A huge caravan of central Americans is headed for the US and no one in Mexico is stopping them

A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

The globalists and their sheep-like regressive minions will cheer for and financially support such attacks on our border. Anything to create chaos and lawlessness, that’s the regressive way.
Wonderfully said :


Anonymous on Twitter
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.
Even though there were no caravans, it does highlight one thing Mexicans do better than anyone else.....................carpool!
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.
Even though there were no caravans, it does highlight one thing Mexicans do better than anyone else.....................carpool!

NO CARAVANS lmfao you should try reading real news instead of fake maybe you can opt out of the leftist idiot club then.
A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.
Even though there were no caravans, it does highlight one thing Mexicans do better than anyone else.....................carpool!



Ann Coulter on Twitter



Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Now maybe when you live in REALITY you won't look so clueless to those who aren't victims of msm.....


Donald J. Trump on Twitter
NO CARAVANS lmfao you should try reading real news instead of fake maybe you can opt out of the leftist idiot club then.
No caravans. That's right. It's been fact checked and debunked. Dumbass.

You disagree? Then pony up the evidence. Let's see these vans you speak of.

View attachment 185994
Ann Coulter on Twitter


View attachment 185995

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Now maybe when you live in REALITY you won't look so clueless to those who aren't victims of msm.....

View attachment 185996

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
This will be waiting for you when you return to planet earth...

"The president offers no source for his claim about "caravans" of immigrants coming to the U.S. But he is likely reacting to a story broadcast by Fox News on Sunday morning about a caravan of migrants crossing Mexico, reportedly heading for the border. The caravan, organized by the group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, numbers more than 1,000 people, most of them from Honduras, as BuzzFeed reported last week. So far, Mexican authorities haven't moved to block the migrants. It's not clear how many of the migrants actually intend to enter the U.S. or seek asylum here."
You wouldn't know real news if you took it rectally.

NO CARAVANS lmfao you should try reading real news instead of fake maybe you can opt out of the leftist idiot club then.
No caravans. That's right. It's been fact checked and debunked. Dumbass.

You disagree? Then pony up the evidence. Let's see these vans you speak of.

fact check lmfao dumbass that is a gov. form of SNOPE IDIOT

Breaking News 4/1/18: Caravan Of About 1200 Immigrants Headed Toward The U.S. Border.

No wonder you stupid fkrs are so easily lead by DEMOCRATIC BS.....
Bilbo Baggins I just do not get what you are splitting hairs about. YES there has been photographed a large group headed this way. Probably an orchestrated GEORGE SOROS open borders thing..."sin fronteras " = without borders. SOROS-ILLEGALS-01-800x416.jpg
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View attachment 185994
Ann Coulter on Twitter


View attachment 185995

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Now maybe when you live in REALITY you won't look so clueless to those who aren't victims of msm.....

View attachment 185996

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
This will be waiting for you when you return to planet earth...

"The president offers no source for his claim about "caravans" of immigrants coming to the U.S. But he is likely reacting to a story broadcast by Fox News on Sunday morning about a caravan of migrants crossing Mexico, reportedly heading for the border. The caravan, organized by the group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, numbers more than 1,000 people, most of them from Honduras, as BuzzFeed reported last week. So far, Mexican authorities haven't moved to block the migrants. It's not clear how many of the migrants actually intend to enter the U.S. or seek asylum here."
You wouldn't know real news if you took it rectally.

Try watching the live video of them maybe you will learn something

GITMO on Twitter

A Huge Caravan Of Central Americans Is Headed For The US, And No One In Mexico Is Stopping Them
Taking a drag from her cigarette, a Mexican immigration agent looked out toward a caravan of migrants that grew larger with each step they took on the two-lane highway.

It is going to be really funny when all these disease ridden illegals start taking over the Country after we told you all what was coming and most of it was during Odumbass was in office.

Chant at the airport lately " LET THEM IN"....... shed a tear for those being sent back wonder how many leftist loons will shed tears when their own kids or grand kids get diseases, or murdered by one maybe a forty man rape can happen and that will wake up one lunatic left....doubtful though they'll make excuses for them like they already do " They don't know any better" . lmfao.

Fear not, an Obama appointed Federal judge will order ICE to stand down at the border so they can enter the USA unhindered.

Mark my word on this.

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