A Major Newspaper Just Called For The Criminal Prosecution Of Donald Trump

The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
The Boston Globe is owned by the New York Times.

Jewish Bolsheviks
^^ Exhibit A
Perhaps we "cacklers" stopped being impressed after 4 firkin' YEARS of accusations that led to ZERO charges? Here's another hint for the Leftist hate freaks... IF he was charged, convicted, AND imprisoned there is not a single statute that would keep him from running in 2024. By the time we get there, there is going to be a MASSIVE blowback against these corrupt assholes that stole this election. IF they try it again, this country is going to burn.
You won't do a fucking thing.
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The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
America has had a belly full of stinking commie papers going after President Trump who won the election while deep staters at 3 am added millions of phoney Biden copy paper votes to destroy American voter choice of Donald Trump.

Down with the lying leftist press wannabes.
Nothing you said happened. Trump lost.
The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
The Boston Globe is owned by the New York Times.

Jewish Bolsheviks
^^ Exhibit A
Perhaps we "cacklers" stopped being impressed after 4 firkin' YEARS of accusations that led to ZERO charges? Here's another hint for the Leftist hate freaks... IF he was charged, convicted, AND imprisoned there is not a single statute that would keep him from running in 2024. By the time we get there, there is going to be a MASSIVE blowback against these corrupt assholes that stole this election. IF they try it again, this country is going to burn.
Trump will not run. His time is up. He lost 2 elections by the popular vote, he will not ever win an election.
The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
America has had a belly full of stinking commie papers going after President Trump who won the election while deep staters at 3 am added millions of phoney Biden copy paper votes to destroy American voter choice of Donald Trump.

Down with the lying leftist press wannabes.
what this clown ignores and has no interest is the major media MSM newspapers are controlled by the demonic CIA.
Well, they are bucking for the Alinsky's chaos paradigm. And they're good at it. I'm not worried, however. I'm an obedient believer that God is on our side no matter how fierce their cream pie shots are. In fact I think they are going to bring themselves way far down. :muahaha:
Russian Christians thought the same thing.
The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
Good luck.
The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
The Boston Globe is owned by the New York Times.

Jewish Bolsheviks
^^ Exhibit A
Perhaps we "cacklers" stopped being impressed after 4 firkin' YEARS of accusations that led to ZERO charges? Here's another hint for the Leftist hate freaks... IF he was charged, convicted, AND imprisoned there is not a single statute that would keep him from running in 2024. By the time we get there, there is going to be a MASSIVE blowback against these corrupt assholes that stole this election. IF they try it again, this country is going to burn.
Mr. Esdraelon, I believe the there there is already here and there. *sigh*
The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
America has had a belly full of stinking commie papers going after President Trump who won the election while deep staters at 3 am added millions of phoney Biden copy paper votes to destroy American voter choice of Donald Trump.

Down with the lying leftist press wannabes.
Nothing you said happened. Trump lost.
No, the politburo demanded the leftists at the polls to make up boxes of local copycat ballots scheduled for post 3 o'clock am to add enough millions of votes to support the fake narratives of the left to give the illusion that Joe Dementia won the election. The corrupt trustees at the polls did as told or face Pelosi shunning forevermore. Plus they employed omeurta ad nauseum.

You can run from the truth, but you simply cannot hide the truth indefinitely. Biden ought to be in solitary confinement for foreign aid extortion in a federal prison for his 47 year career of extorting 30% of all taxpayer-funded aid. That's on about the same level as taking money out of the poor box of churches around the globe for 57 years.

The rigged election of the deep state will haunt the Democrat party that severed its ties to humanitarian government over 60 years ago, confused many religious persons to leave sanctity, honor, honesty, loyalty, defense of this nation's working persons who soon will be paying the highest taxes on the planet to pay Chinese bankers back or engage in an armageddon the likes of which will depopulate countries and turn the good earth into a leveled nuclear wasteland the likes of which will become a world as devoid of life as Mars.
And that is exactly where Democrat ambitions for total power by lying and cheating omeurta style. And that's exactly where this horrific depravity of the polls are headed, in my humble opinion.
The Democrats went wrong by their creation of so many false scenarios it broke the wisdom of ages commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness." The news nincompoops who foisted this series of inanities against the American people and themselves future brought about very unpleasant hubris they created recklessly and with malice aforethought.
BFD I am calling for the editorial board of the Boston Globe to be disbanded this will have the same impact their calling for Donald Trumps prosecution will zero.

Except the prosecution of Trump is much more likely. After the events of the last five years, the continuing defense of this traitor, and criminal is unbelievable at this point.

I'm trying to think of any President in history, whose children were actually ordered by a court, to take a class on how to not steal from a charity.

Or a commander in chief that called the fallen troops under his command suckers and losers.

What's more curious than all of that, is what kind of piece shit low life, supports people like that.
BFD I am calling for the editorial board of the Boston Globe to be disbanded this will have the same impact their calling for Donald Trumps prosecution will zero.

Except the prosecution of Trump is much more likely. After the events of the last five years, the continuing defense of this traitor, and criminal is unbelievable at this point.

I'm trying to think of any President in history, whose children were actually ordered by a court, to take a class on how to not steal from a charity.

Or a commander in chief that called the fallen troops under his command suckers and losers.

What's more curious than all of that, is what kind of piece shit low life, supports people like that.
You really a sad little fool.
The Left is downing in their psycho hate

The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
Well....they can shit in one hand and wish in another.
But if they go all the way on this and get him in court.....maybe they can go shopping for a black female transsexual judge or maybe go with a Hispanic judge that supports open borders. But then again....all of that mess will get thrown out in a few months anyway. Evidence being found in AZ alone would result in a dismissal.
The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
Who cares? How many times have we heard this? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Evidence being found in AZ alone would result in a dismissal.
Evidence of WHAT, exactly? I don't think you understand how this works. You cant just "raise suspicion". You have to prove large scale fraud. Prove it. In a court. The Trump Big Lie team isn't within light years of that.
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The editorial board for the Boston Globe made the case this week for holding Trump criminally accountable for his obstruction of justice, efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia and inciting an insurrection Jan. 6 aimed at stopping the certification of Joe Biden's electoral win, arguing that prosecution was the only way to ensure future presidents conducted themselves honorably and lawfully.

It will have to be done at the state level. Looks like the new Attorney General will be his new defense lawyer.
No, I don't think so.


The Justice Department provided Mr. Donoghue’s notes to the House Oversight and Reform Committee, which is investigating the Trump administration’s efforts to unlawfully reverse the election results.

Typically, the department has fought to keep secret any accounts of private discussions between a president and his cabinet to avoid setting a precedent that would prevent officials in future administrations from candidly advising presidents out of concern that their conversations would later be made public.

But handing over the notes to Congress is part of a pattern of allowing scrutiny of Mr. Trump’s efforts to overturn the election. The Biden Justice Department also told Mr. Rosen, Mr. Donoghue and other former officials this week that they could provide unrestricted testimony to investigators with the House Oversight and Reform and the Senate Judiciary Committees.

The department reasoned that congressional investigators were examining potential wrongdoing by a sitting president, an extraordinary circumstance, according to letters sent to the former officials. Because executive privilege is meant to benefit the country, rather than the president as an individual, invoking it over Mr. Trump’s efforts to push his personal agenda would be inappropriate, the department concluded.

Evidence of WHAT, exactly? I don't think you understand how this works. You cant just "raise suspicion". You have to prove large scale fraud. Prove it. In a court. The Trump Big Lie team isn't within light years of that.
Well....in case you don't know how it works.....first you have to find the proof and certify it. That's what the damned audit is for. Next comes the court cases. I figure Biden and is big election fraud machine will be sued in court all over the country.

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