A huge caravan of central Americans is headed for the US and no one in Mexico is stopping them

A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

fact check lmfao dumbass that is a gov. form of SNOPE IDIOT

Breaking News 4/1/18: Caravan Of About 1200 Immigrants Headed Toward The U.S. Border.

No wonder you stupid fkrs are so easily lead by DEMOCRATIC BS.....

You expect me to believe this?

That they could cross a military base or a police checkpoint and not be stopped? Who the fuck are you kidding?

Let's not take this story out of context. The Donald claimed they are coming here to take advantage of DACA. Well, DACA don't work that way and you're an idiot if you think it does.

BTW, what's wrong with seeking asylum in the U.S.?

I almost forgot, thank you for being a man and posting the proof of your argument. A lot of fuckers around here can't even do that.
How anyone can think this caravan thing is fake news is beyond me. One has got to be totally out of it to think that. There's proof of it all over the place including the White House release talking about Catch and release.....

Then we have the MEMO for the Caravan here Jesus are LIBTARD seriously that out of it to think there's no harm coming, no disease........ Once again Europe went through this same process...

Caravan Releases List of DEMANDS And Expects Trump To Comply

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Fuck the right! We illegally invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and I don't know how many African nations, with millions of lives being lost as a result, and you fuckers bitch about a 1000 Hondurans seeking asylum?


You're giving all American's a bad name.
fact check lmfao dumbass that is a gov. form of SNOPE IDIOT

Breaking News 4/1/18: Caravan Of About 1200 Immigrants Headed Toward The U.S. Border.

No wonder you stupid fkrs are so easily lead by DEMOCRATIC BS.....

You expect me to believe this?

That they could cross a military base or a police checkpoint and not be stopped? Who the fuck are you kidding?

Let's not take this story out of context. The Donald claimed they are coming here to take advantage of DACA. Well, DACA don't work that way and you're an idiot if you think it does.

BTW, what's wrong with seeking asylum in the U.S.?

I almost forgot, thank you for being a man and posting the proof of your argument. A lot of fuckers around here can't even do that.

The DEMOCRATS are the assholes who want the borders OPEN. They wouldn't work with TRUMP for nothing this runs deeper than the average jackass can even imagine let alone understand. To many are fed off the MSM BS and LIES right where they want them.

I'M NOT A MAN lol.



Donald Trump: ‘Our Country Is Being Stolen’ by Illegals
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.


LMAO I just have to love that one. ....:auiqs.jpg:
Fuck the right! We illegally invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and I don't know how many African nations, with millions of lives being lost as a result, and you fuckers bitch about a 1000 Hondurans seeking asylum?


You're giving all American's a bad name.
The DEMOCRATS are the assholes who want the borders OPEN. They wouldn't work with TRUMP for nothing this runs deeper than the average jackass can even imagine let alone understand. To many are fed off the MSM BS and LIES right where they want them.

I'M NOT A MAN lol.

View attachment 186019

View attachment 186020

Donald Trump: ‘Our Country Is Being Stolen’ by Illegals
Trump is the one who shot down DACA. Republican's control the House, the Senate and the White House, and you expect people to think its the Democrats?

You fuckers don't even have the balls to take responsibility for the things you do.
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

Fear not, an Obama appointed Federal judge will order ICE to stand down at the border so they can enter the USA unhindered.

Mark my word on this.

But why can't this caravan be stopped at the border??

I really can't understand what's the problem??

Trump is 100% correct in saying that is up to the Mexican Government to show good will and to police it's own border and stop these illegals coming into the US.

The end result unless this policing is carried out, can only be more bad feeling between the US and Mexico
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

Fear not, an Obama appointed Federal judge will order ICE to stand down at the border so they can enter the USA unhindered.

Mark my word on this.

But why can't this caravan be stopped at the border??

I really can't understand what's the problem??

Trump is 100% correct in saying that is up to the Mexican Government to show good will and to police it's own border and stop these illegals coming into the US.

The end result unless this policing is carried out, can only be more bad feeling between the US and Mexico

At the moment the plan IS to stop it at the border, but we all know a Communist judge will betray the nation and force us to let the illegals in.
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

Fear not, an Obama appointed Federal judge will order ICE to stand down at the border so they can enter the USA unhindered.

Mark my word on this.

But why can't this caravan be stopped at the border??

I really can't understand what's the problem??

Trump is 100% correct in saying that is up to the Mexican Government to show good will and to police it's own border and stop these illegals coming into the US.

The end result unless this policing is carried out, can only be more bad feeling between the US and Mexico

At the moment the plan IS to stop it at the border, but we all know a Communist judge will betray the nation and force us to let the illegals in.

Can he do that?? just because he wants to??
The DEMOCRATS are the assholes who want the borders OPEN. They wouldn't work with TRUMP for nothing this runs deeper than the average jackass can even imagine let alone understand. To many are fed off the MSM BS and LIES right where they want them.

I'M NOT A MAN lol.

View attachment 186019

View attachment 186020

Donald Trump: ‘Our Country Is Being Stolen’ by Illegals
Trump is the one who shot down DACA. Republican's control the House, the Senate and the White House, and you expect people to think its the Democrats?

You fuckers don't even have the balls to take responsibility for the things you do.

He did, what I am saying is because the Demonuts would not agree to the way he wanted it, and he wanted it in a way where we aren't paying for their asses via taxes, he wanted in a way where they are VETTED first.......

The Demoasshoes want the gawd dam border wide open letting anyone who just floppin feels like to waltz right on in..........

That bring diseases
It brings crimes
and the collapse of a nation

Have you not followed what is going on with


these assholes allowed the border open and now they are beginning to collapse, rapes are off the charts
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

Fear not, an Obama appointed Federal judge will order ICE to stand down at the border so they can enter the USA unhindered.

Mark my word on this.

But why can't this caravan be stopped at the border??

I really can't understand what's the problem??

Trump is 100% correct in saying that is up to the Mexican Government to show good will and to police it's own border and stop these illegals coming into the US.

The end result unless this policing is carried out, can only be more bad feeling between the US and Mexico
--------------------------------------- call me crazy but my concern is if weakling USA needs or acknowledges 'mexicos' help in stopping these 'honduran' and other third worlders from entering the USA Skye .
The DEMOCRATS are the assholes who want the borders OPEN. They wouldn't work with TRUMP for nothing this runs deeper than the average jackass can even imagine let alone understand. To many are fed off the MSM BS and LIES right where they want them.

I'M NOT A MAN lol.

View attachment 186019

View attachment 186020

Donald Trump: ‘Our Country Is Being Stolen’ by Illegals
Trump is the one who shot down DACA. Republican's control the House, the Senate and the White House, and you expect people to think its the Democrats?

You fuckers don't even have the balls to take responsibility for the things you do.

Remember this


Trump: If Democrats Don't Want Border Safety, 'We'll Go With Another Shutdown'
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

Fear not, an Obama appointed Federal judge will order ICE to stand down at the border so they can enter the USA unhindered.

Mark my word on this.

But why can't this caravan be stopped at the border??

I really can't understand what's the problem??

Trump is 100% correct in saying that is up to the Mexican Government to show good will and to police it's own border and stop these illegals coming into the US.

The end result unless this policing is carried out, can only be more bad feeling between the US and Mexico
--------------------------------------- call me crazy but my concern is if weakling USA needs or acknowledges 'mexicos' help in stopping these 'honduran' and other third worlders from entering the USA Skye .


That's true too.
Fuck the right! We illegally invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and I don't know how many African nations, with millions of lives being lost as a result, and you fuckers bitch about a 1000 Hondurans seeking asylum?


You're giving all American's a bad name.
LMAO . well shit fuck u too .....
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

Caravan Releases List of DEMANDS And Expects Trump To Comply


“We demand of the Mexico and the United States: that they respect our rights as refugees and our right to dignified work to be able to support our families,” the statements reads.

The second demand is “that they open the borders to us because we are as much citizens as the people of the countries where we are and/or travel.”

Frankly, immigration wouldn’t be a hotbed political issue in America and the world if that second statement was true.

A look at the Pueblo sin Fronteras group website shows that they have extensive experience leading caravans of migrants across different countries illegally.


“Our mission is to provide shelter and safety to migrants and refugees in transit, accompany them in their journey, and together demand respect for our human rights,” says the group’s Facebook page.

The Central American caravan think that the US is like a big rubbish bin....

What scum...stop them

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