A huge caravan of central Americans is headed for the US and no one in Mexico is stopping them

My thoughts too!


Tucker Carlson on Twitter
Time to ask the "conservatives" why they tried so hard to create this situation. They have spent decades trying relentlessly to create unsustainable population growth and increase the numbers of unwanted people. It's way past time that they took responsibility for their actions.
What situation is that, dipstick? The illegal alien flotilla is financed and sponsored by a Leftwing nutjob organization that doesn't believe in borders or nation states, and wants to challenge US immigration laws intentionally. If anything it's Democrat scumbags that have created this showdown, and they will lose as usual.
From at least the 1950's on, the U.S. acted to squelch reform movements in the Central American countries aimed at creating stable economies in these countries. Then the "conservatives" acted to squelch ZPG and related efforts to limit world population to sustainable numbers, opting instead for out-of-control growth among poorer and less educated populations lacking the knowledge of how to use technology to limit their populations. These marchers are the result of these ill-advised policies. So how can I blame them? They've got to live and eat. They are not the enemy.

It was the U.S. government of the time, its CIA, the anti-reformers, and the anti-ZPGers and anti-birth-control types who deserve to have the living shit beaten out of them for putting these people in the middle in the first place. Yet the "conservatives" are still whining to have more people people produced without any plan to take care of them.

"Conservatives": be fucking careful what you wish for.
funniest bunch of non-sense I have read in a long time.

hateful leftist want the power to determine who can and can't have kids.
Definitely people like Pocohantes or Low IQ Maxine Waters should not be allowed to have kids.
Time to ask the "conservatives" why they tried so hard to create this situation. They have spent decades trying relentlessly to create unsustainable population growth and increase the numbers of unwanted people. It's way past time that they took responsibility for their actions.
What situation is that, dipstick? The illegal alien flotilla is financed and sponsored by a Leftwing nutjob organization that doesn't believe in borders or nation states, and wants to challenge US immigration laws intentionally. If anything it's Democrat scumbags that have created this showdown, and they will lose as usual.

This has nothing to do with "Democrats." After decades of opposing national and international birth-control programs, and economic and social reforms in central America, the "conservatives" are now trying to take this out on the people caught in the middle; people from huge and poor families living on the edge. This situation was perfectly foreseeable decades ago. My late father predicted it back in the 1970s. Had "conservatives" acted responsibly and made sure that people had the tools in their hands to limit their births as they chose, tools that actually exist, instead of obsessing about the spread of communism and weird theology without caring at all about the welfare of the people in these countries, this would not be occurring.

At its core, this situation is the direct result of bad decisions by old white men. If you're angry, go to the Catholic and Protestant "leaders" and the OMG anti-commie types, all of them "conservatives," and demand answers. Force them to be responsible for their bad decisions. They were the ones who chose stupidity and sex obsessions over practicality.

But I wouldn't expect you to understand this. Anyone who just runs around calling people names is not very bright. Neither is voting for a whore.
Time to ask the "conservatives" why they tried so hard to create this situation. They have spent decades trying relentlessly to create unsustainable population growth and increase the numbers of unwanted people. It's way past time that they took responsibility for their actions.
What situation is that, dipstick? The illegal alien flotilla is financed and sponsored by a Leftwing nutjob organization that doesn't believe in borders or nation states, and wants to challenge US immigration laws intentionally. If anything it's Democrat scumbags that have created this showdown, and they will lose as usual.

This has nothing to do with "Democrats." After decades of opposing national and international birth-control programs, and economic and social reforms in central America, the "conservatives" are now trying to take this out on the people caught in the middle; people from huge and poor families living on the edge. This situation was perfectly foreseeable decades ago. My late father predicted it back in the 1970s. Had "conservatives" acted responsibly and made sure that people had the tools in their hands to limit their births as they chose, tools that actually exist, instead of obsessing about the spread of communism and weird theology without caring at all about the welfare of the people in these countries, this would not be occurring.

At its core, this situation is the direct result of bad decisions by old white men. If you're angry, go to the Catholic and Protestant "leaders" and the OMG anti-commie types, all of them "conservatives," and demand answers. Force them to be responsible for their bad decisions. They were the ones who chose stupidity and sex obsessions over practicality.

But I wouldn't expect you to understand this. Anyone who just runs around calling people names is not very bright. Neither is voting for a whore.
Understand what?! That you're fucking stupid beyond belief?

The Left makes false promises to a bunch of desperate people from Honduras, then rounds them up and ships them towards the US, in order to create an international incident and set Trump up. It's pretty obvious it's a Leftwing hit job, and it will be neutralized.

How you may ask?

The US national guard and border patrol will be there waiting for them. The second they cross the border they will be arrested, booked and fingerprinted, and then shipped right back into shithole Mexico, who is complicit in this attack on our sovereignty.
Time to ask the "conservatives" why they tried so hard to create this situation. They have spent decades trying relentlessly to create unsustainable population growth and increase the numbers of unwanted people. It's way past time that they took responsibility for their actions.
What situation is that, dipstick? The illegal alien flotilla is financed and sponsored by a Leftwing nutjob organization that doesn't believe in borders or nation states, and wants to challenge US immigration laws intentionally. If anything it's Democrat scumbags that have created this showdown, and they will lose as usual.

This has nothing to do with "Democrats." After decades of opposing national and international birth-control programs, and economic and social reforms in central America, the "conservatives" are now trying to take this out on the people caught in the middle; people from huge and poor families living on the edge. This situation was perfectly foreseeable decades ago. My late father predicted it back in the 1970s. Had "conservatives" acted responsibly and made sure that people had the tools in their hands to limit their births as they chose, tools that actually exist, instead of obsessing about the spread of communism and weird theology without caring at all about the welfare of the people in these countries, this would not be occurring.

At its core, this situation is the direct result of bad decisions by old white men. If you're angry, go to the Catholic and Protestant "leaders" and the OMG anti-commie types, all of them "conservatives," and demand answers. Force them to be responsible for their bad decisions. They were the ones who chose stupidity and sex obsessions over practicality.

But I wouldn't expect you to understand this. Anyone who just runs around calling people names is not very bright. Neither is voting for a whore.
Understand what?! That you're fucking stupid beyond belief?

The Left makes false promises to a bunch of desperate people from Honduras, then rounds them up and ships them towards the US, in order to create an international incident and set Trump up. It's pretty obvious it's a Leftwing hit job, and it will be neutralized.

How you may ask?

The US national guard and border patrol will be there waiting for them. The second they cross the border they will be arrested, booked and fingerprinted, and then shipped right back into shithole Mexico, who is complicit in this attack on our sovereignty.
So your stupid little "fundie" shitheads will get away as usual? They are the ones who should be in jail. Go ask some asswipe like little frankie graham or timmy dolan why they and their organizations were, and are complicit. It is toward people like them and their destructive policies that you should be directing your rage, not desperate people from Honduras and the people who try to help them.

Support the United Nations Population Fund:
United Nations Population Fund - Wikipedia
Notice how fucked up the the United States' opposition to it is. You "conservatives" are more than deserving of being forced to cope with the results of your stupidity. You asked for it. Plain and simple.
Time to ask the "conservatives" why they tried so hard to create this situation. They have spent decades trying relentlessly to create unsustainable population growth and increase the numbers of unwanted people. It's way past time that they took responsibility for their actions.
What situation is that, dipstick? The illegal alien flotilla is financed and sponsored by a Leftwing nutjob organization that doesn't believe in borders or nation states, and wants to challenge US immigration laws intentionally. If anything it's Democrat scumbags that have created this showdown, and they will lose as usual.

This has nothing to do with "Democrats." After decades of opposing national and international birth-control programs, and economic and social reforms in central America, the "conservatives" are now trying to take this out on the people caught in the middle; people from huge and poor families living on the edge. This situation was perfectly foreseeable decades ago. My late father predicted it back in the 1970s. Had "conservatives" acted responsibly and made sure that people had the tools in their hands to limit their births as they chose, tools that actually exist, instead of obsessing about the spread of communism and weird theology without caring at all about the welfare of the people in these countries, this would not be occurring.

At its core, this situation is the direct result of bad decisions by old white men. If you're angry, go to the Catholic and Protestant "leaders" and the OMG anti-commie types, all of them "conservatives," and demand answers. Force them to be responsible for their bad decisions. They were the ones who chose stupidity and sex obsessions over practicality.

But I wouldn't expect you to understand this. Anyone who just runs around calling people names is not very bright. Neither is voting for a whore.
Understand what?! That you're fucking stupid beyond belief?

The Left makes false promises to a bunch of desperate people from Honduras, then rounds them up and ships them towards the US, in order to create an international incident and set Trump up. It's pretty obvious it's a Leftwing hit job, and it will be neutralized.

How you may ask?

The US national guard and border patrol will be there waiting for them. The second they cross the border they will be arrested, booked and fingerprinted, and then shipped right back into shithole Mexico, who is complicit in this attack on our sovereignty.
So your stupid little "fundie" shitheads will get away as usual? They are the ones who should be in jail. Go ask some asswipe like little frankie graham or timmy dolan why they and their organizations were, and are complicit. It is toward people like them and their destructive policies that you should be directing your rage, not desperate people from Honduras and the people who try to help them.

Support the United Nations Population Fund:
United Nations Population Fund - Wikipedia
Notice how fucked up the the United States' opposition to it is. You "conservatives" are more than deserving of being forced to cope with the results of your stupidity. You asked for it. Plain and simple.
From at least the 1950's on, the U.S. acted to squelch reform movements in the Central American countries aimed at creating stable economies in these countries. Then the "conservatives" acted to squelch ZPG and related efforts to limit world population to sustainable numbers, opting instead for out-of-control growth among poorer and less educated populations lacking the knowledge of how to use technology to limit their populations. These marchers are the result of these ill-advised policies. So how can I blame them? They've got to live and eat. They are not the enemy.

It was the U.S. government of the time, its CIA, the anti-reformers, and the anti-ZPGers and anti-birth-control types who deserve to have the living shit beaten out of them for putting these people in the middle in the first place. Yet the "conservatives" are still whining to have more people people produced without any plan to take care of them.

"Conservatives": be fucking careful what you wish for.
funniest bunch of non-sense I have read in a long time.

hateful leftist want the power to determine who can and can't have kids.
Definitely people like Pocohantes or Low IQ Maxine Waters should not be allowed to have kids.
they have already reproduced.

very late term post birth abortion?
He did, what I am saying is because the Demonuts would not agree to the way he wanted it, and he wanted it in a way where we aren't paying for their asses via taxes, he wanted in a way where they are VETTED first.......

The Demoasshoes want the gawd dam border wide open letting anyone who just floppin feels like to waltz right on in..........
Why not? That is exactly what your ancestors did. They waltzed right in here.

That bring diseases
It brings crimes
and the collapse of a nation

Have you not followed what is going on with


these assholes allowed the border open and now they are beginning to collapse, rapes are off the charts
Like I said, you made up this immigration issue to avoid having to discuss your role in the destruction of this country.
From at least the 1950's on, the U.S. acted to squelch reform movements in the Central American countries aimed at creating stable economies in these countries. Then the "conservatives" acted to squelch ZPG and related efforts to limit world population to sustainable numbers, opting instead for out-of-control growth among poorer and less educated populations lacking the knowledge of how to use technology to limit their populations. These marchers are the result of these ill-advised policies. So how can I blame them? They've got to live and eat. They are not the enemy.

It was the U.S. government of the time, its CIA, the anti-reformers, and the anti-ZPGers and anti-birth-control types who deserve to have the living shit beaten out of them for putting these people in the middle in the first place. Yet the "conservatives" are still whining to have more people people produced without any plan to take care of them.

"Conservatives": be fucking careful what you wish for.

Here we go, another Obable apology tour lover.
The apology tour is over, everything isn’t Americas fault!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

I heard about this on the radio this morning. They reported that Mexico has already deported 400 of these people.
From at least the 1950's on, the U.S. acted to squelch reform movements in the Central American countries aimed at creating stable economies in these countries. Then the "conservatives" acted to squelch ZPG and related efforts to limit world population to sustainable numbers, opting instead for out-of-control growth among poorer and less educated populations lacking the knowledge of how to use technology to limit their populations. These marchers are the result of these ill-advised policies. So how can I blame them? They've got to live and eat. They are not the enemy.

It was the U.S. government of the time, its CIA, the anti-reformers, and the anti-ZPGers and anti-birth-control types who deserve to have the living shit beaten out of them for putting these people in the middle in the first place. Yet the "conservatives" are still whining to have more people people produced without any plan to take care of them.

"Conservatives": be fucking careful what you wish for.

Here we go, another Obable apology tour lover.
The apology tour is over, everything isn’t Americas fault!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Everything is not "America's fault." But it is the fault of American "conservatives." "America" and "American conservatives are in no way synonymous.

The "conservatives'" continuing support since at least the 1950's onward for over-population and for deliberately depriving people of the option of choosing not to have another child, or to have one, has greatly exacerbated the population problem in central and south America, as well as elsewhere. Yet you support their insanity and then turn on the victims when the shit hits the fan.

Conservatives never, ever take responsibility for their efforts to make matters worse. This situation is true to form. They should try getting some brains from somewhere and acknowledge history for a chance. Conservatives are very irresponsible people, and, it seems absolutely obsessed with sex.

Just the latest, the right-winger's darling head bitch pence casts the deciding vote to de-fund Planned Parenthood without any comment or plan to take care of the children that may be produced. The bitches who were installed at HHS deliberately ended a productive program designed to lower teen pregnancy, and, I'm glad to say, finally got caught violating the APA in doing it.These are the kinds of things that "conservative" scum do and then run away from.
No one in Mexico is stopping them but Somebody in the US better stop them, or else we will see a flood of refugees the likes of which we have not seen since the Mariel boatlift. If Trump lets this happen he is a one termer

Mexico says they will disband the caravan of Central American migrants traveling toward America’s southern border, but will they be able to stop the entire group?

Also, Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is looking into Roger Stone’s claim that he met with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

In economic news, American stocks have had the worst April start since the Great Depression.
Some will see this , some won't but this is the goal to bring down the West , These are the same stages Europe went through as their leftist idiots are the exact same way there as they are here " LET THEM IN" LET THEM IN"....and now they get to watch their wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters getting raped.......

On January 10, 1963, the House of Representative and later the Senate began reviewing a document entitled "Communist Goals for Taking Over America." It contained an agenda of 45 separate issues that, in hindsight was quite shocking back then and equally shocking today. Here, in part, are some key points listed in that document.
4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

And this is what RUSSIA finally got away from when Putin cam in
Time to ask the "conservatives" why they tried so hard to create this situation. They have spent decades trying relentlessly to create unsustainable population growth and increase the numbers of unwanted people. It's way past time that they took responsibility for their actions.
What situation is that, dipstick? The illegal alien flotilla is financed and sponsored by a Leftwing nutjob organization that doesn't believe in borders or nation states, and wants to challenge US immigration laws intentionally. If anything it's Democrat scumbags that have created this showdown, and they will lose as usual.

This has nothing to do with "Democrats." After decades of opposing national and international birth-control programs, and economic and social reforms in central America, the "conservatives" are now trying to take this out on the people caught in the middle; people from huge and poor families living on the edge. This situation was perfectly foreseeable decades ago. My late father predicted it back in the 1970s. Had "conservatives" acted responsibly and made sure that people had the tools in their hands to limit their births as they chose, tools that actually exist, instead of obsessing about the spread of communism and weird theology without caring at all about the welfare of the people in these countries, this would not be occurring.

At its core, this situation is the direct result of bad decisions by old white men. If you're angry, go to the Catholic and Protestant "leaders" and the OMG anti-commie types, all of them "conservatives," and demand answers. Force them to be responsible for their bad decisions. They were the ones who chose stupidity and sex obsessions over practicality.

But I wouldn't expect you to understand this. Anyone who just runs around calling people names is not very bright. Neither is voting for a whore.
Understand what?! That you're fucking stupid beyond belief?

The Left makes false promises to a bunch of desperate people from Honduras, then rounds them up and ships them towards the US, in order to create an international incident and set Trump up. It's pretty obvious it's a Leftwing hit job, and it will be neutralized.

How you may ask?

The US national guard and border patrol will be there waiting for them. The second they cross the border they will be arrested, booked and fingerprinted, and then shipped right back into shithole Mexico, who is complicit in this attack on our sovereignty.

I look for them to scatter when they reach the border thus overwhelming the border patrol.
He did, what I am saying is because the Demonuts would not agree to the way he wanted it, and he wanted it in a way where we aren't paying for their asses via taxes, he wanted in a way where they are VETTED first.......

The Demoasshoes want the gawd dam border wide open letting anyone who just floppin feels like to waltz right on in..........
Why not? That is exactly what your ancestors did. They waltzed right in here.

That bring diseases
It brings crimes
and the collapse of a nation

Have you not followed what is going on with


these assholes allowed the border open and now they are beginning to collapse, rapes are off the charts
Like I said, you made up this immigration issue to avoid having to discuss your role in the destruction of this country.

You know the indians fought us right?
So why cant we do the same?
From at least the 1950's on, the U.S. acted to squelch reform movements in the Central American countries aimed at creating stable economies in these countries. Then the "conservatives" acted to squelch ZPG and related efforts to limit world population to sustainable numbers, opting instead for out-of-control growth among poorer and less educated populations lacking the knowledge of how to use technology to limit their populations. These marchers are the result of these ill-advised policies. So how can I blame them? They've got to live and eat. They are not the enemy.

It was the U.S. government of the time, its CIA, the anti-reformers, and the anti-ZPGers and anti-birth-control types who deserve to have the living shit beaten out of them for putting these people in the middle in the first place. Yet the "conservatives" are still whining to have more people people produced without any plan to take care of them.

"Conservatives": be fucking careful what you wish for.

Here we go, another Obable apology tour lover.
The apology tour is over, everything isn’t Americas fault!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Everything is not "America's fault." But it is the fault of American "conservatives." "America" and "American conservatives are in no way synonymous.

The "conservatives'" continuing support since at least the 1950's onward for over-population and for deliberately depriving people of the option of choosing not to have another child, or to have one, has greatly exacerbated the population problem in central and south America, as well as elsewhere. Yet you support their insanity and then turn on the victims when the shit hits the fan.

Conservatives never, ever take responsibility for their efforts to make matters worse. This situation is true to form. They should try getting some brains from somewhere and acknowledge history for a chance. Conservatives are very irresponsible people, and, it seems absolutely obsessed with sex.

Just the latest, the right-winger's darling head bitch pence casts the deciding vote to de-fund Planned Parenthood without any comment or plan to take care of the children that may be produced. The bitches who were installed at HHS deliberately ended a productive program designed to lower teen pregnancy, and, I'm glad to say, finally got caught violating the APA in doing it.These are the kinds of things that "conservative" scum do and then run away from.
Ya gotta love it! According to this nutjob, we should just be overrun by millions of illegal immigrants from shithole countries, because....drum roll please....CONSERVATIVES IN THE USA have prevented access to birth control in these nations!

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Time to ask the "conservatives" why they tried so hard to create this situation. They have spent decades trying relentlessly to create unsustainable population growth and increase the numbers of unwanted people. It's way past time that they took responsibility for their actions.
What situation is that, dipstick? The illegal alien flotilla is financed and sponsored by a Leftwing nutjob organization that doesn't believe in borders or nation states, and wants to challenge US immigration laws intentionally. If anything it's Democrat scumbags that have created this showdown, and they will lose as usual.

This has nothing to do with "Democrats." After decades of opposing national and international birth-control programs, and economic and social reforms in central America, the "conservatives" are now trying to take this out on the people caught in the middle; people from huge and poor families living on the edge. This situation was perfectly foreseeable decades ago. My late father predicted it back in the 1970s. Had "conservatives" acted responsibly and made sure that people had the tools in their hands to limit their births as they chose, tools that actually exist, instead of obsessing about the spread of communism and weird theology without caring at all about the welfare of the people in these countries, this would not be occurring.

At its core, this situation is the direct result of bad decisions by old white men. If you're angry, go to the Catholic and Protestant "leaders" and the OMG anti-commie types, all of them "conservatives," and demand answers. Force them to be responsible for their bad decisions. They were the ones who chose stupidity and sex obsessions over practicality.

But I wouldn't expect you to understand this. Anyone who just runs around calling people names is not very bright. Neither is voting for a whore.
Understand what?! That you're fucking stupid beyond belief?

The Left makes false promises to a bunch of desperate people from Honduras, then rounds them up and ships them towards the US, in order to create an international incident and set Trump up. It's pretty obvious it's a Leftwing hit job, and it will be neutralized.

How you may ask?

The US national guard and border patrol will be there waiting for them. The second they cross the border they will be arrested, booked and fingerprinted, and then shipped right back into shithole Mexico, who is complicit in this attack on our sovereignty.

I look for them to scatter when they reach the border thus overwhelming the border patrol.
I don't think so. I think they are being surveilled now, and will be met with overwhelming force.

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