A little perspective on 2014 Senate

Nope it told you that Barak and people like you are just stupid.

No, stupid was voting for the interest of rich people while watching the middle class get gutted. You republicans did that for years.

I am the middle class Joe, and I aan adult....unlike you I take care of business, I take care of my own .


You let yourself down,you let everyone you've ever loved down and all you can do is sit on an internet board and cry about how the world is at fault for every fuck up you've ever done.
The only time that is a republican wave is when most voters stay home. hhhhmmmmm, I guess the GOP will be cutting more voting hours and trying to bring back the poll tax....
He did do that Joe,I am sorry you are such an idiot.

Barak absolutely thinks he knows better than ANYONE else in the world is "right".

He is borderline insane joe.....

Guy, it's really hard to have a conversation with you when your Obama Derangement Syndrome is this advanced.

I think if we could collect rent on all the space Obama Occupies in your heads, we'd solve the national debt.

Sorry, Obama gave the GOP plenty of chances to work with him. They never tried. This last Congress was the least productive in history, and I'm not holding out much hope for the next one.
I am the middle class Joe, and I aan adult....unlike you I take care of business, I take care of my own .


You let yourself down,you let everyone you've ever loved down and all you can do is sit on an internet board and cry about how the world is at fault for every fuck up you've ever done.

Ah, he wants to make it about me because he can't defend the fucked up policies of his party.

I get it.

Frankly, you spend more time here than I do, and you constantly whine about how Obama is making you unhappy....
Yeah sure you were and around that same time I was a six foot five inch 250 pound linebacker for the Superbowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers.

Because you can't look at the absolute fail that was Bush and change your mind doesn't mean some of us couldn't.

Sorry, Bush failed the Reagan test. NONE of us were better off in 2008 than we were in 2000.

Most of us can say we are better off in 2014 than we were in 2008.
He did do that Joe,I am sorry you are such an idiot.

Barak absolutely thinks he knows better than ANYONE else in the world is "right".

He is borderline insane joe.....

Guy, it's really hard to have a conversation with you when your Obama Derangement Syndrome is this advanced.

I think if we could collect rent on all the space Obama Occupies in your heads, we'd solve the national debt.

Sorry, Obama gave the GOP plenty of chances to work with him. They never tried. This last Congress was the least productive in history, and I'm not holding out much hope for the next one.

You have it ass backwards Joe, you always do.

It's the same shit different day......it's ALWAYS somebody else's fault with you.

Sorry dude you are a sick fuck
I am the middle class Joe, and I aan adult....unlike you I take care of business, I take care of my own .

I thought you said you were rich and owned a shitload of boats or something....

"I've got mine, fuck you" doesn't work that well as a political plan.

Middle Class.
6 figures, you lose......on the bright side joe, it's better that you now live alone.

You can only let you down now.
Yeah sure you were and around that same time I was a six foot five inch 250 pound linebacker for the Superbowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers.

Because you can't look at the absolute fail that was Bush and change your mind doesn't mean some of us couldn't.

Sorry, Bush failed the Reagan test. NONE of us were better off in 2008 than we were in 2000.

Most of us can say we are better off in 2014 than we were in 2008.
If most of us could say we are better off you would not have had the election results you had Tuesday. People can claim to be or have been anything on the internet that doesn't make it true if you want to claim you were a Republican fine claim it that's your right it's right to have the opinion that claim is bullshit.
I've said it hundreds of times. I didn't chose that name for you. Your bunch did. You want to call all democrats lazy, traitorous, communist, socialists, etc. etc. on a regular basis and see nothing unusual about that, but you think it's out of line to call you a name chosen by you? That's crazy.

this has nothing to do with me. Your latency is leaking through by using homosexual terms to describe other people...that's projecting.... Fly that rainbow flag. Be proud.

It has everything to do with you. I truly understand your embarrassment at being called a teabagger. I would be embarrassed if Democrats chose such a stupid name to. If you don't like being reminded about it, why don't you back off on your vile remarks. You can't expect to be so hateful and never receive any push back.

I can always tell when I'm right in our discussions.

You call me names.

You keep thinking that if it helps you live with yourself. I've got grownup stuff to do now, so ya'll get together and figure out why I just won't cooperate and be as upset as you think I should be.

that's brilliant!...pretend you're above it all, bail out and run for cover.

Great debate tactic.


You call me laughing at teabaggers who are calling me a cumguzzler debate? I guess it might be in your circles.
It's hard to lose a debate with a teabagger, but it does happen....rarely.
What exactly, in my response, wasn't true?

You do realize that hurling epithets and spewing idiocy from the hate sites is not "debate," right sploogy?

And you calling me a drooling retard is so mature. I've called you little more than teabagger.....A name proudly chosen by your own party.

And so appropriate....
Teabagger is an appropriate name.
Hardly, when meant as a pejorative the way you use it.

Look TEA Party people tied teabags to their hats and naively called themselves tea baggers. If you were sympathetic to their views and used the term in the intended connotation, then fine. Using it as a pejorative is akin to the disconnect with blacks calling each other nigga and the shit storm I'd stir up if I used the word in anger here.

Feel free to call me teabagger. It doesn't hurt me a bit. What should I call you?

I'm surprised you would bother to ask. Teabaggers have so many vile things to say, I would think you might already have your favorite. I'm still in awe of a mentality that thinks your litany of vile epithets are just normal conversation, but get the vapors when someone calls you a teabagger. A name chosen by your own party.
The difference is, I don't make a distinction. I'm a Democrat, and that includes all the things you listed. You will never hear a Democrat claim to be a liberal but not a progressive, but the right wing tries to pretend there is a difference between whatever they claim to be all the other flavors of right wingery or teabaggery. I'm just asking what the difference is?
I'm a Conservative. I am registered as a Republican, though I am rarely happy with my party's presidential nominee. I have attended quite a few TEA Party rallies, but I'm not a card carrying member.

If you want to put me on some kind of a scale, think 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh and one left of Mike Huckaby.

And yes, some here claim to be Liberal or Progressive, but not both.

That puts you square in the middle of teabagger territory. I won't ask you to go back and find examples of someone who claims to be only liberal but denies being progressive, or the other way around, but if you ever see it again, please let me know. I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm pretty sure you are mistaken. Even if you do find one (which I doubt) it's certainly not the widespread way it is for teabaggers.

what is all this "teabagger" stuff?..you a homosexual or something?
We don't want to hear about your sex life in here, man.

I've said it hundreds of times. I didn't chose that name for you. Your bunch did. You want to call all democrats lazy, traitorous, communist, socialists, etc. etc. on a regular basis and see nothing unusual about that, but you think it's out of line to call you a name chosen by you? That's crazy.

You can say it a thousand times still will never be true,The tea baggers as you call them,started out by calling themselves the tea party,it people like yourself that changed it to tea baggers,after a sexual act,rather pathetic

you're a teabagger. Admit it. You'll feel better if you embrace the shame.
That's pretty juvenile..you set up false "goals" that the republicans have to accomplish.
The object isn't to send him bills that please him so he can sign them....america is tired of what obama wants..people are more interested in what's good for the country.

At this point the goal st to try to prevent further damage due to illegal immigration and open borders...and to dismantle ACA.

Except the establishment in your own party
.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

wants an Amnesty deal on immigration. and they really stopped talking about "dismantling' the ACA (notice you are calling it the ACA now) and instead "fixing" it.

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

So they'll pass a few things around the edges and Obama walks out in 2017 being able to say he reformed health care.

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.

Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

man what a brainwashed parrot of DNC talking points. what a shame

You have a little picture that says Obamacide, and you call me a parrot? Tebagger logic I guess.
If most of us could say we are better off you would not have had the election results you had Tuesday. .

That's not true.

If that were true, then 1986 was a rejection of Reagan. Right. I mean, Reagan lost the Senate in 1986, but did Americans really think they were worse off?

People can claim to be or have been anything on the internet that doesn't make it true if you want to claim you were a Republican fine claim it that's your right it's right to have the opinion that claim is bullshit

Guy, you can believe anything you want. you can believe a magic sky fairy hates gays and Mexicans just as much as you do.

Me, I like to go with FACTS.
You do realize that hurling epithets and spewing idiocy from the hate sites is not "debate," right sploogy?

And you calling me a drooling retard is so mature. I've called you little more than teabagger.....A name proudly chosen by your own party.

And so appropriate....
Teabagger is an appropriate name.
Hardly, when meant as a pejorative the way you use it.

Look TEA Party people tied teabags to their hats and naively called themselves tea baggers. If you were sympathetic to their views and used the term in the intended connotation, then fine. Using it as a pejorative is akin to the disconnect with blacks calling each other nigga and the shit storm I'd stir up if I used the word in anger here.

Feel free to call me teabagger. It doesn't hurt me a bit. What should I call you?

I'm surprised you would bother to ask. Teabaggers have so many vile things to say, I would think you might already have your favorite. I'm still in awe of a mentality that thinks your litany of vile epithets are just normal conversation, but get the vapors when someone calls you a teabagger. A name chosen by your own party.
So you can't answer my direct question. Cool.

Please point out the vile epithets I use in normal conversation. Democrat? Liberal? Progressive?
While I think all three are vile, I'm sure you believe they all are complimentary.

I explained how TEA Party people began to call themselves "teabaggers" and I'm certain even a vile Progressive like you knows that there was no pejorative, sexual connotation intended. It was vile Democrats that saw a connection to an urban slang phrase and began to use it the way you do.

Again, what should I call you?
Hardly, when meant as a pejorative the way you use it.

Look TEA Party people tied teabags to their hats and naively called themselves tea baggers. If you were sympathetic to their views and used the term in the intended connotation, then fine. Using it as a pejorative is akin to the disconnect with blacks calling each other nigga and the shit storm I'd stir up if I used the word in anger here.

Feel free to call me teabagger. It doesn't hurt me a bit. What should I call you?

actually, Ernie, nobody would be shocked if you used the N-word given all the other racist shit you say all the time.

Of course, the problem with the teabaggers was not that they were too stupid to know they had used gay sexual slang for their knickname, it's that they were too stupid to realize rich people were manipulating them into voting against their own economic interests.

"I totally want my Insurance company to have the right to call my terminal cancer a 'pre-existing' condition because I had acne as a child, because, um ... freedom!"

Actually, not knowing what "teabagging" meant doesn't sound half as stupid.
Please quote the "racist shit I say all the time".

Quote with linkbacks intact or apologize, you idiot. I state facts that you may not like, but statistics are not racist. If you insist, I will forward contact information for my (black) 2nd wife. She would be very amused to hear that I've been called racist.
A final nail in the coffin on those who claim tuesday was a "Mandate".

In 2012, 100% (or close enough) knew Barack Obama was president. So any votes in the 2012 Presidential election were a mandate on his presidency, as was those who chose to stay home. And of some 130 million Americans who voted, 66 million voted for him.

That's a Mandate.

The Tuesday Election only involved 9 states that flipped. Less than 5 million votes were cast for winning Candidates, less than Romney got in the same states in 2012. No Minds were changed.

Now on top of that, 51% of Americans cannot name ONE senator from their state and only 25% can name both.

Guess what percentage of Americans can t name even one of their U.S. Senators Clermont Tea Party

So are you really trying to pass what happened Tuesday as an "informed" choice?

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