A Horse Walks Into A Bar..Bartender Asks "Why The Long Face?"


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Why indeed!

The New GOPers got what they REALLY wanted from the Supreme Court on Thursday ...

AND was there any thanks? I didn't notice any praise of the courts decision..

Whatcha talkin bout HUGGY?

The right TO LIE of course!

That is all they really needed. Religion...politics... science... Pick a topic.. Now they can all lie thier asses off with the Supreme Courts blessing..


Discuss....... Your opinion?...(the truth is optional now)
This scumbag President has been dutifully exercising his right to lie

for YEARS.
as has huggy, but he conveniently neglects to address that.
Wow, You do realize the Case was involved a Registered Democrat right. It was a Registered Democrat that was lying about his Medal, that they just said was protected speech.

I swear to god you people on both sides always trying to pin all things bad on the other side are just disgusting people. You are the Rot that eats at this Great Republic.

All die Hard partisan Hacks suck ass.
as has huggy, but he conveniently neglects to address that.

What difference does it make what party the plantiff? Now lying is perfectly acceptable. It has been in the media for a few years and now ANYONE can lie about anything. That should take a heavy weight off the shoulders of NewRepublicans sense of morality..that is if they had one.
as has huggy, but he conveniently neglects to address that.

What difference does it make what party the plantiff? Now lying is perfectly acceptable. It has been in the media for a few years and now ANYONE can lie about anything. That should take a heavy weight off the shoulders of NewRepublicans sense of morality..that is if they had one.

You do realize that it's always been legal to lie. We have something called the First Amendment.

But you seem to think it a good thing that it's legal because now it's alright to lie. Some of us will always recognize that lying is not the way to proceed.

Just because you can do something doesnt mean you should.
Funny...I know that there are laws in the book called "theft by deception" and "fraud". So now that it's legal to lie, do those laws go out the window?
When was lying not a part of free speech?

Granted this instance is totally fucked and I hope someone pounds the living shit out of that asshole.

But the right to free speech cannot be challenged.

yea yea, I know, Libs passed hate speech laws so we can go to jail for talking.

But conservatives love our rights, warts, lies, hate, etc and all
Funny how the cons are OK with lying being protected under free speech...probably because their media pundits would be run out of town on a rail if they couldn't lie, tell half truths, or spread their misinformation.....yeah, I know....MSNBC does it too...great, I'll add them to the list too.
Huggy fucked up the gag even in hos own OP.

Rustedplate can't even recognize what it was supposed to be.
Lying never was illegal except under oath. If it were illegal a jail would have to be built around the US.
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Huggy fucked up the gag even in hos own OP.

Rustedplate can't even recognize what it was supposed to be.

It was before my first cup of coffee... What can I say...?
Huggy fucked up the gag even in hos own OP.

Rustedplate can't even recognize what it was supposed to be.

It was before my first cup of coffee... What can I say...?

(The quote function is not working?)

Anyway: Nothing else need be said. THAT explains it all!
The STOLEN VALOR act made it a crime to say that you had served and had been awarded a medal for military service. The Supreme Court said that you can't do that because it's free speech even if it is a lie. In the decision regarding the Nazi's protesting in Skokey, Illinois they said the exact same thing. The Nazi's who protested in Skokie maintained that the Holocaust was a lie. That in itself is massive ignorance and an obvious lie. Speech that has NO REPERCUSSIONS has little or no boundaries. In their decision throwing out the Stolen Valor Act, the justices said that the plantiff gained nothing from the lie he told, BUT that if he had made the claim in attempting to PROFIT or GAIN from the claim, then it would be something entirely different.

Now, here's the rub. A second STOLEN VALOR ACT has just been introduced into Congress and is expected to sail through to the President's desk. This Act makes it illegal to say that you had military service and won a medal for GAIN or FINANCIAL REWARD. Which also means to use it to achieve political office or some other reward will then be unlawful.

As a veteran, I did not like the supreme court's ruling on the first Stolen Valor Act. But I understand it and I grudgingly agree with it. Free Speech, especially that which we hate the most, MUST be protected at all costs. Hopefully, the Senate and the President will not send this to the file cabinet where all the other Republican bills from Congress have gone, and will instead see that it is the right thing to do and pass this thing.

I am shocked and surprised that Huggy was even mildly interested in this decision... the left's dislike for veterans is legendary...
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#6 (permalink) Yesterday, 10:57 PM
Didn't know they had horses in Chicago. Thought they just used jackasses.
if the man profited by his lie or harmed someone else he should be punished and make restitution. Other than that, who care. He will have to live with rebukes if he is found out and rightly so.
I am shocked and surprised that Huggy was even mildly interested in this decision... the left's dislike for veterans is legendary...

The specifics..not so much.. The broader ramifications...ya..

I really don't follow the "lefts" views all that closely. But with two dem senators I do try to keep up with thier agendas.

Turns out at least one of the "lefties" seems to do a lot for vets. Maybe you have better info..

"Senator Murray has been a tireless advocate for veterans, fighting for increased funding for veterans health care, increased benefits, housing assistance, new veterans clinics throughout Washington state, and accountability from the VA. She has fought for increased education benefits, expanded employment assistance, and reduced wait times for veterans with pending claims."

Veterans - United States Senator Patty Murray

I hear Murray reads her own snail mail when it comes to vets issues. Feel free to let her know if she can do anything for you.

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