A little Quest.

Only People With High IQs Can Score 15/20 On This Gen-Knowledge Quiz - HealthyGem
I didn't know how many stripes the American Flag had, (they didn't teach us at school and I couldn't care less, to be honest), but they called me a genius nonetheless. Are they serious, the people who made this quest and dumbing-down of Americans have really reached this level?
Absurdly easy. Genius takes quite a bit more. I imagine that they want to keep it as easy as possible to keep people clicking in.
Only People With High IQs Can Score 15/20 On This Gen-Knowledge Quiz - HealthyGem
I didn't know how many stripes the American Flag had, (they didn't teach us at school and I couldn't care less, to be honest), but they called me a genius nonetheless. Are they serious, the people who made this quest and dumbing-down of Americans have really reached this level?
I didn't know how many stripes the American Flag had, (they didn't teach us at school
They did in my school.

13, one for each of the original colonies.
Only People With High IQs Can Score 15/20 On This Gen-Knowledge Quiz - HealthyGem
I didn't know how many stripes the American Flag had, (they didn't teach us at school and I couldn't care less, to be honest), but they called me a genius nonetheless. Are they serious, the people who made this quest and dumbing-down of Americans have really reached this level?
Yes. These kinds of quizzes are useless in determining intelligence. Most folks will look up the answers before they answer if they don't know anyway.

I do think it's sad that schools are not teaching the meaning of the stars and stripes on our American flag though. That was something I learned in First Grade and was mentioned more than once in history classes all through school.

That's probably why old timers like me don't need to look up many, if any, answers to these basic history/civics quizzes. We got a good grounding in it all in school. And even if we can ace the quiz--I usually can or at least score in the high 90 percentiles--it doesn't make me one whit more intelligent than people who can't. It just makes me more educated on history and civics :)
Yes. These kinds of quizzes are useless in determining intelligence. Most folks will look up the answers before they answer if they don't know anyway.

I do think it's sad that schools are not teaching the meaning of the stars and stripes on our American flag though. That was something I learned in First Grade and was mentioned more than once in history classes all through school.

That's probably why old timers like me don't need to look up many, if any, answers to these basic history/civics quizzes. We got a good grounding in it all in school. And even if we can ace the quiz--I usually can or at least score in the high 90 percentiles--it doesn't make me one whit more intelligent than people who can't. It just makes me more educated on history and civics :)
I've heard that today's schools are such that a student may graduate without having learned to read. It may sound unbelievable but seeing your schools portrayed in your movies I tend to assume it might be plausible. Might it or what?
I've heard that today's schools are such that a student may graduate without having learned to read. It may sound unbelievable but seeing your schools portrayed in your movies I tend to assume it might be plausible. Might it or what?
Probably nobody is graduating high school without any ability to read in the USA. Now reading comprehension, ability to understand, follow logic, think critically about what is read is another question. I think that is a real possibility. That lack of ability is glaringly apparent even here at USMB.

That's my point. Has the US educational system so dumbed down its citizens that this stupid test for a normal ten year old is passed for an IQ measurer?
Probably not in a literal sense. But far too many American public schools indoctrinate rather than educate these days. Students are told what to think, what to believe. Contradicting information or any other way of thinking is not provided or is put down as wrong, even evil.

And most probably couldn't pass those simple fact quizzes in which those of us blessed with education before it went 'woke' usually know most of the answers. As for using them as IQ evaluation, in my opinion that's just dumb and/or a gimmick to get people to take the quiz.
My IQ is so high that I could not use the link and find any test of any sort . Guess that is a sign of a very special talent .
Well damn. I guess we'll just have to evaluate your intelligence via your usually excellent posts. :)
That's my point. Has the US educational system so dumbed down its citizens that this stupid test for a normal ten year old is passed for an IQ measurer?

Well... the thing is this is click bait. They're not really doing an IQ test, they just want people to go to their site, so they challenge you, make you think this is something you want.
Well... the thing is this is click bait. They're not really doing an IQ test, they just want people to go to their site, so they challenge you, make you think this is something you want.
I see.The secrets these sicret military facilities been hiding from you all these years have ultimately come to light and now you've finally got a chance to get young, healthy and beautiful again, just follow the link below.
Sounds familiar🙂

Garbage test

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