"A Lot of People Want Liver" - Planned Parenthood's purpose exposed

What are you a Bene Gesserit? "Young Human" Ask a researcher why they need human tissue for testing.
Okay, so we've established that a fetal human is, in fact, a human. That's the hard part out of the way. We've established that what's occurring is the harvesting of humans from their mother's wombs, and that you support this. Let's momentarily ignore the left's track record when it comes to human rights violations in the name of medical progress. Would you support the doctors harvesting her organs once she's born? If not, then what's the difference besides age/her stage in the human life cycle? Or how about aborting puppies for tissue to research canine medical problems? If so, then how about using born puppies? If not, then why are you not okay with doing to a dog what you'd do with a human?

It's a scam to gin up outrage in hopes to do to PP what was done to Acorn. But like the "Boy Who Cried Wolf", they've gone to the well one time too often.
And why are they okay with increasing risk to the mother to facilitate *donating* fetal tissue?
Please answer the questions without changing the subject. They were:

You're defending the harvesting of organs for money from an unborn human. Would you equally support harvesting the organs of the same human immediately after birth? If not, then why is it different?

Would you support harvesting the organs of an unborn puppy? If so, then how about that same puppy immediately after birth? If not, then why are you okay with doing this to a human but not a dog?

Please take your time and answer as honestly as possible.
What are you a Bene Gesserit? "Young Human" Ask a researcher why they need human tissue for testing.
Okay, so we've established that a fetal human is, in fact, a human. That's the hard part out of the way. We've established that what's occurring is the harvesting of humans from their mother's wombs, and that you support this. Let's momentarily ignore the left's track record when it comes to human rights violations in the name of medical progress. Would you support the doctors harvesting her organs once she's born? If not, then what's the difference besides age/her stage in the human life cycle? Or how about aborting puppies for tissue to research canine medical problems? If so, then how about using born puppies? If not, then why are you not okay with doing to a dog what you'd do with a human?

It's a scam to gin up outrage in hopes to do to PP what was done to Acorn. But like the "Boy Who Cried Wolf", they've gone to the well one time too often.
And why are they okay with increasing risk to the mother to facilitate *donating* fetal tissue?
I know it's to risky and dangerous to give them a ultra sound prior to the abortion.
What are you a Bene Gesserit? "Young Human" Ask a researcher why they need human tissue for testing.
Okay, so we've established that a fetal human is, in fact, a human. That's the hard part out of the way. We've established that what's occurring is the harvesting of humans from their mother's wombs, and that you support this. Let's momentarily ignore the left's track record when it comes to human rights violations in the name of medical progress. Would you support the doctors harvesting her organs once she's born? If not, then what's the difference besides age/her stage in the human life cycle? Or how about aborting puppies for tissue to research canine medical problems? If so, then how about using born puppies? If not, then why are you not okay with doing to a dog what you'd do with a human?

It's a scam to gin up outrage in hopes to do to PP what was done to Acorn. But like the "Boy Who Cried Wolf", they've gone to the well one time too often.
And why are they okay with increasing risk to the mother to facilitate *donating* fetal tissue?
Please answer the questions without changing the subject. They were:

You're defending the harvesting of organs for money from an unborn human. Would you equally support harvesting the organs of the same human immediately after birth? If not, then why is it different?

Would you support harvesting the organs of an unborn puppy? If so, then how about that same puppy immediately after birth? If not, then why are you okay with doing this to a human but not a dog?

Please take your time and answer as honestly as possible.

Are you talking to me? I don't support harvesting, I'm about as anti-abortion as a person can get.
You're defending the harvesting of organs for money from an unborn human.

I support the salvaging of usable tissue from aborted fetuses and the nominal fees associated with preserving them and shipping them as set by law.

Would you equally support harvesting the organs of the same human immediately after birth?

If the child somehow died during or immediately after child birth and the parents decided to donate, yes of course.
How depraved will be too depraved? Abortion is so profitable now that it makes money on both ends of the procedure. They get free product from the mothers and sell that commodity for a substantial profit.
How depraved will be too depraved? Abortion is so profitable now that it makes money on both ends of the procedure. They get free product from the mothers and sell that commodity for a substantial profit.

They have been using these procedures for procuring this type of research tissue since 2000.
Bringing out Nixon. Wow! The Big guns. LOL!

Yeah we get it,pooch, you support baby murder and the snatching of their body parts

I support the rights of the patients to donate their aborted fetuses and the clinics right to receive standard fees for handling the transfer of the tissue.

It is not murdering babies.

I think most of the outrage is phony of course. It's all just a push to try punish planned parenthood like what happened to Acorn or Shirely Sharrod which was an emotional responses to doctored video too.
Holy shit. You literally just said that you support child organ trafficking. You literally just fucking said that. -.-
I was just thinking the same thing. He literally just said its okay to rip a human apart for profit...
How depraved will be too depraved? Abortion is so profitable now that it makes money on both ends of the procedure. They get free product from the mothers and sell that commodity for a substantial profit.

They have been using these procedures for procuring this type of research tissue since 2000.
Oh, well....that makes it just hunky dory......

BTW...when this was exposed in 2000, the media was outraged by it.......Today.....precious agendas are to be protected......
How depraved will be too depraved? Abortion is so profitable now that it makes money on both ends of the procedure. They get free product from the mothers and sell that commodity for a substantial profit.

They have been using these procedures for procuring this type of research tissue since 2000.
Oh, well....that makes it just hunky dory......

BTW...when this was exposed in 2000, the media was outraged by it.......Today.....precious agendas are to be protected......

Planned Parenthood is taking a huge hit over this. They can deflect and make excuses all day long but people know this is wrong
How depraved will be too depraved? Abortion is so profitable now that it makes money on both ends of the procedure. They get free product from the mothers and sell that commodity for a substantial profit.

They have been using these procedures for procuring this type of research tissue since 2000.
Oh, well....that makes it just hunky dory......

BTW...when this was exposed in 2000, the media was outraged by it.......Today.....precious agendas are to be protected......

Planned Parenthood is taking a huge hit over this. They can deflect and make excuses all day long but people know this is wrong
I expect there to be criminal charges.......but I won't hold My breath..

Funny how those clumps of cells have suddenly sprouted lungs and livers and hearts......
How depraved will be too depraved? Abortion is so profitable now that it makes money on both ends of the procedure. They get free product from the mothers and sell that commodity for a substantial profit.

They have been using these procedures for procuring this type of research tissue since 2000.
Oh, well....that makes it just hunky dory......

BTW...when this was exposed in 2000, the media was outraged by it.......Today.....precious agendas are to be protected......

Planned Parenthood is taking a huge hit over this. They can deflect and make excuses all day long but people know this is wrong
I expect there to be criminal charges.......but I won't hold My breath..

Funny how those clumps of cells have suddenly sprouted lungs and livers and hearts......

There is gold in them thar zygotes!!!!!!!
How depraved will be too depraved? Abortion is so profitable now that it makes money on both ends of the procedure. They get free product from the mothers and sell that commodity for a substantial profit.

They have been using these procedures for procuring this type of research tissue since 2000.
Oh, well....that makes it just hunky dory......

BTW...when this was exposed in 2000, the media was outraged by it.......Today.....precious agendas are to be protected......

Planned Parenthood is taking a huge hit over this. They can deflect and make excuses all day long but people know this is wrong
I expect there to be criminal charges.......but I won't hold My breath..

Funny how those clumps of cells have suddenly sprouted lungs and livers and hearts......

There is gold in them thar zygotes!!!!!!!
Well, cash at a minimum......Hillary needs a new title, dontcha know...
How depraved will be too depraved? Abortion is so profitable now that it makes money on both ends of the procedure. They get free product from the mothers and sell that commodity for a substantial profit.

They have been using these procedures for procuring this type of research tissue since 2000.
Oh, well....that makes it just hunky dory......

BTW...when this was exposed in 2000, the media was outraged by it.......Today.....precious agendas are to be protected......

Planned Parenthood is taking a huge hit over this. They can deflect and make excuses all day long but people know this is wrong
I expect there to be criminal charges.......but I won't hold My breath..

Funny how those clumps of cells have suddenly sprouted lungs and livers and hearts......
Racketeering. It's not the first time...a few years ago multiple clinics were closed and PP had to pay back millions in Medicare fraud. Glossed over by a complicit media, of course. They were billing Medicare for procedures they weren't providing, while at the same time taking cash for abortions. So doing abortions for cash, then billing Medicare for services not provided, and altering medical records to hide it.
How depraved will be too depraved? Abortion is so profitable now that it makes money on both ends of the procedure. They get free product from the mothers and sell that commodity for a substantial profit.

They have been using these procedures for procuring this type of research tissue since 2000.
Oh, well....that makes it just hunky dory......

BTW...when this was exposed in 2000, the media was outraged by it.......Today.....precious agendas are to be protected......

Planned Parenthood is taking a huge hit over this. They can deflect and make excuses all day long but people know this is wrong
I expect there to be criminal charges.......but I won't hold My breath..

Funny how those clumps of cells have suddenly sprouted lungs and livers and hearts......
Racketeering. It's not the first time...a few years ago multiple clinics were closed and PP had to pay back millions in Medicare fraud. Glossed over by a complicit media, of course. They were billing Medicare for procedures they weren't providing, while at the same time taking cash for abortions. So doing abortions for cash, then billing Medicare for services not provided, and altering medical records to hide it.
I'll bet the crime families of NY and Chicago were jealous as hell!!!!!
Yeah my only hope is that BlindBoo never finds the guts to follow up on his beliefs and joins one of the cartels or something. I mean, if you're okay with harvesting human beings you don't consider people for organs then why would you have any issues slicing up a slightly older person for the drugs in their stomach?
I support the rights of the patients to donate their aborted fetuses and the clinics right to receive standard fees for handling the transfer of the tissue.

It is not murdering babies.

I think most of the outrage is phony of course. It's all just a push to try punish planned parenthood like what happened to Acorn or Shirely Sharrod which was an emotional responses to doctored video too.
This is one step away from farming babies for the sale of body parts. You sir are a fucking ghoul!
GOP is is charge of the budget. Stop payments to PP immediately and let Obama veto the Billl.
I mean, if you're okay with harvesting human beings you don't consider people for organs then why would you have any issues slicing up a slightly older person for.....

What a vile thing to say. But then again you are one of the fascist Anti-Freedom of Choice folks so I'm sure it's not the worst thing you've said today.

Yes I'm an organ donor. What's your point? Can you imagine the conversations trauma-rooms doctors have when they talk shop?

"Where you are negotiating prices for fetal lungs and livers while discussing how to avoid the perception that you are negotiating prices for fetal lungs and livers, you are engaged in a conspiracy to violate federal laws — something that Washington Post reporters once gave a damn about. Richard Nixon wanted to burgle in a way that was not perceived as: “This president is a crook.” But he was a crook.
"And it is manifestly the case that the people who run Planned Parenthood are crooks, too."

Planned Parenthood Is a Business National Review Online
But human livers go great with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
I mean, if you're okay with harvesting human beings you don't consider people for organs then why would you have any issues slicing up a slightly older person for.....

What a vile thing to say. But then again you are one of the fascist Anti-Freedom of Choice folks so I'm sure it's not the worst thing you've said today.

Yes I'm an organ donor. What's your point? Can you imagine the conversations trauma-rooms doctors have when they talk shop?
You're right. I'm absolutely against your choice to scrap your daughter for parts. I don't give a damn if you don't see her as a human being. I'm just as strongly against that last group of socialists who set up an industry to murder undesirables they didn't consider real humans too. It's a moral obligation to oppose beliefs and choices like yours.

It's telling that you never bothered answering my questions for the benefit of the discussion. You skipped around them like I said you would. They were:

If you're willing to do this to an unborn human, then would you be willing to do it to that same human immediately after birth? If not, then why is it different?
Would you be willing to do it to an unborn puppy? How about a born one? If not then why would you do to the human what you wouldn't to the dog?

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