A little perspective on 2014 Senate

Here's some "perspective" for you,your side was/is so dispirited it didn't show up.

The Republican's now have both Houses and you are relegated to the bench.

Actually, guy. No. The GOP is going to have to prove it knows how to govern.

It won't.

You are on the bench Joe.

You have nothing to do with anything.

The GOP will send Bills to your Boi's desk, we'll see what happens.
The Dems were more apathetic. They stayed home, not wanting to vote in support of the failed policy of their party and unable to bring themselves to vote for sanity.

We won, Joe Deal with it.

NO, you see winning is actually being able to achieve your agenda.

And being "less apathetic than the ohter guys" doesn't get you there.
Perhaps GOP candidates did get somewhat less votes Tuesday than they did in 2012, but Dems got FAR fewer. Your side just gave up, Joe. They surrendered because the realized their general is incompetent.

Lets take Iowa as an example. The Democrat candidate, Bruce Braley, received 491,708 votes. In 2012, barack obama received 816,429 votes.
Do the math. Jodi Ernst received 81% of the votes Romney received vs. Braley's 60% of obama totals

And if Jodie were running against Obama, you might have a point there.
You are on the bench Joe.

You have nothing to do with anything.

The GOP will send Bills to your Boi's desk, we'll see what happens.

Actualy, he'll veto them. McConnel has already said he won't tolerate foolishness like impeachment or shutdowns on his watch. So he's already given up half the game.

You get to watch , we have it from here.

We are counting on him to use his veto.....
Perhaps GOP candidates did get somewhat less votes Tuesday than they did in 2012, but Dems got FAR fewer. Your side just gave up, Joe. They surrendered because the realized their general is incompetent.

Lets take Iowa as an example. The Democrat candidate, Bruce Braley, received 491,708 votes. In 2012, barack obama received 816,429 votes.
Do the math. Jodi Ernst received 81% of the votes Romney received vs. Braley's 60% of obama totals

And if Jodie were running against Obama, you might have a point there.

"Jodi" not "Jodie".......but I understand, Michelle couldn't get Braley's name right either.
You get to watch , we have it from here.

We are counting on him to use his veto.....

Okay. Here's the problem. It was one thing when Reid let your crazy slowly die in the Senate, it's another if Obama publically vetoes stuff.

You're right Joe, the Country will get to see what a real nut job this Prez is......

Tuesdays vote told you they already have a pretty good idea of it.
Hardly, when meant as a pejorative the way you use it.

Look TEA Party people tied teabags to their hats and naively called themselves tea baggers. If you were sympathetic to their views and used the term in the intended connotation, then fine. Using it as a pejorative is akin to the disconnect with blacks calling each other nigga and the shit storm I'd stir up if I used the word in anger here.

Feel free to call me teabagger. It doesn't hurt me a bit. What should I call you?

actually, Ernie, nobody would be shocked if you used the N-word given all the other racist shit you say all the time.

Of course, the problem with the teabaggers was not that they were too stupid to know they had used gay sexual slang for their knickname, it's that they were too stupid to realize rich people were manipulating them into voting against their own economic interests.

"I totally want my Insurance company to have the right to call my terminal cancer a 'pre-existing' condition because I had acne as a child, because, um ... freedom!"

Actually, not knowing what "teabagging" meant doesn't sound half as stupid.
Do you truly think comparing the number of votes received in a nation-wide, 50-state, presidential election to state-wide senate elections in 9 states is relevant or valid in any way, shape, or form? This isn't even partisan idiocy, it's just idiocy.

I think if you are CLAIMING a mandate, then yes, 66 million votes in a nation wide election has more validity than apathetic election results in backwater states.

Here's the thing. I doubt very many people who voted for these GOP Senators weren't the same people who voted for Romney. You didn't change any minds, you just venue shopped to you find one you can win in.

Hense, you won the "Special Olympics" Midterms.
When Barak told the Country that the "2/3rds" that didn't vote were more important than the third that did he revealed a very deep dark part of his mind that is borderline schizo.....
When Barak told the Country that the "2/3rds" that didn't vote were more important than the third that did he revealed a very deep dark part of his mind that is borderline schizo.....

So what you are saying is that whoever wins the election should totally ignore those who didn't vote for him.

You'd be shitting your pants if Obama did that in 2008 or 2012.
When Barak told the Country that the "2/3rds" that didn't vote were more important than the third that did he revealed a very deep dark part of his mind that is borderline schizo.....

So what you are saying is that whoever wins the election should totally ignore those who didn't vote for him.

You'd be shitting your pants if Obama did that in 2008 or 2012.

He did do that Joe,I am sorry you are such an idiot.

Barak absolutely thinks he knows better than ANYONE else in the world is "right".

He is borderline insane joe.....
The reality is the American People are tired of the on going pissing contest. Hope for change has faded as many voters now believe the political process has become so corrupted by money and ideology that it is beyond repair.

As a Democrat I'm optimistic now that the Republicans control the H. of Rep. and the Senate. We will see which ideological force within the GOP wins the battle and sets the agenda for the next two years.

If the crazy New Right sets the agenda, the voters will in mass send them packing in 2016; if the adults in the Republican Party set the agenda, we may begin to see compromise rehabilitated in The District, which will benefit all of us.

Good Points! Basically, the GOP now has a chance to prove they are "Adults.:" Will they take up the banner or revert to the screaming Cruz mentality.

oh please, you have harry reid on the floor bitching about the Koch brothers, Obama wailing about Fox new, rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin etc. YOU CALL that acting an adult?. You lib/Dems can just sit back now, nobody is going to BOW TO YOUR DEMANDS. get used to being in the MINORITY. that's what you all are

Stephanie is representative of the crazy New Right; she is too limited to ever get it. Sadly, she's not alone.

Says the moron who claims the Repub wave is not important or meaningful.

The so-called Republican wave may become important and meaningful, but we have yet to see the consequences of their success in this most recent election.

Thinking people who read my post above understand that there is no single Republican Party, it has fractured into several parts, one of which, and only one, seems to include adults. The adults have been labeled Republicans in Name Only by the Crazy New Right, which itself isn't homogeneous.

Time will tell if the Republican leadership is willing to compromise, or, if they will continue the culture wars. IMO Boehner should be forced to surrender his gavel, he has shown no ability to lead and seems to be entirely focused on remaining speaker. He is, again IMO, the worst speaker of the H. of Rep. in our nation's history.
Funny you lefties clowns sure didn't feel that way after the 2006 midterms you spin much harder you might fall down and hurt yourself.

Aruond the time of the 2006 midterms, I was still a Republican.

YOu see, Bush had to actually fuck up my life before I started caring what a fuckup he was.
Yeah sure you were and around that same time I was a six foot five inch 250 pound linebacker for the Superbowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers.

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