble shooter?
Rumors that he's gay and his marriage is a sham.
All very mysterious and very unusual. This stinks like a dead rat under a floor board and John Roberts is once more intervening in the middle of a very charged case. Is there something about John Roberts we should all know?
Appointed by George Bush could Roberts be the Globalist' trouble shooter?
Rumors that he's gay and his marriage is a sham.
Oh yes....here we go!
It is probably a Russian corporation with ties to the intelligence community.

The CIA has lots of shell corporations that do double work.
All very mysterious and very unusual. This stinks like a dead rat under a floor board and John Roberts is once more intervening in the middle of a very charged case. Is there something about John Roberts we should all know?
Appointed by George Bush could Roberts be the Globalist' trouble shooter?
I called for the fucker to be impeached after the Obamacare fiasco.
All very mysterious and very unusual. This stinks like a dead rat under a floor board and John Roberts is once more intervening in the middle of a very charged case. Is there something about John Roberts we should all know?
Appointed by George Bush could Roberts be the Globalist' trouble shooter?
I called for the fucker to be impeached after the Obamacare fiasco.
Because healthcare for millions of Americans is a terrible thing.

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