A Leaky Economy


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This is the first piece I've read so far that seems to put the current economy in the view it deserves. This part caught my eye:

Real gross domestic product is growing at an anemic pace. Exports are down, and state and local governments are spending less. The consumer price index is falling in a condition known as deflation. Even national defense spending is down. Despite the bad news, consumer spending and home building are rising. Real disposable personal income is roaring ahead at growth rates of 6.2 percent in the first quarter of 2015 and 3.6 percent at the end of 2014. Even the personal savings rate is up (5.5 percent so far this year and 6.2 percent at the end of 2014). These consumer factors are attributed to an increase in government social benefits, though, and not to jobs and economic prosperity. Social Security makes payments to more than 64 million Americans and nearly 3 million more receive federal government retirement checks. More than 20 percent of the US population is basically living on fixed-incomes.

And the part in bold is not reported by the Left-wing media.

Read the full, interesting essay @ A Leaky Economy Newgeography.com

And then, there's this: The Real Reason The US Economy Simply Won't Grow: Lowest Worker Productivity In 22 Years @ The Real Reason The US Economy Simply Won t Grow Lowest Worker Productivity In 22 Years Zero Hedge

And why not when so many high school graduates can't read or write at a 5th grade level!
Your headline; "...lowest worker productivity in 22 years..." is inaccurate and misleadiing. It's a low year/year growth rate which always slows as numbers get larger and gains settle in. The longterm trajectory of worker productivity is upward, at varying rates.
Your headline; "...lowest worker productivity in 22 years..." is inaccurate and misleadiing. It's a low year/year growth rate which always slows as numbers get larger and gains settle in. The longterm trajectory of worker productivity is upward, at varying rates.

Links please.
So you're saying that the public sector drives economic growth more than the private sector. Okay.
So you're saying that the public sector drives economic growth more than the private sector. Okay.

public sector bureaucrats don't invent things so had nothing to do with getting us from the stone age to here or driving the economy. In fact all they do is suck off the private economy and slow it down.

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