The Cult Of Pelosi Is A Deadly Thing For Democrats’ Future

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The Federalist ^ | January 15, 2020 | Christopher Bedford

The cult of Pelosi isn't just a 'hot take' or a 'be smart,' it's a mindset through which Washington's media elites interpret the world. It's false, and the harsh light of reality easily shows as much.

There are many cults in Washington, D.C. The Founding Church of Scientology sits between Dupont and Logan Circles. The earth-worshiping Defenders of Wildlife are just a few blocks south, their entrance guarded by imposing bronze grey wolves. One block north, the Human Rights Campaign dispatches starry-eyed adherents with clipboards to recruit followers, and to the east lie the child-harvesters. Two blocks away, the remnants of the Church of Her keep Hillary’s flame burning; and crowning them all: the mighty cult of SoulCycle.

But today, the city has another faith working reporters into a fervor, and her name is Nancy Pelosi.

Reporters have called her “basically invincible,” a “political grandmaster,” an “icon of female power,” a “rockstar” and, time and time again, “a fashion icon.” Reporters have venerated “her clothes, her hand gestures, her facial expression” and placed a halo ’round her head. Activists projected her image on San Francisco’s city hall and a D.C. restaurant dedicated a Christmas tree in her honor.

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing to President Donald Trump what no one else has in the nearly three years since he took office: She’s making him squirm.” Business Insider pronounced two days after Christmas. “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has managed to accomplish what no one else has even tried in the past three years: sticking it right back to Trump,” RawStory echoed the same day in an article that includes “squirm” in its headline.

Time magazine featured her portrait on its cover this month for the third time, with a dramatic, black and white photograph: “Why Nancy Pelosi Went All In Against Trump.” It’s just the latest in a months-long chorus of praise rising for her apparent victory against President Donald Trump. It’s a chorus gulped down by reporters, talking heads, staffers, and activists across the city.

The vote to impeach the president..........


If there's ever a democrat President elected in the future we need to start impeachment processes the day he/she/it is sworn into office as we KNOW he/she will tax us to death, confiscate our guns and arrest us if we adhere to the 2nd amendment and open up our borders FORCING US to pay for them, or the more probable answer FORCE us to House and take care of them, just like the British did to us before the REVOLUTION...MARK MY WORDS!!!
I'm not sure if Nancy is deadly for democrats or not?
1. Would AOC or anyone from "the squad" be better?
2. Her ploy to delay the impeachment trial to help Biden and hurt the senators may backfire because Bernie's supporters know WTF she did, and why
3. Her half-assed impeachment Articles turns the November election into an even more Armageddon like battle
4. Her video clips make no sense, her TIA is probably kicking in again
5. When Trump and the GOP win in November, she will be thrown under the bus.
Pelosi is now basically a meat puppet for AOC and the lunatic fringe of the Democratic Party. That and her obvious mental frailty makes her one of the most pathetic figures in American politics.
The Federalist ^ | January 15, 2020 | Christopher Bedford

The cult of Pelosi isn't just a 'hot take' or a 'be smart,' it's a mindset through which Washington's media elites interpret the world. It's false, and the harsh light of reality easily shows as much.

There are many cults in Washington, D.C. The Founding Church of Scientology sits between Dupont and Logan Circles. The earth-worshiping Defenders of Wildlife are just a few blocks south, their entrance guarded by imposing bronze grey wolves. One block north, the Human Rights Campaign dispatches starry-eyed adherents with clipboards to recruit followers, and to the east lie the child-harvesters. Two blocks away, the remnants of the Church of Her keep Hillary’s flame burning; and crowning them all: the mighty cult of SoulCycle.

But today, the city has another faith working reporters into a fervor, and her name is Nancy Pelosi.

Reporters have called her “basically invincible,” a “political grandmaster,” an “icon of female power,” a “rockstar” and, time and time again, “a fashion icon.” Reporters have venerated “her clothes, her hand gestures, her facial expression” and placed a halo ’round her head. Activists projected her image on San Francisco’s city hall and a D.C. restaurant dedicated a Christmas tree in her honor.

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing to President Donald Trump what no one else has in the nearly three years since he took office: She’s making him squirm.” Business Insider pronounced two days after Christmas. “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has managed to accomplish what no one else has even tried in the past three years: sticking it right back to Trump,” RawStory echoed the same day in an article that includes “squirm” in its headline.

Time magazine featured her portrait on its cover this month for the third time, with a dramatic, black and white photograph: “Why Nancy Pelosi Went All In Against Trump.” It’s just the latest in a months-long chorus of praise rising for her apparent victory against President Donald Trump. It’s a chorus gulped down by reporters, talking heads, staffers, and activists across the city.

The vote to impeach the president..........


If there's ever a democrat President elected in the future we need to start impeachment processes the day he/she/it is sworn into office as we KNOW he/she will tax us to death, confiscate our guns and arrest us if we adhere to the 2nd amendment and open up our borders FORCING US to pay for them, or the more probable answer FORCE us to House and take care of them, just like the British did to us before the REVOLUTION...MARK MY WORDS!!!
Actually, we need to start planning for it from the day they announce their candidacy, before any of them are elected. That’s what they did to Trump.
For all we know, if Trump hadn’t won the primary, and someone else did, they would have pulled the same thing, if another Rep had won it they felt was a threat to their inroads.

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